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Pass'n through

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About Pass'n through

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  1. Pass'n through


    Jim, Sent you a pm.
  2. http://www.denverpost.com/huntfish/ci_11546434?source=email
  3. Pass'n through

    Items for sale

    Tri-pod - 3001BN Head - 3265
  4. Pass'n through

    WTB Nikon Monarchs

    I have a pair of 10x42, $ 200.00
  5. Pass'n through

    Items for sale

    Range finder : $ 200.00 Bogen tri-pod and head : $ 300.00 All are in excellant condition.
  6. Pass'n through

    The Secrets Out Now!!!

    16 A! What the heck did he drink over the holidays!
  7. Pass'n through


    Is it still for sale?
  8. Pass'n through


    I wondered if anyone would bring this up. Tony makes a great point about the birds digestive system. One thing no one has brought up is the fact that Bald Eagles are all around now and have been studied extensively for years. Continue to be studied, but the lead issue has never been a factor except for Condors. Hard to believe it wouldnt have caused a lot of these Eagles to become sick. Everytime I have been on a hunt in units 7, 9, 10, 8 I have seen Eagles eating the gut piles of elk or deer, etc. Why has this not been a factor for them, must be immune to lead. Amazing how quick we are to pass another feel good law!
  9. Pass'n through

    New to the site

    Thanks everyone! I ll let you know how the hunt goes.
  10. Pass'n through

    New to the site

    Been lookn at the site for some time now and really enjoy the information everyone has contributed here. Purchased the book How to Hunt Coues from Amanda and read it cover to cover in a couple of days, really got me fired up for the upcoming hunt. Decided to join on here after my nephew (AKA Ghostbuster) nagged me during our scouting trip this past weekend. Not real good on the computer but hope to post some pics and stories of the upcoming whitetail hunt in 6A early next month. Good luck to everyone hunting this fall!