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Everything posted by justinspe25

  1. justinspe25

    22N December Bull?

    Congrats to you and your son! Sounds like a fun time.
  2. justinspe25

    22N December Bull?

    Any updates from this week's hunt so far? I was up this past weekend and saw a few spikes, a raghorn, and a ton of people. Hope we have good weather for next week!!
  3. justinspe25

    22N December Bull?

    I have this hunt too! Looking forward to it. Unfortunately this weekend is my only time to scout. I guess I will see where all the action is at.
  4. justinspe25

    Successful 5B north limited hunt

  5. justinspe25

    Elk Rut Action!

    Awesome stuff! Thank for sharing!
  6. justinspe25

    UPDATED - Youth Javi 37A&37B Success

    Hello, Picked up a leftover javelina tag for my son this year cause he got skunked on deer. This is our 2nd attempt at 37A and 37B. Last year we hunting a bunch different spots like 96 hills, mineral mountian, picket post and didn't turn up anything. Went out to Newman peak tonight and didn't find much sign. Just curious if there are any suggestions anyone wants to throw our way so I can get my son a chance at one. I have pretty much followed the G&F info with no luck. I am thinking of heading back out to Newman peak for opening day this Friday to hunt the foothills! Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!! Thanks, Justin
  7. justinspe25

    UPDATED - Youth Javi 37A&37B Success

    I wanted to Thank everyone who provided insight and for their willingness to help. My son and I had a great time hunting together, we shared ALOT of laughs and those memories are going to be cherished!! He got a pig on the third day at about 8:30am. Here's how it went. First 2 days we saw nothing but deer...that was really cool regardless! The 3rd we hit our opening morning spot again and at first light we saw two mulie bucks again! Hunting the flats for these buggers is not easy with alot of vegetation so I thought we should get higher so we can see down on the ground better. So I suggested that to Carson and he says ok and we pack up. As we are about to leave Carson says "dad pig", i said "big what"? He said "PIG right below us in the wash"! I said OHHHH! So move to get look and I spot 1 just hanging under a tree so I told Carson to get setup on a rock quick and shoot...but the pig took off. So we worked our way around the corner of this boulder invested hill and spotted 2 but moving fast. I think they heard us coming....not surprised as we were trying to hurry over these rocks! So we get another broadside view and he gets setup and i did a guesstimation on distance 200 yards, but right before he was ready for the shoot the pig ran off into the thick cactus and bushes!! We couldn't see them anymore so we made our way around into the sun and we were getting roasted so my thought was go up high to find them or just get on their tracks and chase em! I read that was a good strategy cause they don't go far. So i chose that not having much hope to find them still hunting on the desert floor. So we take off walking really slow and keeping an eye open but seeing nothing. The morning sun was just get hotter and hotter! So I said lets circle back and catch the road back to the truck. Not 5 mins later I start seeing fresh tracks and Carson says should we follow this tiny wash? I said nah lets just keep toward the road. Shortly after, right in front Carson and I this pig walks 10 yards right in front of us not spooked, he didn't see us. So I kneel and tell him "PIG", he said "where" I said moving to the right. 5 seconds later boom! He said "got em"! I walked around and he was not down so told him to shoot him again and he was down. Because he took a moving shot he hit him literally in the teeth and he fell and got back up. He felt bad but i said he it was quick shot and the good thing is you finished him off quick and we didn't have to chase a wounded animal. Here he is, my son's first big game animal! Talk about a proud pop! I was so happy for him and how he handled himself the whole time. He never got frustrated and stuck with it. It was good see deer cause it gave him confidence we were going to find something! Thanks again for all the help! PS: He got him in 37A!
  8. justinspe25

    Late season 22 north

    I have this same hunt! All I have heard is its a tough hunt ๐Ÿ˜€ Hope to get out soon and look around.
  9. Went out this last sat and mon with my son! Alot of shooting but not alot of killin, but we have fun. We had people all around us, i could hear bb's landing near us in the bushes! I saw some people getting tickets too.
  10. justinspe25

    Two for one sale on couesj

    Awesome bucks congrats!!
  11. justinspe25

    Hunter's Education Bonus Point

    Hello, I completed hunter's ed with my kids in Nov and I am curious when should i see my point bonus in the system? I forgot to ask when i was there for 4 days . I checked after the spring draw but it was not there. I really hope it is in there before the elk draw!! If anyone has some insight i would appreciate it. Thanks, Justin
  12. justinspe25

    Hunter's Education Bonus Point

    Well that's good to hear, thanks!
  13. That is a beast buck, very cool congrats!
  14. justinspe25

    Two bucks down

    Congrats x 2!
  15. justinspe25

    First 80"+ buck

    Great looking buck, congrats!
  16. justinspe25

    Boy's Late Bull

    Awesome job congrats!
  17. justinspe25

    Tagged out opening morning in 22n

    Nice work congrats!
  18. justinspe25

    Late Season Success - Brothers Big Fall

    Congrats on a great bull!
  19. justinspe25

    Great Time With My Kids

    Awesome! That's what it is all about, congrats!
  20. justinspe25

    My 2015 muley

    Nice work congrats!
  21. justinspe25

    37 B Success !!!

    Awesome! Good for him and congrats to you both!
  22. It been a long time since I had something to post on here. After a couple year drought I closed the deal this year. My bro inlaw/hunting partner and I hunted hard the 6 days of the hunt and had a few opportunities at bucks that just didn't pan out, but it was exciting find bucks and not just does and fawns the whole time. Long story short we hunted this 3x3 for 3 days and he gave us the slip every time, they truly are like ghosts. My bro inlaw had to leave Wednesday afternoon empty handed. So I had one evening and a day left to get it done. Thursday morning I would be by myself so I decided to hike this trail that may provide an opportunity. As I was leaving for the mountain i could see the storm rolling in, and I thought well this could get interesting. I got to the trail head about 6:30am as it started to rain and lightning. Well I decided to stick with it and headed off. I was just walking along real slow looking for movement, and getting soaked. As I came around this corner I look up the hill to my right and see a deer laying down staring at me. I put my binos on him and sure enough itโ€™s a deer chilling out eating his breakfast just watching me, oh and it was a buck. I really couldn't believe it. I pull my rifle up to shoot and thought wait a minute he is not going anywhere and i don't want to miss this guy, so i kneel and rest the rifle on a rock and settle the cross hairs on his shoulder and boom. He vanished for a second then was rolling down the hill right to me. He ended up landing about 10 yards up the trail from me. After making sure he was dead and sent out some texts and made a call to my wife and told her the news. I dressed him out, secured my pack, threw him up my shoulders and trekked on out of there. What a awesome experience all on my own, I used all of the things I have learned from this site and from friends and family over the years.