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Everything posted by mattobertin

  1. mattobertin

    Bolt ons!

    I think the guy should have antlers bolted onto his head and have G&F stand around and take pictures of him laughing and carrying on for a couple hours. Eye for an eye or in this case antler for an antler! LOL!
  2. mattobertin

    Yard Buck

    I see a great place for a solid tree stand right on the corner of that roof! Awesome pics, wish I could see that out of my front yard! P.S.- Do you think it would be going overboard to spray paint the whole house camo? LOL!
  3. What exactly is wrong with it? I would say touch it up. Monster buck by the way what does he score?
  4. mattobertin

    My 08 lion

    Sounds like a serious dilemma! ANOTHER lion huh? Wish I could find just one! LOL! Nice cat and buck. I'm obviously jealous.
  5. mattobertin

    Prayers for Casey

    Hey Casey do you think they will let you bring the crapper chair to boot camp? LOL!
  6. everything happens for a reason! You just need to figure out what that reason is! That is a heck of a nice buck, i can see where the frustration would come in not being able to stick an arrow in him!
  7. mattobertin

    Did my deer meat go bad?

    sounds fine to me.... now lets see some pics.
  8. mattobertin

    I got the call!

    LOL! More than that! you have to figure the price of toilet paper and stuff like that too! Congrats mom and dad!
  9. mattobertin

    Small Desert carp

    way to go on another archery muley bro! Nice buck!
  10. mattobertin

    FOR SALE Minox 15X58 ED BR

    I will give u $400 for them right now!
  11. mattobertin

    Soggy Mearns

    Did you need a spoon to clean out your britches?
  12. mattobertin

    Any Packers fans here?????

    I lived in Minnesota for a few also but they just don't have the good grub like WI sorry man!
  13. mattobertin

    Any Packers fans here?????

    I was born in Kenosha WI. I just got a shipment of cheese and other good stuff from Bobby Nelson's cheese shop! Good stuff man!
  14. mattobertin

    Amber needs new Tennies

    I have bought optima gel cells from interstate battery in mesa. They have the refurbished ones (redtop) for about sixty bucks! May be a little more than that but call them up and give them a shot.
  15. mattobertin


    Hi got any honeyholes? Just kidding! LOL!
  16. mattobertin

    Are you kidding me?

    AH man! I was wondering what happened to my hunting spot this year! Thanks alot buddy ! LOL!
  17. mattobertin

    my weekend trip

    That's looks like an old hunting accident to me. LOL!
  18. mattobertin

    Are you kidding me?

    Most people may not but i did! LOL!
  19. mattobertin

    Salt Feed....

    Who exactly do we send the email to i would like to send one or two.
  20. mattobertin

    Arizona in the UFC house

    Apparently Bader rooms with C.J. Dollaway (spelling??) in Tempe. I agree all of those fights were awesome, I did'nt expect Bader to whoop butt like he did!
  21. If I do recall, I glassed up the biggest buck of the trip, and the buck that I shot.. So, even with you "dougling your deer" I smoked you! Fool! UUUHHHH,,,, What does "dougling" mean? Learn how to spell before you talk crap buddy. LOL! Glassing ability is useless if you glass crappy spots partner! How do you think I figured out those places we were hunting were good? Thats right I glassed deer! But I will give you credit for out dougling me!!!!! HAHAHA!!!!
  22. mattobertin

    Salt Feed....

    Go to the feed store and get either regular salt blocks or the salt/mineral blocks and set them in your favorite spots.
  23. I doubled the deer you found too! By the way, how did you find that spot you shot your deer from????? Isnt that the same spot we saw three hundred inch bucks from????? That's what I thought! No need to thank me bro! LOL! Oh and by the way the night i brought the beer to our glassing spot how many deer did I spot? And was'nt there two bucks in there too??? HMMMM???? I'm pretty sure you were trying to get me to bring beer every time we glassed after that! LOL! You know whats up! I'm bringing beer with me on every trip from now on!!!!
  24. mattobertin

    Nephew's Unit 23 coues

    WOW! Awesome deer!
  25. You might start seeing more bucks if you 1.) Wait a little later than 8:30 a.m. to give up and take a nap! 2.) stop telling your glassing partner about all of the close encounters you have had with the oppisite sex! 3.) Quit glassing for foxes and coyotes! LOL!!!! Its funny cuz its true!!!! Just kidding buddy you are an excelent glasser when you are glassing! HA