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Everything posted by 123456

  1. 123456


    I was curious when everyone will start bowfishing this year? Is it at end of February that the carp become more visable? Any body shot a catfish yet? I would imagine that the only way to shoot catfish would be at night? I have hardly seen them in the day. I am fairly new to bowfishing, but can not wait to start flinging away again this year.
  2. 123456

    Broadheads accuracy

    Wac ems... The end!!!
  3. 123456

    How many animals have you harvested in Arizona

    Hunter74: 29 deer in 39 years of life is pretty good!!!! That is a deer a year, every year you were able to hunt in this state. Pretty impressive!!
  4. 123456

    WTB SAUM Brass

    Hey Goatsie, I know you have a bunch of real nice guns, I was wondering why you went with saum instead of WSM? Is saum a better short mag to convert? I have a 270wsm, I have never fired, and was thinking of turning it into a 6.5wsm.
  5. 123456

    2014 pigs?

    I have no dog in this.... I do not know Kidso personally, but if he chose to hunt 2 animals he had tags for, so be it. You asked a question and he gave his answer. If you disagree, which clearly you do, take it up with him. PM's are a better way to communicate if you are going to bash him for wounding 2 animals on one hunt. Of course, no one thinks wounding 2 animals is a good thing. At what point was he able to try to hunt again? What was the acceptable time frame? Obviously when he shot at the javelina, he had no intentions of not recovering it. This was the next day, and it sounds like he was making an honest effort to recover his deer. Hope this explains my like......
  6. Looks alive! Nice mount.
  7. 123456

    Broadhead tuning help please!

    Breasts always make things go haywire!!!
  8. Anyone have a berger reloading book that can look up a particular load? If so pm me. Thanks in advance.
  9. Got it guys. Thanks a lot to those who helped!!
  10. 123456

    wtb 270wsm ammo

    Randalls usually has ammo.
  11. 123456


    pretty confident that sven does a lot of other taxidermists birds as well. Most taxi's either do birds or big game. I know for a fact the Kris Krueger is pretty solid at birds. He is more expensive than most, but he is good. Another guy called top knot taxidermy does specifically birds, and he is average with birds. Part time gig for him as he is a firefighter full time. Very reasonable on rates though..
  12. 123456

    Late Riffle Bull

    Chains are not needed. I have spoken with a few that live in and around flagstaff and most say there is very little snow. Be prepared for mud and more mud. Bring shovels and have nice smooth wooden logs in the back of your truck. Those will come in handy if you need to dig out of a mud bogg. Good luck on your hunt and be prepared for a muddy mess. hopefully it gets cold enough to freeze the mud.
  13. 123456

    Opening day success in Sonora!

    serious bone!!! Love the pictures!!
  14. 123456

    Bow lesson learned...

    I'm in the construction business. Not a contest at all. I gave my opinion just as you did. I simply think it was because the draw length was too long, you do not. You then proceeded to say that if others hit their arms, they are either weak or have bad form. just a difference of opinion. What do you do for a living?
  15. 123456

    Bow lesson learned...

    Your family is full of great archers that are clearly stronger than all of us! Must have been something in the water.....
  16. A nicely sanded stock with a few coats of birchwood casey tru-oil looks great.
  17. 123456

    Taxidermy Nightmare!

    If he tanned your hide and is willing to give back your horns, how much money are you really out? I know with my taxi, I usually give him atleast half down. I am not sure what other taxidermists will charge to complete, but I know it will be less than their full price. Hopefully you were only doing a shoulder mount and should only be out 100-200$ after taking into consideration the tanning. Good luck and I hope this doesn't happen to too many other. I am sure one of the sponsors on here will help you out in any way they can.
  18. 123456

    Burris rifle scope ring question

    Well I would have to say the actual height to the top of the bottom saddle. Knowing that your scope tube is 1", it is impossible for them to make a ring that is 1/4" to the center of your scope.
  19. 123456

    Bow lesson learned...

    It had everything to do with draw length. It is only common sense that if your arm is not long enough, then it will have to be as straight as possible to shoot a bow that is too long of a draw length.
  20. 123456

    130# Tom ready for pick up (pic heavy)

    I love the closed mouth lion mounts. They look so much better IMO. Same with Javelina, closed mouth looks so much better. Great mount and good job on the muscle tone.
  21. 123456

    140" Rumors...

    yep.. definitely no deer in the white tanks.
  22. 123456

    Late Archery Bull 2013

    Nice!!! Looks like you have a bunch of critters to help pack out. Congrats on a tough tag punched.
  23. 123456

    Nov. San Carlos Rez Bucks Taken

    30 pack of Natty sounds like a bargain. Those are some impressive bucks.
  24. 123456

    Unfinished Project

    I have no dog in this... As Stephen stated, there is a whole bunch of work left and lots of time and money left to put into this project. I personally would probably give/ charge very little for what you have.