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Everything posted by Browning'sCustomMeat

  1. Browning'sCustomMeat

    December 2007 CWT

    I'd move that mount inside before it gets too much weather...... :lol: Great looking deer!
  2. Browning'sCustomMeat

    What to do in Maine?

    Ain't Maine famous for cherry pie??? Supposed to have the best cherries.....
  3. Browning'sCustomMeat

    Payson eating

    Macky'y is right next to the theater.. Mexican food? El Rancho, just before the big gold 'M' on the left or La Sierra, the north side of town at the stop light of Hwy87 and Forest.....
  4. Browning'sCustomMeat

    Payson eating

    Diamond Point Steak House Fargo's Black Bear....not sure what its called now, maybe the Mogollon Steak House(just before Strawberry) The Casino has decent food Mack'y Grill is a local favorite Cardo's has great food..... there are a few more not sure what kinda place you're looking for. -J-
  5. Browning'sCustomMeat

    Unauthorized Dam

    Being fairly new, thats the first time I have read that.....That was great!! :lol: :lol:
  6. Browning'sCustomMeat

    "Quiet" boot covers

    Now thats funny!! :lol: I'll have to try that, just to see what happens...... You could just buy a big stuffed animal and skin him out. Heck, you could even take him out in the yard and stick an arrow in him just for fun. Then hang him in a tree and skin him. That'll freak the neighbors out.
  7. Browning'sCustomMeat

    What release?

  8. Browning'sCustomMeat

    Kansas Turkey/Coyote

  9. Browning'sCustomMeat

    Hunting Guide School

    Good luck up there, wish I could go one of these days!!
  10. Browning'sCustomMeat

    Deer Farming

    LMAO!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: ......oh, my eyes are watering!!!!
  11. Browning'sCustomMeat

    Is this our next president?

    And here's another.......
  12. Browning'sCustomMeat

    Is this our next president?

    Figured I'd send this out to the fan club.
  13. Browning'sCustomMeat

    .50 cal muzzleloader

  14. Browning'sCustomMeat

    .50 cal muzzleloader

    I have a .50cal muzzleloader that I am needing to sell. It has never been shot and just sitting in my bedroom. Comes with a fixed 4x40 scope. $200. Thanks, -Jeremy-
  15. Browning'sCustomMeat

    Help me pick out tires.....

    I'm shopping as well and I have found a couple of sites that may help you out....... www.1010tires.com www.tirerack.com 1010 tires you could check the sizes and compare the ones you like, Tire rack has great deals on tires and tire wheel packages. you can check out the reviews on hundreds of tires.You've probably found these already on your own, if not, well, there you go! -J-
  16. Browning'sCustomMeat

    Favorite Trophy's

    This buck is the biggest I have taken so far. Dec 1998. Score: 98-5/8" My first archery coues. Sept. 2004. My first and only archery muley. Dec. 2007. Wyatt my youngest boy just loves it!!
  17. Browning'sCustomMeat

    Take a woman hunting!!

    I have tried to get my wife to go hunting and put in for the draws, but I have no luck in doing so. She however loves going hiking with me looking for horns, scouting, or maybe just a cruise through the back country. My 10yr old daughter on the other hand loves shooting and can not wait to see if she draws a deer tag this year, and oh boy, I hope she does. Maybe I could scrounge up some pics and post them of my daughter out with me.
  18. Browning'sCustomMeat

    Monster Columbian Blktail

    Awesome, beautiful mount. Congrats on a trophy blacktail. -J-
  19. Browning'sCustomMeat


    Well Doug, unfortunately I was unable to make it. With all the talk that was going back and forth, Donnie, myself and the kids decided not to go. We really didn't have the right equipment to go. And listening to the advise out there, we figured that we would wait and "guinea pig" ourselves first. We are still thinking about the run from Childs to Horseshoe, but we would make that run by ourselves, or even the one from farther north to Beasley Flats. So, to answer your question, no, I didn't get to run any of the Verde and have no pictures. Thanks to everyone for the info and hopefully maybe, I can get out there one day. Doug, thanks for the link to the river guide, my kids enjoyed it and are excited to get out there too! -Jeremy-
  20. Browning'sCustomMeat


    Looking for info and opinions...... March 15th is the date planned. Me and two of my sons and a friend and his two boys are wanting to take a trip from Camp Verde to Childs. Wondering if any of you out there have done this and what are we in for??? Any advise and help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, -J-
  21. Browning'sCustomMeat

    Deer tag.

    My Navajo Rez Muley tag, again.
  22. Browning'sCustomMeat

    .50 cal muzzleloader

    .....its a CVA Eclipse Hunter 1:32 twist. Don't have any pics yet, but I will shortly.
  23. Browning'sCustomMeat

    Any country fans?

    Chris Ledoux, over and over and over. +1 on the everything being blurry, thats why its so good! I lost a hat last year.......found in the next day in the middle of a camp, 5 spots away......
  24. Browning'sCustomMeat

    Any country fans?

    I personally like Mr. Robbins.
  25. Browning'sCustomMeat

    Any country fans?

    I really can't tell what the scenery looks like when I'm down there.......everything is sooooooo blury. :lol: