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Everything posted by mr.smith

  1. I've got a handful of things I'm looking to unload. 125 Gallon Aquarium, stand, lids and lights. It's a little scuffed and scratched but holds water. $300 Offshore fishing outfit. Penn International 30TW on a Penn Stand-Up Slammer rod. Very good condition. $350 Genesis Bow. Blue. Bare bow with no accessories. $100 3 Rims, Aluminum with chrome 17" for a Jeep Grand Cherokee. I slid sideways into a tall curb and wrecked the other two. $30 each. Total Gym, Very good condition. -SOLD Pics on request. PM for details -Josh
  2. mr.smith

    Art project

    Turned out great. It's funny. Just the other day I pulled my first javelina skull (about 8yrs old) down and noticed the same thing(yellowing and minor cracking). I also painted mine. Not so creative as yours though. I spray painted it copper. Turned out really nice.
  3. mr.smith

    Free gear for youth waterfowl hunters

    I know a young (19) college kid who may be interested if you're willing to give to an older kid.
  4. mr.smith

    2014 Elk and Antelope Draw Odds

    Elk 3bp: 5BN, 6A early archery Antelope 11bp: 4A, 19A rifle I'm sure I don't really want to know how small my odds are but what the heck. Thanks Flatlander!
  5. mr.smith


    I saw a little buck like that a couple years ago. He had one antler and an arrow sticking out the other side. You could see the broadhead sticking out of the bridge of his nose. Seemed to be getting along pretty good. Even had a doe. She must have liked his bling.
  6. mr.smith

    When do sheds start dropping?

    Elk mid March Muleys mid Feb-May Coues mid May-June
  7. Great video. I saw it on Facebook. That fight was intense.
  8. In the past I have been critical of long range shots. That was based purely on ignorance and assumptions based on the equipment I was using and my own knowledge (or lack thereof) of what I felt I could do with my rifle. I recently won a giveaway on Facebook for a Long Range shooting package. It included an all expenses paid trip to Thompson Long Range shooting course in Logan Utah and a Weatherby Mark V Accumark in 30-378 topped with a Leupold VX3 4.5-14x40 with a custom long range reticle. At the course, Mark Thompson explained the principles of setting up the rifle for accuracy, ballistics, creating a load, and shooting long range in a variety of conditions. We put the rifle together, built the load, bore sighted and then hit the range. First shot I hit a 36" plate at 700yds. We dialed it in to a nice group and then did the same at 800, 900, and 1000yds. I then took a crack at a white rock at 1300 yds and hit it. I now have a new appreciation of what a well setup rifle with enough speed and power can do at distance. This may very well be a paradigm shift for how I hunt. It was an amazing, eye opening experience that I feel very fortunate to have had. With that; my sincere apologies if I called you unethical or an idiot for taking the long shot. I didn't know any better. The bolt is open for safety (the gun isnt even loaded in this pic) as the guy taking the picture was in front of the firing line. Please don't turn this into a debate over the merits of Marks system vs turrets and gizmos. That is not my intention at all.
  9. mr.smith

    An apology and a bit of a brag

    Fingers crossed I get an antelope tag. I hope to share many great hunts with this rifle.
  10. mr.smith

    Fishing Rods and Reels

    Those Gatorback rods were great. They were Zebcos answer to the Ugly Stick.
  11. I find the support for these exorbitant fees surprising. Especially for residents. We are indeed being robbed. To demonstare this fact lets look at the rates residents in the other western states are paying. Yeah, our new rates are totally fair. I did the math. On the application fee increase alone only counting the "main" draws they are gaining 6.5 million dollars. I suppose those of you who happily support this are just hoping the poor, less dedicated, and non-residents stop applying for your tags and increase your odds.
  12. Take her with you! I love hunting with my wife.
  13. mr.smith


    For such a young ram he is a monster. Congrats Tammy!
  14. Good news! There is still more than two weeks left in the hunt. Get back out there.
  15. mr.smith

    help track a lost buck

    Not sure what the terrain is like but look straight down hill from the last blood. A buddy of mine smoked a great buck we followed an ample trail for 60yds digaonal up hill and then nothing. I stood up to stretch and look around and the deer was 30 yds straight down hill. I guess he stumbled, jumped, fell whatever and covered that last 30yds without dropping any blood. So, go to the last blood and look at a 90 degree angle. He just might be right there.
  16. mr.smith

    FLAGSTAFF people...?

    Check Cal Ranch on 4th.
  17. mr.smith

    Vortex Diamondbacks 10x42 binos sold

    Interested in any trades? I've got a Genesis bow (blue) with a whisker biscuit. Great for the kids.
  18. mr.smith


    I've had plenty of good afternoon hunts. It's warmer and there is less pressure. Do it!
  19. I'm hunting Lake Mary in the morning. It is going to be snowy and I will likely have to break a hole in the ice. I had some friends lined up to go with but they bailed. Anybody wanna be cold and kill some ducks tomorrow?
  20. mr.smith

    Duck id

    It's an immature left footed brown phase dwarf Canada Goose!
  21. mr.smith

    Duck id

    I'm going with ringer/scaup mix hen. They are so similar. I'm sure they occassionally get confused and cross pair.
  22. mr.smith

    Duck id

    The eye ring could be an anomaly. The obvious facts are it is a female diver duck. Drab gray speculum, short tail, small size. Whether it is a scaup or ringneck can be determine by the color of the eye. If the eye is gold, it's a scaup, if brown it's a ringneck. Who knows, it could be a cross breed. I've shot two mutt ducks this season already.
  23. mr.smith

    Duck id

    Looks like a hen scaup.
  24. mr.smith

    Opening day ram!

    Great ram! Congratulations on a terrific once in a lifetime trophy!
  25. mr.smith

    Wow 2013

    How about that Wild Scats? The territorial cup remains in Tempe.