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Everything posted by Elmacho

  1. Elmacho

    Trail Cam Ban?

    We are simply getting further away from fair chase-------period. Everything is fair game (pun) when it comes to gaining advantage---- I am all for some hunting aides, but come-on.... Complete ballistic calculation systems... 1400 yd rifles 500 yd muzz with scope---nothing primitive about that. 150 yd bow shots Buddy hunting is one thing, TEAM HUNTING is something totally different. I know....runnin off at the mouth..... Lets go with no cellular cams and maybe a season for cameras............like close it Aug 31-Dec 1.... Similar to Nevada
  2. Elmacho

    My sons 1st Coues

    Very impressive! Congratulations on a great experience! I would shoot either of those rams in a second! awesome!
  3. Elmacho

    Max Point Question

    They should start posting the age classification of the top bonus point holders so we can start a "deadpool" give us something to do for a few years.....sorry...dark sense of humor with all sense of sarcasm included...
  4. Elmacho


    Wow! That's a purdy one! Congrats
  5. Ya....pretty dang good for your first. Way to stick with it and finish strong....thats the best.
  6. Elmacho

    Uh oh...

    Sad, My friend got parkinsons at age 62. Imagine a strong tough SOB- like filo bedo---- reduced him to a quivering pile in about 3 years. Kinda like the video. But he could sit at a bench and shake and convulse, barely hang on to a rifle......then tense up and shoot a dinger at 400 yds.....or use his shotgun as a walking stick with three of us watching he doesnt fall down. His dog goes on point and he doubles on WILD CHUKAR!!!!! WTF!!! Poor guy was great, but lost his battle a couple years ago.... I dont smoke anything, but I would advocate the medicinal use... God luck this season everyone
  7. Elmacho

    Punched my 2020 Tag

    WHHHOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAA!- thats all i got. no other words for it!
  8. Elmacho

    11 years in the making.

    Wow, thats so cool. Thats my dream right there.....hopefully in 2021...
  9. Elmacho

    Biggest Buck To Date

    Way to go! Nice Buck and weapon!
  10. Elmacho

    6a Halloween Buck

    Yep, that buck ROCKS! And thanks for helping with the veterans' hunts. Good Karma!
  11. Elmacho

    A sad dry summer

    Toby, That makes too much sense.......
  12. Elmacho

    10yr Old Daughter's rifle bull

  13. Elmacho

    Teamwork and spotting/guiding a shooter in on a buck

    Dustin25, You are correct. I wasn't trying to say radios are wrong or unethical...... I learned to stalk through trial and error, lots of it.... the successes are sooooo sweet! My buddy was watching from above,just because he happened to be there when I spotted and decided to stalk the bucks--both times. Using the radio was not even part of the consideration. After the shot, on the way back up the hill, I pulled the radio outta the pack cussing myself for missing and he said, "WTF are you talking about?, you drilled him and he crashed over the ridge from you!" I did't even think I hit the buck (in the end it wasnt a great hit, so it took a while longer than normal)......so....very lucky on that one. On another, I lost sight of the arrow flight in the shadows and the mule deer bounded away looking unhit..bounded a couple hundred yards until outta sight-he never looked sick. We yelled back and forth up the canyon---he was 100yds behind me with binos, and couldnt here eachother....oh hey...let me try the radio......he tells me I smoked him.....next couple hours on my hands and knees tracking- drip here, drip there blood.....found him 350 yards away with arrow entering last rib, stuck in front collarbone. So, yes...a crutch of sorts, but not planned that way....
  14. Elmacho

    Teamwork and spotting/guiding a shooter in on a buck

    I think to truly learn the craft of stalking game, you need to ditch the radio. Your hunting senses and patience will grow as a result. The sense of wind direction will become second nature, picking out the bush the deer is under will become better, stalking skills increase....etc......you will adapt and the feeling of accomplishment will multiply exponentially. Having someone to guide you to the animal creates a crutch.....your relying upon directions instead of your own brain to figure it out. You are smart enough to grow the senses on your own. Does it mean you may not make a kill for a couple years? Maybe, but that's just part of it....(the painful part) I do however like to have a spotter for after the shot if possible......I have recovered two animals that would have been worm bait if my buddy had not seen where he went from up high above us. One was a clean shot and he still ran 250 yards and disappeared from my view, the other was a not so great shot and he went 1/2 mile, but my buddy saw it all from above. My radio was off until after the shots, then I called with a WTF just happened? Best of luck
  15. Two Words: DREAM BUCK Congratulations! (guess thats three words)
  16. Elmacho

    Unit 27 Semi Live Late Bull Hunt

    Thats a great way to start!
  17. Elmacho

    Last Day Bull (pics)

    Way to utilize 14 days of your life!!! The hunt itself is priceless. Nice bull to close out the hunt! Did you see/have close calls with any other interesting specimens?
  18. Elmacho

    22S Last Night

    Trophyhunter I knew that would get a response! ha.....your funny as heck, love reading your reactions to posts. I was just making a reference to the decaying morals of society and them spilling over into hunting......no issues here thank goodness. good luck this season
  19. Elmacho

    22S Last Night

    I think I will head that direction and drive around until I find the ravens buzzing around like mosquito on the 4th of july..... Probably bring a trailer, dont think I could fit half dozen "skulls" with antlers in my pickup. This is the distasteful part of life.....ethics/morals be damned.......like a multi-time cheating spouse- shoplifters, - theives...etc......just part of the population I guess
  20. Thanks for sharing the adventure....was checking in 2x a day to keep up. You had one heck of a hunt. May the draw gods shine on you again.
  21. Elmacho

    California Becomes First State To Ban Fur Trapping

    It is an all out assault on guns and hunting from all fronts in CA. Everything is becoming a horror story......I hope to leave in the near future, but in the meantime, dont let this happen in your state....fight it all you can..... Internet orders require an FFL-----but none want the headache. Cant bring ammo purchased out of state Retailers that do carry ammo are charging "a bit more" than they used to or available on-line-------good for business, bad for keeping shooting sports alive Ammo purchases require a backround check---like buying a firearm---everytime you purchase All hunting must be done with non-tox bullets and shot. Stores hardly carry any non-tox ammo minimal infractions result in MAJOR penalties... Anything public land that has any water, elevation, feed or cover has been declared a wilderness or off-limits Rant over- Good luck this season
  22. May the force be with you, Idgaf! Whack a beast!
  23. I haven't had a tag there, but watching this post is dang good. Keep at it and whack a good one. Thank you for sharing your ride with us!
  24. Elmacho

    22 Points

    why not 3A/C with the rifle going first this year?
  25. Elmacho

    Unit 6 Muzz Anyone?

    Hello everyone, I am a lucky non-res who drew this tag, though I didn't think I would. I will learn as much about the unit as possible as I have time to scout and prefer to not hire a guide at this time. I am planning to scout the roads/access at the end of the month...and again in Oct. for some good bulls. Any suggestions welcome, I know its a big area and I cant hunt it all. just trying to narrow it down a bit so I ain't running all over. trying to narrow it down to half or quarter of the unit, if thats an option... Thanks and good luck in the deer/sheep draws