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About cjw2222

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    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 09/17/1988

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  1. cjw2222

    Zeiss RF 10X42 Binoculars

    Sunday bump
  2. cjw2222

    Zeiss RF 10X42 Binoculars

    Bump $2700
  3. cjw2222

    Zeiss RF 10X42 Binoculars

    Binoculars used for 5 days total. Purchased in 2021 and are in like new condition. Comes with outdoorsmans stud, box and accessories. Flawless glass and body. $2800
  4. cjw2222

    Unit 23: Dem Birds are Tricky

    Nice meeting you out there. You and your son looked to be having a great time. Too bad the evening hunt didn't pan out but sounds like it was still a wild success.
  5. cjw2222

    Feral hogs in Arizona

    ^ Awesome Pic!! I sure would love to wax one of em
  6. From personal experience, and lots of it in 23, the unit is looking fantastic. I have been seeing quite a few mature bucks this year and last. My cousin and good family friend both pulled out 105+ bucks on the juniors hunt this year in 3 days of hunting. And to be honest, I wouldn't judge the quality of a huge unit like 23 based on a single outing... I usually spend 30+ days in 23 every year and I still can't cover enough ground to judge the unit...
  7. cjw2222

    It's Game Time!

    Best of luck to you on the hunt, sure wish I had an opportunity like that! And may you have even more luck getting across the border. My Dad hunts Mexico for Coues every year and there's always a new story of him nearly going to jail trying to get his rifle and ammunition across the line...
  8. cjw2222


    That just put a pit in the bottom of my stomach. I can't even express how terrible that is. And to think I had many friends and family members out hunting during that storm. The calculated risk we take every time we step foot into the woods needs to be taken seriously and safe trips appreciated. My prayers will be with the family tonight
  9. cjw2222

    How much snow in 23?

    I know as of this morning the 260 still had 8 to 12 inches on the ground and there's still snow in and around Young although not a ton anymore. So I think you should be alright just dress warm, temp this morning read 3 degrees...If you believe Christian's word...
  10. cjw2222

    my husband's new jeep

    It looks great! I like the look of it placed on the body panel and not glass. And what's up with the black??? Some kind of "exclusive" color or what?????
  11. cjw2222

    Arizona Wolves in the News

    I have also looked into this fairly thoroughly, although not as much as Lark I am sure, and the wolves in AZ scare the piss outta me. On an AES fence removal project this summer I saw my first AZ wolf and while it was incredible, it left a pit in my stomach. Lions and coyotes hunt an "area" of land from which they roam for any food they can find. Wolves, however, hunt a "herd" not an area. It is their nature to follow herds until they have decimated it at which time they find another heard and follow it until it goes extinct. The problem is instead of taking one or two animals here and there, they take out multiple generations of the same gene pool leaving it completely nonexistent. For a state that prides itself on trophy quality animals, this is particularly alarming. I am all for restoring AZ to the land it once was, but the sacrifice our survived animals, ranchers, hunters, and taxpayers pay is no where near the gain of having free ranging wolves imo. Disclaimer: I am sure some do not believe this hunting strategy to be true but it is what I have heard and read and what I personally believe... .$02 Side Note: What GAIN comes out of having wolves in AZ save the whole restoration of indigenous animals thing??
  12. cjw2222

    Diseased Coyote

    I wish I was on a diet right now cause I could post that pic and never eat again!
  13. cjw2222

    Glassed up a nice one

    Ya I'd say that's a "Nice one" alright! Love the pic of the skull and CW.com sticker too
  14. cjw2222

    collared dove

    Without giving up any of your "spots," where are these guys normally found? General areas work for me...
  15. cjw2222

    Introduced another hunter

    Congrats!! And I really think you see a side of someone that never comes out in normal life when they get a kill, especially the first!