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Everything posted by tommat

  1. Some how, trusting the media to defend the constitution just don't seem right. Mark But that is the number 1 reason the founding fathers insisted on freedom of the press.....to be another check and balance to those in power.
  2. tommat

    Varmit hunting

    That is starting to make some sense to me there.......
  3. tommat

    another tag filled

    Great 1st buck! Great buck for anyone!
  4. That's just a little too passive, sheep like. The media loves him so much, I wonder if they would actually disclose anything bad on him. Like the LA times refusing to release the tape of obama snuglin with some bad people. Mark Sure I'll buy maybe a a dozen or two reporters / media types covering this up, but of the tens of thousands out there, I am sure there were quite a few that would give their right arm to break this story if they could find proof.
  5. The guy who is stirring all this up appears to be a loonie. He is a lawyer who is in trouble with the Pennsylvaina supreme court and insists the US Gov't blew up the twin towers on 9/11. ""Berg is playing on the vulnerability of people who intensely dislike President-elect Barack Obama, and using his inflated accusations to solicit money from the public. He constantly exaggerates or misrepresents the facts. In early September persons acting on his behalf claimed there was a "court order" for Obama to produce a birth certificate. No such order existed."" one of many links here: click here Are we sure this isn't getting mixed up with the Hawaii Supreme Court?? Hawaii Reporter
  6. tommat

    Leftover Spring Permits

    Thanks, I was waiting for that.
  7. We worry you, but this guy doesn't? " Worrying about whether he's the anit-christ, a terrorist, a religious radical, a Kenyan, whatever is a little different than his policies. It's starting to sound like spilled milk and poor losers. I really enjoy the discussions here about policy. As a registered independent I used some info right here to do some research that help me decide my '08 vote for the McCain ticket. Part of what drove me from the republican party was stuff like the swift boat ads and the McCain fathered a "darkie child" telephone assault in South Carolina in '04. I really distrust personal attacks.
  8. Here are more links ...maybe a little more balanced: Politifact.org AP Forbes UPI
  9. You guys are starting to worry me. Let it go already. He won. Give him his 4 years...if we aren't better off then, out he will go. I find it hard to belive that any media or reporter would sweep under the rug the biggest story in history...if there was a way to prove this they would be set for life. I am sure they have tried and found no merit! If there was any possible truth to this it would have been revealed already...talk about conspiracy theory!
  10. tommat

    New OHV Requirements for 2009

    I'm going with option 1. Hope the $$$ does some good and is not wasted! Option 1: If you operate primarily off-highway, then your vehicle is eligible for a reduced Vehicle License Tax (VLT) of $3.00 and waiver of the registration fee. The following requirements must be satisfied: You must purchase an OHV Decal. An OHV owner may request a free motor vehicle registration when paying for the OHV Decal. The vehicle must be designed by the manufacturer primarily for travel over unimproved terrain and have an unladen weight of 1,800 pounds or less. You must affirm that your vehicle is equipped for highway use and will be primarily used off-highway. Registered vehicles must comply with mandatory insurance requirements. Vehicle emission testing requirements may apply.
  11. tommat

    Supreme Court

    I just googled this and read lot's of news reports about this. There is nothing to this. The guy that brought the suit is a nut job "swift boat" type dude.
  12. tommat

    Obama OH NO!!!!!!!

    My Kids have a friend that comes from a single family home. His mother is not a hunter and would never think of taking him out. This past Dove season I asked his mother if she would mind if I took him with me and my kids dove hunting. She agreed and he loved every minute of the trip. His mom loved that her son was able to get out and learn something like that, and her son will be a hunter from know on. Good for you!
  13. tommat

    Rosemont Mine

    I work in the copper mining industry and based on your radical statement above I take great exception to the fact that you are happy that copper prices are falling. I don't quite know how to say it nicely but what a ignorant statement. You should really do some research before you open you mouth to the impact that copper has on the economy of this nation and more importantly the State of Arizona. Whether or not you agree with the Rosemont mine i could care less but when you start talking about being happy about falling copper prices you sir directly affect my lively hood. I am not sure what you do for a living but I sure would not go around hoping that your business would fail. There are many many members of this forum who's living is made mining copper so I'm sure you have not made many friends today. Sundevils79 - My statement was, I admit, purely a selfish one and not meant wish you or other miners any ill harm. How radical the statement was could be debated...and I am not uneducated nor ignorant.....it's not like I'm talking about chaining myself to equipment or monkey wrenching. However the more I look into this mine the more I hate it. Do I want copper prices to hit rock bottom, No. but repressed enough to make the Canadian owners of this venture think twice about it. Heck yes! Besides promising everything and I mean everything, including water for all. I have talked to guys working in pit mines and the obsene amount of water they use. We live in a desert! The water dries up so do we! By Rosemont Copper's own admission, the copper they mine will most likely be exported to China. I don't like having tailings dumped all over our national forest for the Chinese. I know it is good for the country to have exports, but knowing China they will tariff the heck out of it like everything else we export to them, negating most of the positive. I have grown up in Arizona, I know all about the three C's. I know we need copper for everything from cell phones to F-16's. I will never change your mind about this pit mine. If this was only to affect the private land it will be located on I would be all for it. But tailings piled on our National Forest, on a State Scenic route, is wrong. I agree and wish all of the members would go to the Rosemont Copper Web site and the Save the Scenic Santa Ritas Web site to decide on their own, ( Just Google 'em ). We should know in a year or so...From conversations I have had with many I am fairly certain the mine will be built. If by some miracle it is not built them we both win. Less copper on the market from this mine will actually help sustain a higher price for copper. That's another way to look at it...........Good luck to you Sundevils79 and I hope the mine or related industry you work for does well.
  14. tommat

    Fall colors in New Hampshire and Maine

    Thats it I'm moving back east!
  15. tommat

    Draw results out

    No turkey this year but 34A Archery Javelina!
  16. tommat

    only baby bucks left.

    That's one reason I have always favored the early hunts. However when January comes around I am always amazed at the number of rutting bucks I see running around all day.
  17. tommat

    Rosemont Mine

    This mine MUST BE STOPPED! I am glad copper is falling hard in price. Rosemont is one of my favorite places to hunt, trail ride with my wife and quad with the kids....we need this strip mine like a hole in the head!
  18. tommat

    My first buck!

  19. tommat

    34A question

    thequest, Had a great hunt...but never set foot on the 143 road. I stayed close to home, Corona de Tucson, and hunted the northern side. My son and I both shot deer by the second day of the hunt.....I will try out that 143 road for the Jan bow hunt though...really looks nice. Good luck to ya!
  20. Went scouting today and drove the 143 road in about 15 miles. The country looked good and I even glassed up a couple of bedded does. My question is how will the hunting pressure be in here. I have a 10/24 tag. The past couple of seasons I hunted the northern part of the unit around rosemont junction and helvetia and was really turned off by the amount of hunters I was tripping over..even while way way off the roads......they were like ants everywhere. I was able to punch a tag in 06 but not 07 and the crowds were a real turn off. I hunted the 72 road (temporal canyon) in 05 and will never hunt in there again...worst crowds I have ever seen......so anybody know about the pressure off the 143 road past the Solero ranch on the NFS land?? Heavily hunted??
  21. I will be so happy when the Bush administration is retired to Texas! Good Ridance.