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Everything posted by justinspe25

  1. justinspe25

    2 bucks down

    Couple of good looking bucks there. Congrats!
  2. justinspe25

    muley bucks

    Nice pic. Thanks a bunch for sharing.
  3. justinspe25

    Scouting trip

    Very cool. Nice work.
  4. justinspe25

    hard horned bulls and couple of nice bucks

    Nice pics CJ. Thanks for sharing.
  5. justinspe25

    What makes these?

    Lost Dutchman dude?
  6. justinspe25

    East Valley Sticker Sighting

    Nice truck and nice sticker. I will keep an eye out for you are the 60.
  7. justinspe25

    Coues' Poses

    I really think i am going to take my next trophy to Wild Heritage. I am impressed with the attention to detail.
  8. justinspe25

    Sticker Sighting......

    that's cool!
  9. justinspe25

    Sticker Sighting

    I saw you on Lindsay & Guadalupe at about 4:50 or so. White chevy crewcab 2500. I waved but i don't think you saw me or probably thought it was some idiot.
  10. justinspe25

    Tags in the Mail

    Got my coues tag last Friday.
  11. justinspe25

    Met a fellow CW'er

    mmmmmmmm Burger House!
  12. justinspe25

    AZ to Park City to Coast of Oregon

    Thanks for sharing those pics. PS i have seen more dead deer on the side the road in UT then live deer in AZ! lol
  13. justinspe25

    my first coues in my elk spot...

    kind of looks like a bobcat but i doubt it is.
  14. justinspe25

    Something wrong with this cow elk

    That sucks!
  15. justinspe25

    Guess the Score Contest!

  16. justinspe25

    First Bull of 2010 Down For Team Mullins

    Congrats! Great bull!!
  17. justinspe25

    Mount Back

    That is a nice looking group of bucks for sure. Thanks for sharing.
  18. justinspe25

    Best Mexican food in Globe / Miami

    Regular burrros at burger house are my fav but i like la casita and chalos.
  19. justinspe25

    Amanda's legal defense fund!

    A couple weeks ago I got pulled over twice in 30 mins. Once at the Roosevelt Dam by DPS and the next time by Gueryo's by DPS. The first time i got a warning for speeding and a repair order for my window tint. The 2nd he just wanted to hassle me about the tint but I got to tell him someone beat him to the punch. It was July 4th weekend so they were just checkin if I was drinkin. Glad I didn't get a ticket though. Justin
  20. justinspe25

    Bull elk pic's

    Nice pics.
  21. justinspe25

    They are out for Real!!!!!

    The Game and Fish site is overloaded. It will not even come up for me! Crazy.
  22. justinspe25

    They are out for Real!!!!!

    24A WT Nov/Dec. I am pumped. Justin
  23. justinspe25

    They are out

    I still couldn't help myself. I had to check. Thanks for getting my heart pumping for a min. Clay. Justin
  24. justinspe25

    Circles of hair

    That's what I was going guess. I saw the type of thing up on the rim last week. Justin
  25. justinspe25

    Happy Birthday Bonecollector!

    Happy Birthday. I hope you have a good one.