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Everything posted by JLG

  1. Going to be a cold weekend in Payson..... https://www.google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=payson%20az%20weather
  2. JLG

    22N December Bull?

    They were actually a couple longtime friends father and son, Jake would make an ugly girl . I hunt 22N a lot and we usually see bigger bulls, these two will eat really well. Jake's first bull and Chris kept his streak alive of filling all his elk tags in Az on a last day, late afternoon bull so he was happy. Thank you for the kind words.
  3. JLG

    22N December Bull?

    Two spikes from last Wednesday and Thursday. We saw 12 spikes and a small 3x3 in 3 days.
  4. Got the 23N cow this morning. Half hour to kill, still packing out and it was close to a road too. This country deceives me
  5. Jake's Dad just dropped another spike, in 22N. That makes 5 bulls in 7 days, helping out my friends. Helping on cow hunt this weekend. Fun stuff for sure.
  6. Plan worked out with a minor variation. Jake killed his first bull today. Just got back to the RNC.
  7. I had Jeff up for the first four days of the season while I was in 4a. He like my place and wants to use it again in the summer for trout fishing.
  8. Been tough this year in 22N for my circle of friends. No bulls down with them.
  9. We killed two today in 4a and a third on Sunday. We went 3 of 4, the Boys it was their first Big Game animals ever and for Kevin his first elk and first Big Game animal in 26 years. It was a great trip and we missed the ❄.
  10. JLG

    22 South Lodging

    My place is being used this coming week for a 22n bull hunt and the following week for a 23n cow hunt. I appreciate you all putting a plug in for me, JLG.
  11. Went up to the Hopi Reservation today. Cold and rainy both coming and going. Caught just a little bit of snow south of Clints Wells. It was an awesome day. Sitting on the couch at the RNC enjoying the heater.
  12. No issue, Cesar is a cool dude and does great body and paint work. He is the brother of one of my great friends and hunting partner the last 15 years. Look forward to you and yours coming up in May. Great time of year for sure.
  13. I am not the stash guy. I am the heavy set gray dude in the orange shirt. Cesar "El Matador" Mata of Matador Rod and Customs is the man to ask about the stash. You can find him and his shop on facebook. Look forward to hearing from you on my place. What time of the year are you thinking?
  14. There is a story behind the stash. Marketing tool actually.
  15. We took a couple more spikes on our 18b hunt this past weekend. Having Payson withdrawals. Won't get up this weekend either. Good luck Coues hunters.
  16. Last weekend in 18b. Two first time deer hunters getting it done. Will be back there again this weekend to try for again.
  17. Another successful weekend at the RNC. Mallory and a bunch of friends came up to help on her 22n cow hunt. Had a lot of chances and it came down to the last half hour of daylight on her last day to hunt. She got it done.
  18. The second one came in at 350 pounds, based on measuring the chest and converting the inches to pounds The bears up here have been eating well this year. All the rain we had made for a lot of berries and a huge acorn crop. Prickly pear fruit was awesome too.
  19. A friend came up this weekend to go bear hunting. Made it up to his spot about 4 pm on Saturday. Prior to that stopped by my place to say high. Told him to call me if he got something down. With about and hour or so of daylight left he did. Had a couple friends up so we jumped in my truck with the ranger in tow and headed to met them from the bottom. Got as far as we counderstand long after dark. We could see their flashlights so headed for them. About 2 am we made it back to my place.
  20. Yesterday in 22. Covered in blood, dirty and tired. It was great to comeback to my place. Shower, wash my clothes and sleep in a real bed. Nothing in hunting is harder than retrieve on a bear. Every muscle in my body aches. Place is still open for next weekends juniors hunt.
  21. Thank you, Bill for the nice write-up. I am glad you and JJ enjoyed it. Its a great place to recharge after being out for 7 days straight hunting. Place looks great. Thank you for respecting it and keeping it clean. Take Care JLG.