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Everything posted by AZJoshua

  1. AZJoshua

    Rifles For Sale

    PM sent on the .223
  2. AZJoshua

    WTS or trade .222 ammo for .223 🤦

    Thanks, this is called for pending meetup, ill let you know.
  3. With much embarrassment I will post I bought .222 instead of .223 and as you all know they will not let me return the ammo. Would anybody be willing to buy or trade for a ballpark doller amount in 223. I'd take a loss as this is completely useless to me...
  4. AZJoshua

    WTS or trade .222 ammo for .223 🤦

    Sold pending meet up
  5. AZJoshua

    WTS or trade .222 ammo for .223 🤦

    But I do work on the west side, off the 10. Let me know
  6. AZJoshua

    WTS or trade .222 ammo for .223 🤦

    Hayden and Thomas
  7. AZJoshua

    WTB Bolt Action 22 Rifle

    I might have something you'd be interested in. It's a tube fed bolt. I'll see if I can get some pictures for you.
  8. AZJoshua

    Ruger SR 1911 .45-sold

    Still available?
  9. AZJoshua


    Absolutely love my Ruger M77, beautiful rifle!
  10. Anyone have one or a similar Luepole in good condition for sale? Let me know and have a Happy Thanksgiving!
  11. AZJoshua

    WTB Luepole VX-3HD 4.5-14x40 CDS

    I'll check them out, thanks
  12. AZJoshua

    WTB Luepole VX-3HD 4.5-14x40 CDS

    And unfortunately Sportsmans Wearhouse is doing the same thing...
  13. AZJoshua

    WTB Luepole VX-3HD 4.5-14x40 CDS

    L Cazador yes, but they keep trying to sell me the scope in the case with finger prints and sh:t all over the glass. One was a little banged up and they (Bass Pro) will say "it's new" which it is, but I'm not paying new prices unless it comes out of a box untouched. Call me fussy if you want but it's my hard earned money... I'd love a nice used one for less
  14. I am selling these rifles to fund a new project and need some help figuring out the value. I already have a buyer very interested but not sure on a fair price. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  15. AZJoshua

    Mounting a Rifle Scope

    Curious what scope you would suggest for a .223 bolt? Looking to have some fun at 200 - 300 yards in the $400 maybe $500 range
  16. Thank you, this is a huge help. You guys are awesome!
  17. AZJoshua

    Need some help on value

    Looking to sell these 2 war rifles to fund a new project. I have a buyer very interested but can't seem to get a good grasp on what these are worth. Imperial stamp is ground off the Japanese Aieaska, numbers do not match bayonet. Both in pretty good condition for WII era
  18. SN is in the 8 million, and I have shot this on several occasions.
  19. AZJoshua

    WTB .223 Bolt Action

    Looking for a 223 bolt action, been looking at the savage 110 possibly an axsis. I also have a couple old war rifles I could trade if your into that otherwise I have cash. Let me know if you have something, thanks.
  20. AZJoshua

    WTB .223 Bolt Action

    Its much appreciated, I am new to the long distance world. Thanks!
  21. AZJoshua


    Pm sent
  22. AZJoshua

    Rifle For Sale

    That rifle screams America!!! Lol
  23. AZJoshua


    That's a BEAUTIFUL rifle!
  24. AZJoshua


    That thing is awsome!
  25. AZJoshua

    SOLD: New Remington 700 30-06 ADL

    I'd be interested in that, been wanting one for a while now. Have any pictures?