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About azonie

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  1. I want to extend a sincere thank you to all of you who were kind enough to offer information about Unit 24A to help my son and I. A special thanks to those 5 or 6 of you who took the time to call me. You all should be proud of your "community". We ended up hunting the northern portion of the unit in the areas around FRs 473, 304, and 645. It was a tough hunt, presumably due to the prior mule deer hunt. We only saw 5 or 6 whitetail. Fortunately, one of them was a spike buck that we saw on Tuesday and my son was able to take his first deer. He was so excited to take his "trophy" and I am very proud of him. He is now hooked for life like the rest of us. Thanks again for helping to make this a memorable experience for him! That afternoon, dad returned to a remote area where we had seen some buck sign earlier in the hunt, and I was able to glass up a respectable one right at dusk. Had to go back the next morning to bring it out, but it was worth the effort. Thanks again and don't hesitate to contact me if there is anything I can do to return the favor. Regards, Dennis
  2. azonie

    AZ Unit 24A

    That's a Unit 29 buck taken in the Turkey Creek Canyon area about 9 or 10 years ago. I saw another one like that down there last November in a nearby location but never got a good shot opportunity. That's why its called hunting not shooting! Thanks for your post!
  3. azonie

    AZ Unit 24A

    pics of you kills are not gonna get any info out of us...obviously you have killed some nice animals...any good experienced hunter should know how to find deer, and let alone be able to find spots off the road...look at the maps..so much can be done by just looking at a map...I dont see why you need much help finding areas...why put in for a unit you have never even been in before..makes no sense to me...good luck Fair enough guys, you are absolutely right. I apologize if I've violated some sort of Coues hunter cultural standard by asking for a little advice and posting pictures. I didn't expect anyone to give me GPS coordinates to their honey holes. And the pics were just about camaraderie (like in the military), nothing else. No offense intended. I didn't ask the questions for my sake, I was asking on behalf of my son who I am passing our hunting heritage along to. We all have an obligation to pass it on and give the youngsters the most positive experience we can. I didn't want him to be shortchanged because his single Dad's work obligations don't allow time for proper scouting. Mr. Moderator, would you kindly remove this topic from the forum. Thanks.
  4. azonie

    AZ Unit 24A

    Thanks for the replies so far! Hunting within the unit boundaries makes perfect sense. Anyone have advice on an off-the-beaten path camp site?
  5. I am a long-time AZ resident and experienced hunter, but have never hunted 24A. My 14-yr old son and I got tags for the November 9 hunt. Due to work obligations, I will not have time to scout, which is really disappointing. I've read the G&F website which implies one should concentrate south of Globe in the Dripping Springs Mountains and south slope of the Pinals. Can anyone provide advice on: 1. A decent location to tent camp with access to decent hunting areas. I usually try to get away from the crowds and road hunters, but be somewhere with reasonable access to roads so we can commute to different locations to hunt. In other words, not just hunt out of camp. 2. Hunt/glassing locations to start with. We don't road hunt or use ATVs, and would like to be away from all that. I'd like to get my son a reasonable chance at a reasonable buck. I'm not opposed to going north of Globe (e.g., Timber Camp area) if that makes sense. If you would prefer not to post a reply, you can email me at dennistucker@cox.net or call my cell phone 602-615-0226. Thanks in advance for any help you can provide. Dennis