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Everything posted by mr.smith

  1. mr.smith

    Cool Buck

    My Father in law killed this buck probably 20 years ago in 6A. Not sure who did the taxidermy. We speculate that his antlers had to be touching in velvet as they over lap now. He had never had it scored so I put the tape to it this morning. I'm no expert but I think I got pretty close. What do you all think? I'll post my score later.
  2. mr.smith

    Cool Buck

    Inside Spread: 10 5/8 Right Length: 16 5/8 Left length: 16 4/8 R G1: 4 6/8 L G1: 3 6/8 R G2: 8 3/8 L G2: 9 7/8 R G3: 1 5/8 R C1: 4 7/8 L C1: 4 7/8 R C2: 3 7/8 L C2: 3 7/8 R C3: 3 5/8 L C3: 3 2/8 R C4: 1 7/8 L C4: 3 2/8 =101 5/8 gross -6" in deductions =95 net These are the measurements I got using Amanda's tutorial on the home page.
  3. mr.smith

    Cool Buck

    That little point at the end of the right antler measures at 1 5/8. He'd actually score better without it. The blocks are roughly 2 1/2 X 8.
  4. mr.smith


    here it is http://forums.coueswhitetail.com/forums/in...ic=17123&hl
  5. mr.smith

    Vortex kaibab binos????????

    When I first got mine it took me a while to get them adjusted just right. They felt weird at first too. Now I've got them where I want them and they have taken my game to the next level. And the warranty is second to none.
  6. mr.smith

    2010 Az Antelope

    I was up in 10 last weekend and saw a decent buck that was already with 7 does. I don't have a tag. Just passing on what I saw.
  7. mr.smith


    How much for just the ammo Don?
  8. I said most closely related meaning most genetically similar to goats. But your are right Eli (of course). They are unique. I believe they are the only species of their genus. One of a kind in the ungulate world. As far as I know they are the only critter with deciduous horns (not true horns). Pretty cool if you ask me. Sorry to get Off topic, as for goats in 18B the only place I have seen them is Goodwin Mesa.
  9. They call them goats because they are most closely related to goats. They are in no way related to true antelope. It's a lot like callina javelina pigs. Do some biology homework Bucko!
  10. mr.smith

    Black Canyon Lake Bassin'

    Wow, sweet bassin for a trout lake. Nice!
  11. mr.smith


    I'm sure he will face much stiffer penalties in the civil suit after the conviction. AZGFD will likely fine him 10K and confiscate all items used in the crime. Gun, Truck, boat, fishing gear... Plus he will likely lose privileges for 5-10 years.
  12. mr.smith

    viva los 1070

    The link above is a copy cat. It was on the news. http://www.vivalos1070.com/ The real ones are half the price of the copies.
  13. mr.smith

    Ray Stevens

    That's pretty funny. Also check this one out. http://michaelberry.com/index.php/2010/05/...co-no-way-jose/
  14. Did you see this response in the comments? I don't know if it is truly a copy of a letter sent from our corporation commission but if it is... Then heck Yeah! Stick it to those Kalifornians.
  15. I saw that on the news this morning. Pitiful...
  16. mr.smith

    Ashurst Lake Pike

    Crawdads muddy it up pretty good. They kill and eat everything. Plants, animals, everything. It destabilized the substrate and creates a silty muddy mess and creates a lot of crawdad poo. In lakes like Woods Canyon you don't notice the dirtying because it has a rocky bottom, whereas Ashurst is volcanic ash mud
  17. mr.smith

    Ashurst Lake Pike

    Looks like he was taking a break from turkey hunting. Thats a good one. Must have been sweet to see it crash his topwater plug.
  18. mr.smith

    Round One

    Nice pics. Looks like a Kitty to me.
  19. mr.smith


    Enforcement seems to be the problem in a lot of laws. Unfortunately legislators seem to prefer to make more laws rather than enforce existing ones. That is why I feel this bill is good. It finally allows for enforcement. I'm sure plenty of people will be screaming "Racial Profiling" Heck they already are. They even brought in the king of the race card Reverend Al. And right by his side was the city council fool who made a big stink about race to detract from him doing something wrong. It's the perfect distraction from ones crime. Get caught doing something wrong and scream about race to shift the focus. Doesn't change that a law was violated in the first place.
  20. mr.smith


    Arthur, have you read the entire bill? The largest portion specifically addresses hiring illegals. The part that most people are up in arms about if the very first provision which makes it a state crime to be here illegally. Pages 7-15 http://www.azleg.gov/legtext/49leg/2r/bills/sb1070s.pdf
  21. Same story as the bird feeder analogy that was on here last week.
  22. I especially love the hypocrisy coming out of the Mexican President. http://michellemalkin.com/2010/04/28/polic...illegal-aliens/ You have to understand most of those against the bill haven't read it. Most of those screaming "racist" are in fact themselves racists by throwing out that race card they imply that they deserve special treatment. I love it. I hope all states adopt similar legislation. The down side is now Obooba is on the hot seat to get amnesty pushed through.
  23. mr.smith

    sb 1070

    Surely you guys got that clever play on words? http://www.azcentral.com/news/articles/201...vandalized.html Furor, Swastikas= Fuhrer. The news paper guy is making an allusion to nazis. I gotta think that was intentional.
  24. I got this in an email from my Uncle who is very active with the Tea Party movement. http://patdollard.com/2010/04/we-need-a-lo...ans-in-october/
  25. That's hilarious! Thanks