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Everything posted by Nando

  1. Nando

    Springfield XDM 9mm

    Bought this pistol new 2 or 3 years ago and have put probably less than 20 rounds through it. It's just been my pack gun on all my hunts so thats where any wear and tear is from. Has a threaded barrel and comes with 100 rounds fmj. $450 520-254-9087
  2. Christensen Arms Mesa 7mm Rem Mag. Bought it new, less than 100 rounds through it. Scope not included. $950 520-254-9087
  3. Nando

    Bowtech Realm SR6

    Brand new string, brand new limbs, brand new cams, with less than 50 arrows through it. Right handed, bare bow. $450 located in Tucson 520-254-9087
  4. In perfect condition, located in Tucson. $800 firm 520-254-9087
  5. Nando

    Leupold VX-6 HD 4-24x52

    Description in photo 520-254-9087
  6. Nando

    Leupold VX-6 HD 4-24x52

    It’s a 4-24x52 Wrote it wrong in the description