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Everything posted by Mangum

  1. Mangum

    Unit 34A

    I don't even hunt clsoe to 34A but I am all for the jobs. Lot a people that need them right now.
  2. Mangum

    Unit 34A

    WOW. Well I better add mine. Maybe i'll be the lucky one to be the first on the forth page.
  3. Mangum

    whats in your pack?

    You might add benadryl. I have read that it is good to take if you are bitten by a posionous snake.
  4. Mangum

    She Shoots...She SCORES!!

    Awesome buck Amnda. Congrats.
  5. Mangum

    Kade's first buck

    Hooked for sure Nice buck and way to smile in those pics.
  6. Mangum

    Game camera regs

    I've "lost" some cameras out of 27. HUMMMMM
  7. Mangum

    Reloading question

    Thanks for your input. I did find some interesting reading about it on the net. From what I gather so long as you don't leave your powder out in the open air during humid conditions too long it will produce consitent velocities.
  8. Does the humidity in the air while reloading affect the velocity and accuracy of the load?
  9. Mangum


  10. Mangum

    Memorial Day

    Thanks azslim.
  11. Mangum

    Walking stick/staff

    I used a walking staff on my last outing that was about as tall as I am. It was a big help especially going down steep slops and crossing fallen trees. We covered about 6 miles, a normal trip for us, I noticed a considerable difference in how much energy I had left at the end of the day. I was wondering what your take is on a walking aid in the woods or on the trail?
  12. Mangum

    Walking stick/staff

    I'm with you all on the no money spent thing. The one I used was a sapling sized dry Alder and thats because that was just what was available. I agree with Bill on the highth a staff should be. not only does it steady your binos but it gives you a little more reach on steep slops or while crossing a creek.
  13. Mangum

    Nice Bear

    I got a picture of a nice bear last saturday off the ol' trail cam.
  14. Mangum

    Nice Bear

    Notice how the picture shot is almost straight down. That cam. is up high for a reason. He's robbed a couple before, must think they're tasty or somethin. For sure. As he stands right there it's a perfect quartering away shot from 15 yards.
  15. Mangum

    Theoretical Situation

    I am a .308 man. When i'm not killing deer with it my brother borrows it and kills elk with it. Great gun proven gun, and ammo abounds.
  16. Mangum

    new custom rifle

    Excellent choice of soda I must say.
  17. Mangum

    Tree stands?

    Good info. That will help me pick one.
  18. Mangum

    Looks like a little rut activity to me

    Very cool.
  19. Mangum

    "Unlimited Take" San Carlos Lake

  20. Mangum

    Last stand of 09

    The deer will thank you and so do I.
  21. Squirrel hunting is the best. I make it a point to go atleast once for the year.
  22. Mangum

    Muzzy muley

    Nice tall muley. Love it.