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About whitewater

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  1. whitewater

    Help ID Rifle

    The CZ actions are desirable. Looks like the military issue stepped down bbbl. Always good idea to have these old sporterized Mausers checked out by someone knowledgeable just in case somebody rechambered it to something else. The 8 x 57 is one of the world's great calibers, just never caught on much in the US. Returning soldiers knew and liked the 30-06 ballistics as it was used in several service rifles WWI and WWII vintage.
  2. whitewater

    Free: Herter #3 reloading press (TAKEN)

    Claimed by Dirt
  3. Heavy press, takes RCBS shell holders. Pick up only. Green Valley, AZ 85614
  4. whitewater

    Knife Experts?

    Off the top of my head. Looks like it could be an older Finnish knife in a German sheath and likely a Birch handle. Good find. Pukko sheath's usually covers the knife to nearly the end of the grip. Use it and enoy it. Some collector here will have more info.
  5. whitewater

    WTT / WTB reloading press and accessories

    Green Valley , I-19 and Duval Mine Rd.
  6. whitewater

    WTT / WTB reloading press and accessories

    Have an old #3 Herter press with the fitting that uses RCBS dies. They sell on ebay for silly money. Yours for $25 if you pick it up South of Tucson. Shipping is too expensive. Also have a Herter's balance scale , also $25 , pick up only. Look up these completed items on ebay advanced search to check values. May have a case trimmer and a few other items.The dies that were advertised here are sold. I-19 and Duval Mine Rd, Green Valley
  7. whitewater

    RCBS dies: SOLD

    Sold on another forum .
  8. whitewater

    Cast Iron

    When you're done using those maybe gift it to family and friends. If that doesn't work, bet folks on Coues will help give them a good home.
  9. whitewater

    Delete long post

    Price reduced $99
  10. whitewater

    Delete long post

  11. whitewater

    Delete long post

  12. whitewater

    Delete long post

    Relisted elsewhere in shorter post.
  13. whitewater


    ALL SALES ARE ON HOLDE DUE TO ILLNESS. SURE HOPE TO RELIST THIS IN THE FUTURE SEE NOTE ABOVE---- ALL SALES ON HOLD DUE TO ILLNESS. HOPE TO RELIST IN THE FUTURE. MANY THANKS TO THOSE WHO HELPED CLEAN OUT THE AMMO, GEAR AND RELOADER SALE. Folks please circulate this list. These shotguns are part of a living estate sale. We had silly lowball offers but turned them down. If needed will sell the field guns next fall before bird season. There's some wiggle room on these, but I'm reminging buyers we're trying to maximize return for the family. 4 out of 9 are sold. The really nice upland guns are left. SOLD Remington 48, grade 3 wood with nice marble cake grain, skeet choke, very little blue wear. SOLD Beretta 16 side by side, small chip in wood by receiver, small chip at tang, otherwise fine. SOLD PENDING RECEIPT OF FUNDS ...Beretta , SxS, 12 ga, 28 “, I/M, SST, extractors, no box, like new , very nice wood, $1100 Browning Citori White Lightning, 16 ga. SST, Ejectors, 28 " choke tubes, Nitride finish. Ser22461xxxxx, extra stock included. In box $2100 ex fine condition, hard to see if fired at all. SOLD CZ, Bobwhite, M-202 B, 28 ga. DT, extractors, choke tubes. New in box, ufired. SOLD Ithaca M-37 20ga, 2 ¾, I.C. , ULTRA FEATHER LIGHT, Mfg. 1980, Sid Bell Grip w/grouse Serial 3717xxxxx , scrape at muzzle, note ULTRA FEATHER LIGHT, NOT FEATHER LIGHT. Sig (by Rizzini) Aurora 20, SST, Ejectors, Choke Tubes 26 ½”, almost new in box, $1800 Winchester 101, 12 , Deluxe Field, SST, Ejectors, choke tubes,26 “ (FN Belgium mfr.) In Winchester box $1950 Winchester 101, 20, Field , I/M, SST, Ejectors, 26 " 210xxx as new in old red Winchester box. ( Kodensha mfr.) $ 2175 CASH, no shipping. If no answer be patient, am very busy and away from phone. It might take a day or two.
  14. whitewater


    List revised, all sold except 16 gauge shells . Wow, its been quite a morning, just about sold everything by 12:30 Thanks to the CWT folks, met some good people today.
  15. whitewater


    Prices are at the top of the list, .50 per loaded factory shell. Phone calls returned. Shotguns for sale list is still being written up. Thanks to the 4 people who responded and the 2 that are enroute to buy.