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Everything posted by cohofishing

  1. cohofishing

    Guess the Date and Time Contest

    march 23rd, 1205 pm
  2. cohofishing

    Swarovski Repair

    Had my wife knock over mine on a tripod during her December hunt. Scratched both front lenses and broke something inside. I ended up having all four lenses replaced for $300.00(changing them to the newer style lenses) and they fixed the rest for free. They even replaced the body giving my 15's a new id number. I thought that they had just shipped me a new pair. They rebuilt my 15's from the ground up and even updated my warranty information with the new numbers and reminded me to do the same for insurance purposes. All the damage was our fault and I thought they did a great job. They would have done the work for $150 and just fixed the damage. It was my choice to update the lenses since I have a older pair. I have no complaints and think it would be hard to expect them to cover damage done by owner's themselves. Try as hard as we can, we still are a lot harder on our equipment than say a birdwatcher and their prices would have to be even higher to cover that kind of damage. Brent
  3. cohofishing

    My 2012 January Hunt

    Again, Congratulations Man. Awsome Buck. Brent
  4. cohofishing

    2012 archery mule deer

    Found this buck rutting hard yesterday. After getting to bow range of his does and being busted twice and five hours of stalking later, I took this 4x4 at 42 yards.
  5. cohofishing

    264 win mag. sendero sfII

    My daughter's 264 win mag has a shilen barrel with a 1-9 twist and it shoots 120 seirra's at 3100 fps. She's used it for muleys, coues and her cow elk. It also likes the 120 nosler's. Brent
  6. cohofishing

    Who's applying Online

    Just a heads up for anyone trying to use the online system. I tried today using google chrome and had no luck at all. Called the number given to me by the fish and game, and talked to a gal who said to try internet explorer or firefox. I had firefox on my computer so that's what I tried. It worked for all three appts. Good luck. Hated to use the online system because I don't really trust it, but didn't really want to write $500 worth of checks right now. Felt better once I copied the receipts. Brent
  7. Hi, Just wanted to share some pictures of another great bivy hunt. My nephew and hunting partner, Anthony and I spent three days packed into an area that I have hunted in the past. After a rainy beginning and windy ending, I shot this 85 inch 3x3 at 449 yards using my 300 wsm and 210 grain Bergers. Got to say, those Bergers do exactly what they advertise. Not only are they deadly accurate, but they handle the wind great and killed this buck dead in his tracks. I shot him quartering away and the bullet only went in one side, expanded and completely blew up the heart. It looked like it had been hit with a four blade broadhead. We found the bullet laying in the chest cavity. My thanks to Anthony, who glassed this buck up a mile away in the wind and after a great stock, passed him up and let me harvest it. We will get you a great buck this December Archery Season. Thanks Brent
  8. cohofishing

    MY late whitetail

    Finally the pictures. Awesome. Can't wait to here the story. Merry Christmas, Brent and Courtney
  9. cohofishing

    Who is shooting a 6.5mm

    Thanks, Tam
  10. cohofishing

    Who is shooting a 6.5mm

    Got to ask. Tam, what is a JLK? Court shoots 120 sierra's out of her 264 win mag. 57 grains of 4350 gets her 3100fps at the barrel and she shoots under a moa out to 750 yards. I really like how that bullet performs. Brent
  11. cohofishing

    October Success-5 FOR 5. PICS ADDED.

    Mike, The suspense was killing me. Great buck, great story. I bet it suck having to re-type that one. Brent
  12. cohofishing

    2011 Late November Coues

    Good Morning, Just got home from a trip to El Paso. The tent is the Big Agnes Fly Creek UL2. The package weight is 2lbs 10oz, and the trail weight is 2lbs 2oz. You can do the fast fly weight 1lb 10oz. which is the fly, pole, and footprint. I don't own the footprint. I have a custom blue trap one that I made. A little more weight, but it feels a little better putting a $350.00 tent on something tougher. This is my fourth trip using this tent with weather ranging from 8 degrees with snow to 95 degrees and monsoon rain. I love it. A little tight for two people but it makes a great one man tent considering it weighs less than my old bivy tent. Thanks, Brent
  13. cohofishing

    credit card hit!

    Don't give up hope. My card just got hit tonight for 22.50. Looks like I'll be bear hunting. Brent
  14. cohofishing

    Pack it in, Pack it out

    I have been bivy hunting for the last four years. In those years, I have been on six hunts and multiple overnight scouting trips. I love the solitude of these types of hunts and enjoy the challenge of "getting away from people" more than the quality of deer I end up filling my tags with. I know I'm not the first person to come up with this idea and surely won't be the last, but I have always felt the the amount of effort that goes into a bivy hunt would weed out certain types of people. Yesterday, I packed into an area that I haven't been to in years for a overnight scouting trip. It requires a couple hours of hiking and you feel every pound of your back pack. It is definitely not what I call a easy spot to get to. When I got to the fringe of where I like to start glassing, I found a camp that just been used last hunt. It looked like there were at least two tents and more than one person. They left behind tent pegs, water bottles and uncovered TP. Not too bad, but more trash than I like to see. While sitting and glassing from were their tents were set up, I glassed up another camp maybe 400 yards away. You could see the trash with your naked eye. I hiked over and was blown away by what I found. They had tried to burn their trash but it didn't work. There was soup cans, sardine cans, foil, water bottles, etc. Near by were a pair of socks, and a hand full of bent tent pegs. Behind a tree was a pile of TP, wipes and a pair of under armour under wear. They had tied down their tent and left all the rope behind. This was a type of camp you expect to see near a road made by people that just don't give a dang. Now, I have no idea if these camps were made by hunters, but they had been used recently, for multiple days, by more than one person. Why they had packed in soup cans and sardines, I'll never know, but if you pack it in, do us all a favor and pack it out. If you were man enough to get the crap in there, be man enough to get back out. I only wish that I had my camera so I could post pictures. I know it is public land and like I said before, I have always expected to eventually run into other people. But I have always believed the type of person that does what I do, would be the type of person I like to share a canyon with. Not the case with these people, their attitudes towards the country they hunted and the game they were hunting sucked and if they had been there just recently, I did not want to be. I dumped out my extra water and packed out the trash I had found at both the camps and along the way. Everyone has the right to do what I do, and who ever these people were I guess can do what they want, but I have always thought that it is important to leave a place better than you found it and the only evidence that we should leave is our foot prints. I sure the type of person that would leave a mess like this doesn't read this forum, but if you do, and you know who you are. Give me a break. Leave your mess at home. Thanks for letting me vent, Brent, somewhere near Tucson, Arizona
  15. cohofishing

    What sort of tripod/tripod head are you running?

    Just my 2 cents, but you can't go wrong with a Jim White head. I have had one for years and love it. Brent
  16. cohofishing

    Online Draw problems

    Hi, After Doug posted, I went back and entered my info using my social security number. Found my bonus points. But under my Department ID, which I believe we had to get to use the online system, I have noting. So maybe after the draw is done.... Brent
  17. cohofishing

    Online Draw problems

    Hi, Well, you got me thinking...so I checked. My ID was fine but it did not show any of my bonus points just my info. Where are my bonus points? Brent
  18. cohofishing

    Ruger M77 Stock

    Bell and carlson makes a glass stock but it would be hard to cut to fit. Boyd gunstocks makes stocks for rugers. Maybe try them. I have a cut down ruger stock for a short action my daughter used to shoot. One tip. Limbsaver make a pad you grind to fit that works well when you cut down a stock. Put it in the freezer before you start grinding or sanding it. Good luck. Brent
  19. cohofishing


    Went out shooting today and my old bushnell 800 rangefinder gave up the ghost. Have been using a Nikon archer's choice for bow hunting and really wanted a longer rangefinder with angle compensation for rifle hunting. I just orderd a leupold RX-1000i TBR DNA. Does anyone else use this rangefinder and if so, what do you think of it? Read all of the other posts and agree that Lecia would be nicer but they don't seem to have a angle compensation model. I read all of the reviews on the Bushnell models and not everyone seemed happy with what they had bought. Let me know what you think. Brent
  20. cohofishing

    elk hunt

    Hi, Courtney got her first elk on Monday. Due to soccer and work, we got to her unit on Sunday at 0330am. It was obvious that the full moon might have some effect on her hunt . We saw about 50 elk that night driving there. After sleeping in the truck, we woke to three bulls bugling where we decided to start but as the sun came up, they got quiet. We hunted around a meadow till we were able to get one of the bulls to answer at about 1000am. We found the small herd in their bedding area but could not get a shot. We kept exploring until we ended up at the end of a two track over looking a canyon. At 0545pm, the bulls started bugling again and we were able to glass up another bull and his cows feeding in a burn. We backed out of the area to make camp and wait till morning. The sun came up to find us glassing the same canyon. We heard a distant bugle and made a quick move to find a bull and his cows feeding across the canyon from us. Court got into the prone position and was able to make a great 350 yard shot with her 264 win mag dropping her first cow elk at 0700am. With her nephew Anthony's help, we were able to bone the cow out and pack it back across the canyon to the truck by 1030. We spent the next day and half fishing. It was a quick hunt and Courtney would like to thank Creed (creed_az_88) and Jeff (cohntr6) for their ideas and help. Also, Anthony, who without your strong back we would still be packing out the meat. What Courtney shot through
  21. cohofishing

    My daughter's first Elk! Bittersweet cow

    Congrats again to both of you. Kaitlyn, you did a great job. Your pictures remind me of Courtney when she was younger. Good luck with your deer hunt. We'll be looking forward to more pictures. Brent and Courtney
  22. cohofishing


    Hi, Having trouble posting pictures from Courtney's elk hunt. The files are too large. I have tried cropping them as small as possible but they are still too large. Any ideas? Brent
  23. cohofishing

    Raster maps upload to GPS

    http://www.gpsfiledepot.com/ Try this site. I have download their maps to my pc. I'm pretty sure you can to your gps also. Brent