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Everything posted by 123456

  1. 123456

    GPS help

    Try sportsmans warehouse. They usually give atleast 1 class a month on GPS. I believe they have an advanced and basic class. They are free and usually in the evenings.
  2. 123456

    How long do you sit water?

    I usually still hunt mornings and sit water from noon until dark.
  3. So for the last few years of reloading, I have decided to use gold medal match primers, thinking I was getting "something" better than standard. I spoke with an owner of a very prominent reloading store today, and he told me the only difference is that federal has 1 more guy on the production line to ensure quality control. He assured me that this was straight from federal's mouth. So essentially, there is no difference between match and non match primers? Has anyone ever heard this, or know something different?
  4. 123456

    Bull Elk Cape for sale

    my taxi gave me 100$ this year for my cape
  5. 123456


    I switched from a long time bowtech shooter to Mathews this year, and I could not be happier. All the higher end companies make good bows. Go shoot them all and see what you like. Every company seems to focus on different aspects of shootability. Go to archery headquarters, ross or Arizona archery and shoot some bows. Give your business to the shop that treats you right.
  6. 123456

    WTB H4350 and Varget

    North Peoria. I think I found some in town. Thanks for the PM's
  7. 123456

    WTB H4350 and Varget

    I am sure it is a long shot, but if anyone has any let me know! I would like to purchase a pound or 2 of each. Thanks-
  8. 123456

    North Korean Executions

    This is going to be walking the fine line of being the World police again.
  9. 123456

    Coues Measurements

    If it were me, I would hope a taxidermists would chime in. I am sure most have done full body Coues mounts, and know what rough measurements are.
  10. 123456

    Nikon Prostaff 440 value?

    If it is the standard 440, I would not pay more than 125$ used. They are a great rangefinder for the money. Obviously there are better rangefinders out there, but for under 200$ these are pretty hard to beat
  11. 123456

    Big Mule Deer and Brown Bear

    Looks like the bear is
  12. 123456

    Coueszilla, better to be lucky than good

    I like the sheds!!! but.... Your lantern stand in the background is pretty bad a##. That is a sweet piece of furniture.
  13. 123456

    european mount help

    You are fine.. Just let it thaw out and proceed.
  14. 123456

    2 blade choices...

    Wac em. is coming out with a 2 blade version. I am a diehard Wac em user and have had outstanding results with their 3 blade versions. Check them out, If they are anything like their 3 blade versions, they will fly like bullets out to long distances and hold up thru bone.
  15. 123456

    Unit 1 bull

    Wow!!! that bull's head looks tiny!! Definite STUD bull there.
  16. 123456


    The names lost me.... Is this a story like the old baseball joke "who is on first base?"
  17. 123456


    I am going to be selling a burris fullfield II 4.5-14x42 on here soon. I just need to get around to listing it. It has the ballistic plex and adjustable objective. looking for $240.00 for it. I already have a leica rangefinder, so I am not interested in your trade, but it you are interested in my scope let me know.
  18. 123456

    Best Arrows?

    Exactly my thought process. I shoot 100gr heads because I already have a 92gr stainless outsert. Plenty of FOC. My bow is IBO'd at 335 and I shoot low 280's with a 442 gr. arrow. I like 280-290 FPS for my speed preference.
  19. 123456

    Elk poached in 24A....can you help?

    If I were you ffm71, I would contact AZGFD, if you can remember any of the different type of vehicles that you saw that day in the area. Sometimes, it is the smallest tip that can blow a case wide open.
  20. 123456

    Best Arrows?

    I used to shoot the blue streaks. The quality of the arrow was great. I only switched to get a heavier arrow. The blue streaks are a very light weight arrow. As I posted above, I did not like how fast my bow was flinging these guys. I also noticed a big difference in wind drift, when I went to a heavier arrow. Many will argue that speed is the end all be all, but after having both fast, light weight arrows, and heavy average speed arrows, I will always go with the heavier. Again, if you want a light weight arrow, the blue streak's quality is fantastic!!
  21. 123456


    Lots of them are active on this forum. If you have specific questions, ask them directly to the outfitters. You are going to be spending a lot of money, and the more questions you ask, the better chance you will have of finding the right outfitter.
  22. 123456

    Bull Elk Cape for sale

    If it is in good shape, try taxidermists shops.
  23. 123456

    A Couple From Last Season..

    Blue wing teal are very, very hard to shoot in AZ when they are full plumage. Lots during early season, but they are usually the first to leave. Good luck in your quest. I have yet to shoot a full plumed Blue wing teal.
  24. 123456


    I thought so too. I was on the hunt in 2008, and helped look for the bull, if this is the bull in question.