im sorry guys i know it is bad to refer you to a deer from a few years ago but we haven't killed a coues again till this year. the wife shot that deer and then wanted to try mule deer hunting (which i hope i never have to do again). we didn't get drawn one year, she was 8 months pregnant the fallowing year and just the drive made her sick. i didnt push her to hard for obvious reasons, plus she had a bull elk tag the fallowing week. she got her first elk which was small but he was the only one that would stand there long enough to let her waddle off the road to get a shot. the fallowing year she got her muley, and this year she got another coues that was bigger than her first. she has filled 5 out 6 tags with me and is getting awfully picky. i will get all the pics up as soon as possible. i dont know what she is going to do if i cant find her one some year. the best part about all of this is that the kids are the ones most concerned about us getting a deer, which is nice cause i have an 8 yr old girl that is dying to start hunting and i dont think it would be that way if she didnt see her mom doing it.