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About dcalvert

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  1. dcalvert

    3 older shotguns

    I am in Apache Junction
  2. dcalvert

    3 older shotguns

    I am in Apache Junction
  3. dcalvert

    AR 10 Eagle Arms by Armalite

    This is a very nice AR 10
  4. dcalvert

    .22 Olympic Arms Pistol NIB

  5. dcalvert

    .22 Olympic Arms Pistol NIB

    Still available, do you want to meet somewhere? 602-790-8253c Dale
  6. dcalvert

    .22 Olympic Arms Pistol NIB

    Apache Junction, can meet if that helps D..,
  7. dcalvert

    .22 Olympic Arms Pistol NIB

    Yes, quite lightweight
  8. dcalvert

    In Search of .270 WSM Brass

    Reloading 270 WSM is a challenge to ssy the least!
  9. dcalvert

    Zeiss 15x60 T Binoculars

  10. dcalvert

    Zeiss 15x60 T Binoculars

  11. dcalvert

    Zeiss 15x60 T Binoculars

    Soft, one of eye cups has the rubber tab broke off. Bino’s are in quite good shape. dcalvert
  12. dcalvert

    Zeiss 15x60 T Binoculars

    Excellent condition $900 includes tripod adapter. dcalvert
  13. dcalvert

    Zeiss 15X60 for sale $1400.00

    devinv, If that was an offer I am not intested in selling at that price. Awsome bino's in excellent condintion Thanks dcalvert
  14. dcalvert

    Zeiss 15X60 for sale $1400.00

    are they T* or B*? They are T*
  15. I am selling my 15X60 Zeiss includes machined aluiminum tripod adapter. They are in excellent condition and have spent a lot of time in my safe. Made in West Germany $1400.00 email at dcalvert12@cox.net. call cell 602-790-8253