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Everything posted by SpringChicken

  1. SpringChicken

    1980 Chevy Camaro

    Girlfriend pregnant, wife pissed, car gotta go Lol GLWS
  2. SpringChicken


    Free bump, badass tents.
  3. SpringChicken

    AR10 308

    Love my BA barrels. IMO some of the best in the industry.
  4. SpringChicken

    Swaro NL Pures?

    Anyone else a 10’s or 8’s and a BTX kinda guy? Own the short game with FOV and 15’s can’t keep up at over a mile?
  5. SpringChicken

    7 mm Backcountry

    Super excited for this one!! Going to sit on it 3-6 months and order a weatherby 307 in it if it’s looking promising. Haters and fudds will do what they do.
  6. SpringChicken

    6.8 Western

    Negative loaded them myself along with the 165 ABLR shot great too. Seemed like the ABLR were more reliable on animals vs the EOL just poking around forums and talking to people.
  7. SpringChicken

    6.8 Western

    Free bump for a great cartridge and rifle. Mine shoots the factory 175 gameking great and 170 EOL’s even better.
  8. SpringChicken

    Nemo backpacking tent

    Honest seller, buy with confidence
  9. SpringChicken

    Tightspot 5 arrow quiver

    Pm sent
  10. SpringChicken

    Nemo backpacking tent

    Pm sent on sleeping bag
  11. SpringChicken


    Bought my 1.7 from Levi, buy with confidence.
  12. SpringChicken

    Tikka T1X .22 LR for sale

    Free bump, seller is friend of mine, buy with confidence.
  13. SpringChicken

    Kuiu Youth Size Large

    PM sent
  14. SpringChicken

    Bowtech realm sr6 pending

    Pm sent
  15. SpringChicken


    PM sent
  16. SpringChicken


    Bought my SLC 15’s from Mathew’s, good seller buy with confidence.
  17. 2 outdoorsman’s Pan heads (gen 1) $200 Micro pan head (gen 1) $175 Pistol grip head (gen 1) $175 Quick release adapter $50 Manfrotto 190X (legs only) $90 all are in great shape, selling for a buddy who is a weight freak thus the reason for the silver sharpie on a few of the heads. Located in North Phoenix, can meet at Sportsmans @I17&101
  18. Just making some room in the safe and this rifle has served its purpose (bear hunt) Rifle is a browning X bolt speed SR, with the recoil hawg factory muzzle break chambered in 6.8 western. It has a Burris XTR 3, 3-18x50mm on it sitting in talley lightweight rings. The trigger spring has also been swapped to the MCARBO spring, pulls at roughly 3lbs. Rifle really likes the factory 175gr sierra load from browning as well as the Winchester copper impact 162’s, and Winchester nosler ABLR 165’s. Also hand loaded for this rifle and was able to close groups up to a consistent .4-.6 moa 3 shot group with 150 Berger VLD-H, as well as the 165 ABLR’s. Didn’t shoot the Berger EOL’s very well but I didn’t try too hard to make them shoot. Roughly 167 rounds down the tube. Total rifle weight is 9lb 2oz as it sits with scope/rings. All the brass is included 100+ pieces. As well as a factory box of Winchester ABLR’s and the remaining 165 ABLR projectiles (roughly 60 left) load data can be provided if your into that sort of thing. looking to get $1750 for everything. Located in N Phoenix. Text or call preferred Jason @623-670-zerothree65
  19. SpringChicken

    6.8W browning X bolt with Burris XTR3

  20. SpringChicken

    300 RUM for sale

    Are you open to trades for other rifles?
  21. SpringChicken

    Outdoorsman’s spur 50

    Like new Spur 50, $175, located in N Phoenix.
  22. SpringChicken

    Outdoorsman’s tripod heads/manfrotto tripod

    Pan heads sold, all other items still available, make an offer stuff needs to go!
  23. SpringChicken

    6.8W browning X bolt with Burris XTR3

    Price drop, $1750, will separate scope/rifle. Open to trades
  24. SpringChicken

    6.8W browning X bolt with Burris XTR3

    Bump, make me an offer
  25. SpringChicken

    . Sold
