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Everything posted by JLG

  1. JLG

    Photos of our Alaska trip

    Awesome pictures, Thanks for sharing, JLG.
  2. I have been taking Photo copies of my applications and checks the last 2 or 3 years. I usually, fill it out one day and take it down to G & F the next. I won't seal it until just before I drop in the box, so I can give it one more look see to make sure all is well, Take Care, JLG.
  3. I just wait until you guys post there up. Than I try to get up about 2 in the morning and call in. I did that on elk and got in about the 3rd call. The news wasn't good, but it worked, Good Luck, JLG.
  4. JLG

    Leupold 6-18x40

    No problem, I can't take credit for it, it was posted on another site I frequent. You can also try www.bearbasin.com. I have bought my Swaros from them. Thye have some nice package deals. On the larger purchases they will carry you for a while, Take Care, JLG.
  5. JLG

    photo radar ticket

    Everybody else has covered this pretty well. The one thing I can add is if your are not served with in 120 days, the ticket drops off the system, Take Care, JLG.
  6. JLG

    Leupold 6-18x40

    No real suggestion on this scope, but this place may save you some money when it comes time to buy one, Take Care, JLG. http://www.samplelist.com/
  7. JLG

    photo radar ticket

    Check this site out, Take Care, JLG. http://photoradarlaw.com/
  8. JLG

    Happy 21st Younghunter

    Happy birthday Christian. Going to Vegas in about 6 weeks for my daughters 21st birthday. What adult stuff do you have planned. Most of you know this already put Christian is an awesome standup youngman, Take Care, JLG.
  9. JLG

    WTB Encore barrels

    Try Arizonashooting.com. I think there is a 300 win mag on there right now, Take Care, JLG.
  10. JLG

    Rifle Ammo

    Chrismp51, I do the same thing you do when loading rifle rounds. Resize, deprime and trim if needed on a single stage press. Than prime, drop powder and seat the bullet on my progressive. It goes pretty fast at that point, but getting there takes some time. I usually load a 1000 rounds of 223 at a time, so the prepare takes a while, Take Care, JLG.
  11. Marshall, How long did it take you to get down to 33 for your your daughter's hunt. There are alot of WT in that area, Take Care, JLG.
  12. JLG

    advice and thoughts

    I like going out with rookies, seeing the excitement on their faces, the nervous energy, the new enthusiasm. At this stage in my life I enjoy sitting up on a mountain and glassing behind my binos, helping out friends and seeing them be successful more so than myself. I did a jr's Javelina hunt last fall with two brothers 13 and 16, they both took pigs, on the last day of the hunt. I glassed up the pigs with about a 1/2 hour to go before were where going to leave. It is a memory they will have forever. I helped a couple of guys that work for me take their first Coues Deer last year. I just really enjoy giving back, it feels really good. I must admit as the years go by I don't have the same sense of passion or anticipation I did as a younger man. Once, I am out there the love I have for it and feeling of joy I feel is deeply rooted in my soul. I hope you rekindle your passion, Take Care, JLG.
  13. JLG

    Need Primers

    I actually, backordered the primers based on this thread. Take Care, JLG. http://www.arizonashooting.com/v3/viewtopi...=46&t=76634
  14. JLG

    Need Primers

    Guys, I was able to put primers on Backorder thru Cabela's a couple of weeks ago. Most places wont do that right now. I don't have them yet, but at least I could order them, Take Care, JLG.
  15. JLG

    Swarovski STS 80mm

    I've got a non-HD Fujinon and it sucks , I want to second the Fujinon sucks, I bought one 2 years ago, it was about $600, it was horriable, I used it for elk season and sent it back. Has nothing to do with the Swaro 80HD, but thought I would second what was posted before, Take Care, JLG.
  16. Hi All, I have a friend who would like to pickup one of these rifles. I bought one a couple of years ago and he has used mine and really likes it. Anyone have one they are willing to part with, Take Care, JLG.
  17. JLG

    Swarovski STS 80mm

    I bought the 80HD last year, I guess one school of thought is if you buy the HD, you never have to wish you had. I hunt with younger guys mostly, so I usually carry my 15 x 56's and a tripod and have one of the young bucks tote the spotter. It is nice to see something with the 15's and than get out the 80HD for verification or more clarity. Honestly, usually one of the young bucks already has it out. My next Swaro purchase probably is going to be the 25 x 50 eyepiece they just released. That maybe something you want to look into weither you buy the HD or not. I think Doug at Cameraland may have them, but you would have to check that out. Bottomline is I really like my spotter, Take Care, JLG.
  18. Guys, Thanks for the responses. Jimmy you don't need my 25WSSM, you have your 300 WSM. ScottyBoy those are sweet pics. How far were the shots you made, that antelope is a beast. I was reading the .223 WSSM is the fastest .223 on earth. To the guys that have them or have had them what is your impression of them? I really like my 25 WSSM, I guess a wiser choice would have been a .25-06, because of the cost and availability of ammo, but when you show someone a nickel plated Nosler Ballistic Tip in black and gray, their always like what is it and that's cool. We killed 3 coues and one javelina with it, since last Dec. everybody likes carrying at about 7 pounds. I think a .223 WSSM would make a nice companion gun, Take Care, JLG.
  19. Thanks Elkaholic, he has been bidding on one but hasn't hit the reserve yet. Thought I would try to help him find one locally. For a while now I have been seriously thinking about 223 WSSM, I am thinking that would be an awesome little round, Thanks for responding, JLG.
  20. JLG

    life is good

    The cool thing about these internet boards is I have a whole lot my hunting friends, than I did 4 or 5 years ago. I didn't draw an elk or lope tag this year, but some friends did. So I can get out with them even if I don't have my own tag. I am also running fall turkey or bear thru my head right now. It really depends on if another friend of mine drew an elk tag. I will probably spend as much time in the woods as I have in the past couple of years, Take Care, JLG.
  21. JLG

    They are up!!

    Nothing for me. Got thru at 3:00 a.m. on about my 5th call. Now is the time to call, Congrats to all with tags, condolences to the rest, Take Care, JLG.
  22. JLG

    Who has Ammo

    CouesAz, This is off a local shooting board. Its both ammo and reloading componets local and web based. If the thread doesn't help you, I am sure someone from that board can steer you in the right direction, Take Care, JLG. http://arizonashooting.com/forums/viewtopi...=46&t=26271 http://arizonashooting.com/forums/viewforum.php?f=6
  23. JLG

    Aplications & the Economy

    So Mike, what was the reason for picking my quote and than writing what you did. What part of my quote made you think, I don't get the draw is a lottery. I bitched about nothing and just spoke of a couple general things as they pertain to me. Basicly, I said, if I don't get an elk tag I am good with it, I will hunt one way or another this year, more than likely based on the draw odds for the hunts I put in for, it will be deer or fall turkeys. If I don't get them I will hunt with friends, which I am cool with too. I just like getting out "there" hunting, possessing a tag is a bonus. If I help my friends be successful or people new to the sport be successful, I get great joy from that, Take Care, JLG.
  24. One thing I was shown that I really like is using a pumpup weed sprayer for doing dishes, washing off meat or general clean-up. A gallon of water goes along way with one of those. Another is Easy Cheese and Wheat Thins. The canned cheese won't get crushed in your backpack and it lasts forever. The Wheat Thin boxes do a pretty good job of keeping your crackers in one piece. I also carry totes in my truck, one is tools and misc. hardware. The other is food, cooking stuff, laterns, all the little stuff you have a tendency to forget unless you make a list everytime. I pretty much just load up my totes, grab a couple of sleeping bags, pillows, guns, backpack and optics. Pickup a couple 8 packs of gatorade (blue) and a case of arrowhead 16.9 Oz waters and a couple bags of ice. I usually grab food from the pantry and some critters from previous hunts from the freezer. I hunt alot and I pretty much have most of my trips down to a 1/2 hour of prep time before I go, most of my packing is in the morning before I leave. The totes are a great way to have all the little things together in one place. Take Care, JLG.
  25. JLG

    Aplications & the Economy

    I guess my one consession to the economy was not putting in for a 3rd choice for an LO unit. I spent 6 days and a fair amount of money in one last year and didn't see an elk. I figured I would just put in for the unit I wanted, first and second choice and see how it turns out. I usually draw deer tags and I love going to the Kaibab for fall turkey and other critters. If fuel stays the way it is, I will probably try for that tag this year. Because of the internet and the hunting relationships I have developed, I could pretty much hunt from August to Febuary with somebody if I didn't draw a single tag of my own. I really just like to hunt, wether it is my tag or helping friends, its all fun to me, Take Care, JLG.