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Everything posted by justinspe25

  1. justinspe25

    youth rifle

    How is the recoil compare between the .243 and the .25-06? I have been thinking about a rifle for my kids as well.
  2. justinspe25

    24B SUCCESS!!! (new pics and scores)

    Cool bucks for sure! Congrats to you and your dad.
  3. justinspe25

    Emily's first buck

    Very cool buck congrats Emily!
  4. justinspe25

    Another coues deer down

    Nice buck congrats!
  5. At least you got a ton of angles on him! Cool pics thx for sharing.
  6. justinspe25

    Shawn's 1st Buck..early hunt ....101'

    That is a cool buck for sure! Congrats to you and your friend.
  7. justinspe25

    Great first Coues Buck

    Congrats! That is a cool buck for sure! I bet the other guys were saying wth!
  8. justinspe25

    35A first ever coues buck

    Great first buck! Congrats! Sounds like it was a good time!
  9. justinspe25

    D'oh on two accounts

    Good looking bucks! Congrats on both.
  10. justinspe25

    The Billy Coues

    Very nice buck Congrats!
  11. justinspe25

    24b 2nd Hunt

    Cool story and buck. Congrats!
  12. justinspe25

    Erik's muley buck!

    Nice job to Erik and company. Congrats!
  13. justinspe25

    Oct 2011 Hunt - My First Writeup

    Great write up Dale! Welcome to the Coues addiction. I keep telling myself one of these years i will put in for a mulie tag.
  14. justinspe25

    Unit 27 Buck

    Nice buck! Congrats!
  15. justinspe25

    Unit 21cwt21 down

  16. justinspe25

    24b Second 2011 hunt

    Sounds like fun! Congrats to you both!
  17. justinspe25

    My 2011 Coues Buck

    Great buck congrats!
  18. justinspe25

    Monument to Javelina!

    Looks awesone! Thanks for sharing.
  19. justinspe25

    Five year drought ended.

    Nice job getting the wife out hunting! Congrats to both of you, nice buck.
  20. justinspe25

    36c opening day buck

  21. justinspe25

    So you want to live in Montana?

    That was the funnist thing i have seen for awhile! thx man!
  22. justinspe25

    Let's Hear It For The 35's!

    Those are some awesome deer!! Thx for sharing.
  23. justinspe25

    Spectacualar elk footage

    that is cool, thx for sharing
  24. justinspe25

    Dark Gray Mazda 3 (I think)

    The car had grenade sticker on it too.
  25. justinspe25

    Spotted one in Miami AZ

    While i was sitting in Burger House enjoying a regular burro I saw an old yellow Ford truck with the sticker on the windshield. It was last Saturday at 1.