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About Mangum

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 07/14/1981

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  1. Mangum

    Archery buck

    Love those old bucks! Congrats on a great spot and stalk!
  2. Mangum

    Archery Coues Success

    Nice work. Time spent in a good stand location usually pays off. He's a beauty!
  3. Mangum

    2024 Coues Deer!

  4. Mangum

    New years day buck

    Thanks WHT_MTNMAN.
  5. Old buck. Teeth were worn down almost to the gums. Patience paid off. Past on 5 other bucks before he came to the scrape I was sitting on. Not my best buck to dated but I thought you might enjoy seeing him.
  6. Mangum

    Micro Arrows

    This buck was quartering to me at 40 yards. The shot hit him low, right on the elbow joint. The arrow deflected to the right and I still got a pass through. Broadhead was a 100gr ram cat and the arrow was a VAP TKO. All components held together great. Sounded like I hit a rock when it impacted the elbow. The blood trail lead me to a bonus. C6B5E21E-B1A1-4394-B36B-CF1C98831CA4.MOV
  7. Mangum

    His days were numbered

    I'll try to stay out of your way 😉
  8. Mangum

    His days were numbered

    No it was in the morning about 9:00am. It was really over cast that day. I was sitting on a little puddle of a seep that always seems to have about the same amount of water no matter how dry it is. It was really getting hammered this year with how dry is been.
  9. Someone on here may recognize this buck. Someone made a pass through neck shot on this buck that by some miracle didn't hit anything vital. The wound was actually healing up nicely. Anyway, he wasn't so fortunate with me...
  10. Mangum

    2020 Archery OTC Coues

    Looks like being a respectful hunter paid off for you. Congrats on an outstanding buck.
  11. Mangum

    First day velvet success...

    I wasn't there but I can see it going down in my mind. That will have to do for now. At least until Saturday. Great buck man. Congrats.
  12. Well I haven't been able to get away from work to do any hunting this season yet but I did finally get the buck that I killed last year back from the taxidermist.So now Alfred has his good buddy Tiny Tim to "hangout" with.
  13. Mangum


    Masterfully done. Congrats!