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Simple Hunter

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Everything posted by Simple Hunter

  1. Simple Hunter

    Unit 33 suggestions

    Sounds like Bellotabucks does know how to use the PM tool...too bad he didn't just utilize that from the beginning to give his specific hunt area advice. Maybe he learned something in all this...
  2. Simple Hunter


    I shot a buck in 34B He's huge... Are you ready for this? MONSTERRRRR! WT_Buck.bmp The Biggest bucks in 34B are across the road in 34A
  3. Simple Hunter

    Unit 33 suggestions

    Bellota, you can do whatever you want - but the PM tool has been almost exclusively used for instances like your willingness to advise on locations. No one is criticizing your willingness to help others be successful - we are all for it. But you obviously are not paying attention to how many e-scouters come on here looking for tips because they don't want to do the work. Look at the bottom of the screen and you can see from time to time that there are guests who are reading this post who are not registered and they are just skimming for tips on where to go. Amanda could probably give us some stats on how many skimmers come onto the forum. If they don't take the time to scout - they probably don't take the time to know the rules - they probably don't take the time to be courteous to other hunters - they probably don't take the time to practice shooting and they are probably not the kind or type of hunter I want slinging bullets in my area. That said...it is a free country.
  4. Simple Hunter

    Guess the Lion weight!

    144 lbs
  5. Simple Hunter

    Got My Lion Back!

    That pose is soooo realistic. I mean the muscle structure even appears to be straining in the right places for him to be balancing and reaching - your taxi did some good research into what the muscle confirmation of a lion should look like.
  6. Simple Hunter

    a few pics from 36B

    I've looked at that third pic zoomed in several times and I think there are 2 bears there - its the only thing that makes sense. The bear in the back is headed left and you can only see its head. The bear in front is headed right and has it's head down or something - maybe with its paw over it's face??? Weird...or it could be a mutant bear with multiple back legs?
  7. Simple Hunter

    Unit 33 suggestions

    I think the unwritten rule on this forum is to PM your specific locations rather than broadcasting them for the e-scouters. Also with 33 so close to a liberal paradise (Tucson) its probably not smart to let the antis know where the hunting areas are. I certainly think sharing information is anyone's own perogative but there are folks that have put a lot of time into identifying good areas and out of respect I think that broadcasting the locations only helps the e-scouters. Just My Opinion
  8. Simple Hunter


    Mountain Lion...the other white meat We had some of ours - and I thought it tasted exactly like chicken. We cut up most of ours into bite sized morsels and portioned it into freezer bags. The dogs ate kitty kat for quite a while...they loved it. Scott
  9. Simple Hunter

    Enviro Wackos at it again

    Tree-Huggers are at it again...I'm not talking about those in treestands either. The Feds are going to create Critical Habitat for the Jaguar in Southern Arizona which means anything that might harm the Jaguar would be most likely prohibited. This will include lion pursuit with dogs. If you think we wasted money on the wolves, then just wait for this one. http://www.azstarnet.com/sn/hourlyupdate/324866.php Sorry folks, I have no trust in the 'Obama'nation and with all the lefties in charge - we hunters will ultimately get screwed in this one. Just watch, they will have more federal employees monitoring the jaguars than they will have enforcing illegal immigration. Sorry for my pessimism, but we have lost our land to the lefties.
  10. Simple Hunter

    lion season

    CLB, you are dangeroulsy close to opening that dialogue on thresholds that has occurred on this forum before. A lion killed with a legal tag is hunting regardless of pursuit. Occassionally yahoos come on this site suggesting that we should have a minimum point threshold on bucks before they are harvested. There are also those of us who detest road hunting, but nevertheless it is a way of life and tradition for some families. Hunting is different for everyone. The reality is that you houndsmen have competition and will have to get used to it. I don't always have a lion tag in my pocket - but 2 seasons ago I picked up a lot of cats on my trail cameras and so I purchased one for my deer hunt. Simple as that - I was pursuing deer and lion and I got both. Next time I see a lion - I will not pursue myself, but I will get on the phone to a couple of good houndsmen down south and see if they want to chase...or when my kids are old enough will let them have an opportunity.
  11. Simple Hunter

    Lion Rug Mounting

    She let me hang it because I had it draped over the back of the couch and she was tired of sitting on the couch with the lions arm around her neck Big dog, when are you going to get a cat ?
  12. Simple Hunter

    Lion Rug Mounting

    Okay - so I went ahead and hung it angled down. What do you think? I'd still like to see others if there are any out there. This is a pretty big southern cat - just shy of 7 feet from tail to nose. The biologist that checked him in estimated he was 3-4 years old based on his teeth. The tooth analysis says he was 2 years old. ??? I believe the former estimate - this cat was too big and beefy to be a 2-year old. This is my son standing below him - my son is 55" tall. That gives a good impression of how big he is. I didn't weigh him in the field or at the taxidermist but based on many years of packing mature whitetails out over my shoulders - this cat was significantly heavier - I'd say he was 120 lbs dressed out - probably 150 lbs with his guts.
  13. Simple Hunter

    Lion Rug Mounting

    I like the slightly angled down head - seems like that shows more of the head than an angled up pose
  14. Simple Hunter

    Lion Rug Mounting

    Do you have a picture of it?
  15. Simple Hunter

    November Muley hunt

    Raised on Coues whitetail hunting I have never had a problem filling a tag, I haven't surpassed the 100" mark, but I have gotten some decent deer. I have always been told that Coues hunting is one of the most difficult and that if you can be successful at Coues hunting you can kill any big game. I never hunted Carp with a rifle before this year. I chased them with a bow many times. I have always just hunted them like I do whitetail. Glass and glass and glass some more and then spot and stalk. I scouted and had two areas with shooter bucks and they were there before the early hunt. 3 days and not even a single deer, not even a doe. Yet reports were that people were filling their tags left and right with decent bucks (This from a very reputable source - the BP checkpoint . We and other people in our area packed up camp after 3 days of no deer. Today, I picked a new area, windy as heck. I finally glassed up a muley and it was a 4x4, not very tall, but ear wide. I glassed him on the top of the ridge and had him for 5 seconds before he went over. The other side was a mesquite thicket. I never saw him again. I am frustrated as heck that I can't bag a Carp. I mean 9 months out of the year, I probably see a total of 20 bucks right off the highway that are so dumb I could throw a rock at and kill. I've got 3 days left and don't even feel like hunting them anymore.
  16. Simple Hunter

    WHAT IS HE????

    Muley Traits: Big Ears, dark forehead patch, no eyeguards, white face, black tip of tail from side view Coues Traits: Tail, no white rump, main beams curve like whitetail I could be a believer...but I would need to see rear end attached to front end. The trail cam picture does not look entirely like the buck harvested ...however, the deer looks unintelligent which make me think he has a muley brain
  17. Simple Hunter

    better news

    You are right - The Mexican government is going to re-introduce mexican gray wolves to northern Sonora near the New Mexico/Arizona/Sonora Border in a mountain range called the Sierra San Luis - see article http://azstarnet.com/article_1e747ca2-ba88...4783761f09.html Just wait, jaguars and wolves, forget the people. The religion of the environment is taking over and is globally accepted by all the one-world government folks.
  18. Simple Hunter


    We used to call mulies stick deer - because certain times of the year, you could practically beat them to death with a stick. However, I must admit that I couldn't even kill one with a rifle this year. I always thought that we called them Carp, because you could practically snag them with a hook and reel them in.
  19. Simple Hunter

    Enviro Wackos at it again

    Wow! Who knew that all I had to do was mention jaguars and lefties and we ultimately discovered the definition of "perfect conservative." Amen brother! So with a platform like that are you ready to take on McCain?
  20. Simple Hunter

    Enviro Wackos at it again

    I don't know what happened to the link - for some reason my links never work. The link is to an article in the AZ Red Star - maybe someone who knows what they are doing can put the weblink up.
  21. Simple Hunter

    150" WMAT Coues

    Okay so ... did this guy just jump to #3 all-time B&C for Typicals? Wow! Big Congrats!
  22. Simple Hunter

    My friend's mule deer...

    Nice Desert Mulie! Congrats!
  23. Simple Hunter

    Lazzeroni Warbird

    John, I'll trade you my Rem. UltraMAG for one of your Warbirds. I mean you don't want me out there with that piece of crap. Take pity on me. -- No Really -- I could probably trade you my UltraMag for a Lazzeroni stock. I mean we all want to grow up someday and be able to afford a Warbird but unfortunately I got alot of growing up to do.
  24. Simple Hunter

    Lazzeroni Warbird

    Welcome aboard John! It's a pleasure to have you in the forum. Can't beat something from the horses mouth.
  25. Simple Hunter

    great spot

    CRACK Rock for deer Right bro?