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Everything posted by mr.smith

  1. mr.smith

    Grand Canyon Fishing???

    If the water is clear the fishing is good all the way through. If murky, don't waste your time.
  2. Be sure to click the "NO" option. Read the script before clicking.
  3. mr.smith


    Think about it. They spend 20 million to get a job that pays 200K. Their net worth increases every year. A lot of insider trading and favors going on.
  4. mr.smith


    They had a couple at Cabelas yesterday for $950. I probably should have bought one...
  5. It was online last year too. Not sure why there are that many more. Perhaps it is the "improved economy". Nah!
  6. NRA-ILA article referencing Remington ownership. Soros is in no way involved. http://www.nraila.org/legislation/federal-legislation/2011/10/internet-rumors-about-cerberus,-freedom.aspx?s=cerberus&st=&ps=
  7. mr.smith

    WTB bowfishing gear

    Check craigslist Blake. Often times I see cheap bows on there. Any old PSE will do. Doesnt have to be super fast or fancy. You'd be hard pressed to get a set-up for under $100. The reels arent cheap.
  8. mr.smith


    We should petition AZGFD to allow the shooting of Pike and Stripers as well. Right after ice out at Mary and Ashurst the pike are in skinny water. It would be awesome to arrow a bunch.
  9. mr.smith

    NRA promotion

    I got my BPS gift card yesterday
  10. mr.smith

    SPF: Ruger Mini 14 Ranch

    looks like I was just a minute late. nuts
  11. mr.smith

    Pigeon Problem

    You could easily build a pigeon trap. Probably quite cheaply. It is very similar to a box type crawfish trap only bigger.
  12. mr.smith


    Not sure when the muleys drop, elk drop in mid-late March, Coues drop in late May early June.
  13. mr.smith


    But our president promised not one cent of tax increase for the middle class.... Oh wait, another lie. My check was mysteriously smaller too.
  14. mr.smith


    That makes more sense. Embarrassingly enough I have done the same thing. Fortunately I got my bow back pretty quickly. Propped it up against my tire while taking off my pack...
  15. mr.smith

    Kaela's First Pig!

    That was great! Congrats Kaela! Thanks for sharing Blake. I sure wish I'd had a video camera with us.
  16. mr.smith

    Small tomato looking fruits

    I know what you're talking about but I don't know the name. They are little green tomato looking things on a short shrub.
  17. mr.smith

    Felicia's first archery javelina

    So, I have been nagging the wife to take up archery for a couple years. Last June I found a pretty good deal on a youth/ladies bow, a Hoyt RinTec. At first she couldn't draw it. So I bought a bowfit band exerciser. It didn't work for her. Doesn't quite capture the draw motion adequately. Then I found a Genesis bow in the bargain cave at Cabelas for a hundred bucks. This helped her get the motion down and quickly she was shooting it 50 times a night. By late August she graduated to her Hoyt. She shoots almost every evening. We made a couple trips out to Ben Avery to walk the course and by the time the archery javelina hunt started we were ready. Going in to this hunt I told her I wasn't going to shoot until she got hers. This frustrated our help on opening day as we were in the middle of a herd and I didn't even nock an arrow. Instead I was armed with the rangefinder. On opening day we went to our usual javelina honey hole. Felicia has killed three pigs in there with her rifle. Well, it was a pretty good introduction to archery hunting for her. We had two unsuccessful stalks, both times we got into range, just never got a clear shot. Opening day was the only day we would have extra eyes, thanks John, Josh, Dan, and Mike, wish we could have gotten it done with you guys. The next day we went out in search of a more bow friendly spot. I found a nice south facing hill at the end of a gnarly 4x4 road and within minutes found a herd of pigs. We made our move and got busted by swirling winds at 60yds. We took Thursday off. On Friday we went to the same spot and it was de ja vu. This time we chased them all over the hill and had two good stalks but couldn't get the shot. Came very close though. Friday was our 16th wedding anniversary so we let early to go out to dinner. Saturday, back to the same spot. This time I found the pigs in a very open spot to the west of where they had been the two days prior. We watched them for a bit and came up with a better plan, learning from our experience from the two days before, Honestly, the stalk went perfectly as planned. We crept in and the pigs were moving slowly away the herd boar bringing up the rear. We moved to my landmark cactus and there before us was the boar and a smaller pig feeding in some short grass at 30 yds. Felicia drew, waited for him to turn and sent a Slick Trick flying. The shot wasn't perfect but it was good enough. The pig ran a short circle and stopped at 40 yds. He then went down into a wash and never came out. Felicia was worried about the shot so we crept up and checked the arrow. While looking at the arrow I heard the pig about 10 yds away letting out a groan. I crept up to see him piled up in the wash but not quite dead. Felicia crept up and put a finisher shot into him and that was that. I'm so proud of her and all of her hard work.
  18. mr.smith

    Felicia's first archery javelina

    Thanks All, She is pretty excited. We just submitted our apps for archery elk. Fingers crossed we get drawn and I can get her into some screaming bulls.
  19. mr.smith


    Shhhhhhh! Don't mention that too loudly. AzGFD will likely ban radios and spotters giving hand signals next. They don't want the archers to be too successful ya know. edit* Sorry, I guess that wasn't really a constructive answer. Spot and Stalk tips. Walk slowly and without rhythm. Have a spotter keep an eye on the critter. Wear soft material pants, definitely not corduroys. No matter how quietly you step, if your pant legs swish on brush or each other, you will still be noisy. Check the wind every 10 -20 yds Search with your binos every 10-20 feet. The ones you don't see will bust you.
  20. mr.smith

    First shed of 2013

    Nice find. I picked up a nice 2pt on the 2nd. Mine wasnt so well hidden. It was right in the middle of a pig rooting. Stood out like a mylar balloon.
  21. mr.smith

    My First Stink Pig!

    Congrats! My experience has been that the larger ones taste like they smell and the smaller ones are pretty good.
  22. mr.smith

    Pig in a blanket . .

    Way to get it done on a cold miserable day. I spent the day in the field but couldnt turn up a single deer or pig.
  23. mr.smith

    Info on PSE Citation II?

    I'm pretty sure they stopped making that model in the late 90's. I would guess $200-$250 wouldn't be too much for it. You could get a brand new PSE Rally package for $350 -ish.
  24. mr.smith

    Need help identifying this skull

    Looks like a plain old goat skull.
  25. This actually happened a week ago. They covered it up til after the election. How convenient...