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Everything posted by 123456

  1. 123456

    Lost Camera

    Gotta love CWT.com
  2. 123456

    Archery cow

    Dang that cow looks like a camel. looks like a big cow. Cow hunting is the exact opposite of bull hunting. When bull hunting you want to shoot as big of a bull as you can. When you cow hunt, you want to shoot as small of a cow as you can. Congrats on the successful hunt!
  3. REALLY??? Seems pretty black and white to me. Use your bow and kill the da#@ rabbit. Why start a discussion about this. Think about duck hunting, if you are duck hunting, you can not posses lead shot. Even if you are walking back from the tank you just shot ducks on and you are no longer duck hunting, you still can not have leadshot for the quail next to your truck. Shoot them with the legal weapon and ammunition and do not complain about it. Seems that allowing us to carry a firearm for defense was a big win in our direction, and now you want to pick at it. The point of allowing us to carry the pistol is for defense, not because your archery skills are not good enough to kill a rabbit with an arrow.
  4. 123456

    The wisdom of a kid

    We are such a great country, that we do not need to pay back our debt. We just make more money when we run out. It is so simple. Why don't the Republicans understand?
  5. 123456

    Oh my poor Packers!!! BAD refs!!!

    That was terrible!!!!! I can not believe the ref reviewed the call, and then upheld it. Not a snowballs' chance in heck that he could consider that simoultaneous possesion. Not to mention the terrble, blatant offensive pass interference.
  6. 123456

    400" 4B Bull Down

    Congrats on the Giant. Great bull!!! Especially for 4B
  7. 123456


    Nice Bull, But definetly not 476"
  8. 123456

    Back from 6B

    NOOOOOO!!!!!!!! Not the dang ole' Hoochie Mama. Worst sound to hear in the woods during an elk hunt. I was in 4A for last few days, and boy was the rut dynamite.
  9. 123456

    Quick Question

    Over the counter tags are only good for the over the counter seasons and hunts. If you read the regs, it will clearly state when they are open and what units are open. The over the counter tag is not good for a draw tag hunt. You need to be drawn in order to hunt during that specified time in that sepcified unit. Welcome to the state. Good luck hunting.
  10. 123456

    coal for tent stove

    I was in the bab 2 years ago when it got to -19. dang that was a cold morning. I learned that having baby wipes, and baby wipes alone was not a good idea. Nothing like wipeing with an ice sicle. Also learned that a 1 liter water bottle will not make it an hour in the pack before it freezes solid.... I had my trailer up and the heater in it, was screaming for help on a few of those nights. We ran 2 Mr. buddy heaters, but like he said ran into problems with the altitude. They shut off too fast and are hard to lite. The year before this, we were in a canvas tent up there, and just made a guy be on fire watch all night. Rotate the watch man, and get up every 2 hours and put more fire in the stove. Sux, when it's your night, but you make out like a bandit when it's not. Good luck on the hunt and stay warm.
  11. 123456

    Ideal Deer Loads

    I use T/C shockwave bullets in 250gr followed by 2 50 gr pellets of triple 7. Groups right at an inch at a hundred and has plenty of knockdown. I Tried the powder, and found that it is more of a pain than what it was worth. The pellets are plenty sufficient for 209 propelled muzzleloaders. I use 209magnum primers, and have never had a problem. I got into muzzleloading last year, and tried several different combinations of bullets and powders. The T/C shockwave is a hornady SST bullet, and performs well. All animals have been shot in the lungs, so I couldn't tell you much about expansion and having to blood trail. Hit them where you are suppose to, and your bullet doesn't really matter. Good Luck
  12. 123456

    Cold Steel Knives

    Looks like a pendleton, nice thing about them is the high carbon content in the d2 steel. Downfall is, they do not bend, they snap.
  13. 123456

    Cold Steel Knives

    I have 2 cold steel knives, and love them. Pendleton huner and mini pendleton. Like any company, just need to get their higher end knives and they are great. Which one broke?
  14. So I figured I would post about my positive encounter with game and fish this weekend. My buddies and I were in unit 4b on the rifle antelope hunt this weekend. We scouted our butts off and it payed off with a goat that we wanted to shoot every since we first saw him. We closed the deal @ 9:30 am on opening morning. Since we planned on hunting for the whole week, we were left with that great feeling of, what do we do now? We decided to go and harrass the praire dogg towns that we knew of in the area. When we arrived at the first town, we barely left our truck when we were approached by a game warden. I believe he was from 3c. He asked us the typical questions about our hunt and was very polite. After he got the info he needed, he then asked what we were planning on doing now, we told him of our intent to shoot some praire dogs and maybe even head on over to another spot and shoot some band tailed pigeons. He then proceeded to tell us of a few more praire dog towns in the area. Told us to have a good time and have a good day. We hammered the snot out of the town that evening. Next morning, we decided to go and shoot more praire dogs. Showed up to the same spot, and wouldn't you know it, Game and Fish comes driving down the road before a shot is fired. This time it is the 4b manager. He asks how our hunt went, checked our licenses, looked at some pics of the antelope and then told us of even more towns of these little destructive critters. He had a great attitude and was pleasant to talk to. 4 hours and around a 100 rounds of ammo later, we had had our fill of praire dogs. Great weekend in the sticks came to an end, and I just wanted to post of a positve game and fish experience. Too often we hear about all the negative experiences and never of the positive ones. I love to see them out enforcing the laws, and being friendly toward law abiding hunters. Keep up the good work AzGFD.
  15. 123456

    Positive Game and Fish encounter

    I am leaving it up to my buddy to post up his antelope pictures. We were so far north in the unit, we did not see many elk. I glassed a few cows in the burn on thursday, but that was it. If you are going to be up there hunting PM me and I will tell you where the praire dogs are. We hit 2 different colonies. One of them is less a good portion of their population though .
  16. 123456

    Thoughts on Thermal Imaging

    As with anything in life, a line has to be drawn somewhere. I would draw mine on this topic. Seems like a little much to me. But to each their own. If you feel you need to use thermal imaging, use it.
  17. 123456

    Free Havalon knives from Eastmans...

    Great deal!!!! I just subscribed again. Love that magazine.
  18. 123456

    AZGFD doesn't care about the youth.

    Sounds like you and your father need to read the regs better, and fully understand the draw process. Better luck next year. IMO, you have only yourselves to blame and I think game and fish has started going in the right direction with the youth tags. i.e. over the counter spring turkey tags, fall javelina tags.
  19. 123456


    VIVA LA MIGRA!!!!!!!
  20. 123456

    last minute advice?

    Baby wipes are your best friend in the woods. There is my last minute advice
  21. 123456

    Some elk and a dandy Mulie

    Nice pics, I would say that mulie is in the high 160's low 170's. He has great front forks with average backs. Great looking buck.
  22. So are you cocky? or did you just forget shells?
  23. 123456

    Coconino County Elk Hunters

    "Unethical? Agreed that it is indeed PUBLIC land but if i take time, energy, and considerable resources to scout, put up trail cameras and pay my hard earned money for a tag, and, in that time find a nice spot for a two week elk hunt and a great water hole or wallow or trail, and put my camera up, and take the courteousy to seriously look about for other cams and stands, or sit and watch from a distance, and determine good huntable wildlife in the area and erect a ground blind or pop-up or tree stand, i would expect others to recognize this especially if those cams and stands/blinds have been up for two weeksor better, is it ethical for some other hunter who just wondered up that weekend or morning or night before the hunt to slide in and hunt that tank or camp in that spot ?" Petey, you are exactly the guy that i can not stand. Just because you scout and area, find a tank and build a blind, does not make that your water hole. How do you know that another guy isn't scouting the same waterhole. Just because he doesn't show up when you are scouting, doesn't mean he has not been there. Please do not feel entitled to a camp spot or waterhole, because you feel like you have earned it thru scouting. Be part of the solution and not the problem. Talk amongst other hunters and figure out a reasonable solution to guys wanting to hunt or camp in "YOUR" spots.
  24. I was really happy to arrow my biggest buck to date this last January, but now i am reading about everyone's excitement for the opener and I feel left out. I thought, well maybe I will just shoot one in January for now on. I like the rut better in early january and usually have more time to hunt. Oh I forgot about the excitement of finding out what deer tags were drawn. Yeah I had none of that either, since I couldn't apply. I am wondering who else is done for the year and what are your thoughts on hunting in January. Would you do it again?
  25. 123456

    Thoughts on Baiting

    Really "The Rifleman" ??? Resort to name calling. Have a discussion, do not insult, it makes all of us look bad.