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Everything posted by timothyb

  1. timothyb

    disapearing camera

    he wont let me post them yet he just hopes if it gets out they will return it where they found it he will check during the hunt every so often then after the hunt he will pursue it more thoroughly. so when he goes in there he figures the culprits will probably have a tree stand set up there. it is a pretty good spot.
  2. A friend of mine had placed several trail cameras on southern slopes of the burro mountains two of them were placed close together, one of them was taken or possibly borrowed, but any way the one that was not taken had some interesting photos of the possible borrower. he decided that he would let this person have a few days to return the camera befor persuing the identity of the borrower at sporting good stores in the southwest area of new mexico, also he will post an add in the silver city daily press with an address for the return of this camera. this camera had a password and is not any good without this password, the manufacture has also been notified with serial number and password. he is new to coues deer hunting and is totaly disgusted with it all he has taken down his tree stand and removed all his cameras. this just isnt right we would apreciate any help in the return of this camera. This is a great website I have been watching it for a few years and I finaly decided to become a member ill post trail cam pictures of my own later thanks
  3. timothyb

    disapearing camera

    then they would have some pictures of a big "buck" ha ha ha
  4. timothyb

    disapearing camera

    Every bit of lazyness on "my" part? what is that suppose to mean?
  5. timothyb

    disapearing camera

    I would post them in a minute, but my friend is very passive and wants to get his camera back but doesnt want to ruin anybody in the process every body makes mistakes and theyll be given a fair chance to right the wrong that was done. without giving up identity or being held acountable. I too dont chain my cameras so i guess it is just a matter of time befor they dissapeer also. but they are the most addicting past time that i have ever got involved with.