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Everything posted by live24wheel

  1. I know I was reading some post somewhere about it being legal to carry a handgun during an Archery hunt. Is that correct, I think it said it must have a 5" or shorter barrel and no scope I believe. I would call AZGFD, I was unable to find it in the reg's. Figured I could have it answered before I got out of work tonight. Thanks, Tom
  2. live24wheel


    LMAO x2, The TRD exaust makes it tricky, but fun!
  3. live24wheel

    Handgun carry during archery hunt

    Surry bud, let me refrase that. I have heard of this in the past and dont want it happening to me. You shoot a bear or lion with your bow, and he charges you. I will NOT rely on getting another arrow nocked and trying to stop him before he stops me, I.E. personal protection, .45. Yeah I know it is rare but I would rather have it than not.
  4. live24wheel

    Handgun carry during archery hunt

    Good deal, I would hate to fling an arrow at a kitty cat and have him get a bit upset with me. haha, I will just call my lil friend, .45.... Thanks bud, Tom
  5. Hello all, I am completely new here and looking for any help with the northern portion of Unit 24A. I have already sent a couple PM's to people I came across in other posts. I am going to be Archery Hunting it come December 14th. I did go up there and scout yesterday. I have one more chance to scout the weekend before the hunt opens. Is there any info, areas or anything you can give me. I started at Seneca lake and from there took the main dirt road all the way to about where it ended. I went past the "high on the canyon side" spot, to where it drops you down in the canyon. I tried most of the side roads to get a feel for the unit. Of all the water holes I came across, only one had a bit of water in it. I plan to basically hunt that opening morning as I wasnt able to find many more good bow opportunities. I was directed to this are by another person I know but he wouldnt tell me much more.... This will be my first deer with a bow if I get the chance. Any help would be awesome! Thanks, Tom