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Everything posted by fireman

  1. fireman

    Early 12a west

    I'll be up there too. Good luck.
  2. fireman

    Cow Elk 4A

    E-scout, boots on the ground, E-scout, boots on the ground, and repeat.
  3. fireman


  4. fireman


    Still available
  5. fireman


  6. fireman


  7. fireman

    WTB Full Archery Set up

    I have a 70# draw Bowtech Tomkat currently set at 60# 28". New string and cables last year, upgraded rest, sight, and quiver with a 1/2 dozen arrows. $375.00 obo
  8. fireman

    4A Early archery

    Got it done. First big game harvest.
  9. **Gone** Free to new hunter 14 - 29" 400 carbon arrows and 5 that need refletched, have vanes. 1- Nikon rangefinder 1- Primos elk tube 
  10. fireman

    **Gone*** Free to new hunter

    All spoken for.
  11. fireman

    Pay it forward - I will start

    Moved to general classifieds
  12. fireman

    Good Guy Seller List

    Just purchased a Hoyt bow from 452b264. Great seller
  13. fireman


    Dmed you.
  14. fireman

    4A Early archery

    I'll be there.
  15. fireman

    Tags in the mail?

    Mine came today.
  16. For sale 6 100g Bloodrunner mechanical broadheads $25. Never been shot decided to go a different route.
  17. fireman


    I got hit!! Early bull
  18. fireman

    Tick Tock

    They really don't even need to give time to update. We're all adults and should have made sure our cards are good. Just saying
  19. fireman

    Anybody have beetles for skulls?

    Ben @ AZ Skulls
  20. Wanting to get rid of my hard case and go to a soft case for my compound bow. Anyone have a recommendation on one with some good storage? Thanks
  21. Selling a used in good condition hard bow case. $25
  22. fireman

    Soft Bow Case Recommendation

    LifeFeedsOnLife, thanks for the recommendation. Just got yesterday.
  23. fireman

    Soft Bow Case Recommendation

    Takes up too much room. Bought when I had a Bronco with limited space so stuff had to get stacked.