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Everything posted by cjw2222

  1. hmmm pretty weird lookin contraption. maybe the marbles are used as a way to decrease evaporation while not absorbing any water...?
  2. cjw2222

    Son's first Javalina

    congrats on such a big hunt, i remember my first big game animal and it was one of the better days of my life. and just click reply and then right under and to the right of the dialogue box is a little white box that say "choose file" click on it and select the picture then click upload button right next to it and there you go. now lets see that thing!
  3. cjw2222

    Tucson area guys

    I ordered black jack pizza last year after seein how cheap they were and they quoted me at 30 minutes. well 2 and a half hours and 6 phone calls later i still had no pizza and nobody seemed to care. i got my money back and have not ordered from them since. sorry to hear about your case though, definately worse than mine
  4. cjw2222

    ND Whitetail...Not a coues, sorry.

    Cant say ive ever tracked a buck through corn taller than me, musta been fun i imagine. congrats on a stud buck though, perfect heavy typical frame on him. now lets see that 174!
  5. cjw2222

    Coues sheds

    WOW!!!! double main beamed right side that thing is a STUD! was it found in AZ??
  6. cjw2222

    Crow hunting

    check your PM's
  7. cjw2222

    Tag for sale!

    that sounds like a great idea. i know i owe amanda for far too many things not to donate at least 20 bucks.
  8. cjw2222

    some good whiteys in 22

    sssshhhhhhh! haha my thoughts EXACTLY. but it does seem to be a great year up there :ph34r:
  9. cjw2222

    Sam Moore Anybody??

    I hear its good music to blast before dark to get some shock gobbles from roostin turkeys...
  10. cjw2222

    Junior Hunters

    My cousin left last night for his Unit 10 deer hunt. cant wait to see how he does!! Good luck to all the juniors hunt, should be a great deer season
  11. cjw2222

    ten years of waiting

    well i know ill be up there helpin ya. we outta be able to get ya a beautiful little forkie :P
  12. cjw2222

    World Record Bull

    that is an incredibly bold and entirely unjustified post. not to sound standoffish but people have been watching that bull for months now. i mean if you are suspicious that it was farm raised or jacked up on steroids then why would somebody let it out so early so everyone can find it and watch it. makes no sense. and yes there have been 500" bulls that are free ranging. google the mike shipsey bull killed on the san carlos reservation. it was killed in '97 i believe... and some people will do anything for money and fame???? come on if you worked hard for your money and had more than enough to live comfortably then wouldnt you want to get a governors tag? i know i sure as heck would and so would just about everyone i know. we look like jealous little kids looking at our friends gifts on christmas. i mean the guy is an established hunter, brings a TON of money to the sport, and is a respectable guy who brings good publicity to the hunting world. what more could you ask for. i am sorry if this sounds stern but i just get tired of posts like these
  13. cjw2222

    Red Rabbit or The Professor

    you just dont wanna be the only one that has to write "formerly known as..." in their signature huh :P i say keep the old one although im not much one for change...
  14. cjw2222

    ten years of waiting

    STUD bull Tyler. just a shame its bigger than mine :angry: To be honest the bull is one thing but the few people that know how hard and long you hunted this past month know that its much more than just a bull. Congrats on a monster bull to one of the most dedicated hunters i have had the privilege of meeting.
  15. cjw2222


    gotta admire his gut, wether its planned or just plain ignorance is irrelevant. im a fan of any guy that can speak his mind that freely and not fear the wrath of others. go ted!
  16. cjw2222

    Guess the score contest Oct 2008

    123 and 2/8ths
  17. azcouesandelk is out scouting this weekend. i know he saw good numbers of deer today buy i didnt ask if they were hard horned. im sure he will chime in when he gets back
  18. cjw2222


    And even the Southwestern ones RARELY have any articles on coues. it seems the only publicity these deer get is when a monster is killed down in Mexico... Oh well, just better draw odds for us!
  19. cjw2222

    Giant AZ 8x8

    WOW Got any top end on that bull?? :rolleyes:
  20. cjw2222

    An incredible 3 day hunt, and.....

    Fantastic top end on that bull!!! much congrats to the hunter, Mullins, and Christian on a very successful hunt
  21. If you are going to be in 22 on the October hunt swing on by and I will perform for everybody I have a feeling you might eventually regret that statement... ;)
  22. :lol: Azcouesandelk just promised, yes promised, to serenade our entire deer camp on our october hunt. He has vowed to memorize every word and belt it out around the campfire. great song and cant wait to hear christian sing it ;)
  23. cjw2222

    Mature Coues. pictures up

    :o :o :o :o :o :o :o WOW
  24. cjw2222

    3C Archery Bull

    That things a STUD! Great bull and story. Ryan gimme a call sometime this weekend, gotta get the details
  25. cjw2222

    Sarah Palin

    definitely a strong supporter after watching her speech. in addition to what people have said she has 5 kids, i believe the youngest has down sydrome, her husband is a commercial fisher, and she can give one heck of a speech! look out Obama!