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Everything posted by 123456

  1. 123456

    WTB 9mm compact or subcompact.

    Give your buddy one of your guns until he gets one of his own. Oh yeah and please advise him not to trust his or his wife's life behind a hi-point or any other 200$ handgun. If funds are short, get a pump action shotgun.
  2. Good luck, I love hunting in a "light" drizzle. Makes the stalk soooo much easier. I can not wait until January......
  3. 123456

    To Bed or not to Bed?

    This may sound like a stupid question, but here goes: If I mount before I bed, and also try my new reloads in it, how do I tell if my reloads are not accurate, VS the action needing to be bedded? I appreciate the responses I have gotten and welcome more just to give this rookie a little insight into the whole long range game.
  4. Something cheap.... You will lose quite a bit and really it doesnt matter what head you use if you hit them. ( I have killed a few with a bow and it is a blast but can be very frustrating.) First duck of the morning in the decoys is really the only given one, after that it is awesome. Use flu flu arrows for shooting in the air.
  5. 123456

    2013 elk recomendations

    BC777 kills a nice buck, and now he is a pro. I see it all the time. Anyone who kills big bucks or bulls MUST be really good at hunting. This will be the last time I ackowledge this guy and hope one day he changes his attitude. It will be hard to go thru life with such a chip on his shoulder. Have some respect, your too young to know it all!!!!
  6. 123456

    "cuterebra" or nasal flies???

    No worries here, eat the meat, most deer will have magets in thier sinus's, throat. The last mule deer I killed had a crazy amount and it got me worried a little. My taxidermist even said that it was the most he had ever seem. It will not affect the meat, just the animal's ability to breath.
  7. 123456

    WTB Remington 870

    Dang I got the perfect gun, except it is vent rib and 3 1/2. LOL! Looks like it is just opposite of what you want.
  8. 123456

    My Unit # 31 & 32 "SHEEP"!

    Your friend is a beast..... I can't believe he carried it out whole. Congrats on a nice Ram!!!!
  9. 123456

    2013 elk recomendations

    Cut Junior tags??? Good call, Lets make sure that the youth of our nation, never get a tag when they are young. Lets make sure that they are not interested in hunting at a young age. I think every junior ought to be given a tag on their first application for deer or elk. If there are too many juniors applying, just take some tags out of the general pool to satisfy the youth quota. Not worshipping them here, just not ignorant to todays' challenges. You keep on hating them and I will keep on loving them. I will get my tags because they give tags to guys that worship them, and you will get nothing.
  10. 123456

    2013 elk recomendations

    Packer- I love that you address these few guys who have major problems with Game and Fish. If you cut back the tags, and it took 20 years to get a tag, these same guys would be crying wolf. So you increase them and now they are pissed about that. You will never win, and they will always be unsatisfied. I hunt a bunch, and even in crowded hunts, I can get away from people. Figure it out. It is not rocket science. Put your boots on and hike. Game and fish asked, and the majority of hunters wanted opportunity over quality. Thanks for doing your job, and keep up the good work. It is easy for a lot of these guys to type a paragraph of dis-content, however they will not go to meetings and speak their minds. I am guessing too much effort. Kinda like hiking off the beaten trail to get away from crowds.. At any rate, love your respone Packer and like that you bring facts with you.
  11. 123456

    Kaibab Buck

    Nice looking buck! Lets hear the story
  12. 123456

    Leaving for elk camp today!!!

    Dang those 4a archery bull tags!!!!
  13. 123456

    Leaving for elk camp today!!!

    That is just embarrassing!!!! When a women makes you stay home, it's time to leave her and find one that is more understanding of our sickness. The reigns will only get tighter. LOL!!!!!
  14. I bought a pack last year, and I was not impressed upon my practice sessions. They flew good, but I found their strength to be suspect. Blades seem to break easily and If I remember right, they would start making noise in my quiver after a few shots into the target. Because of my practice with them, I chose to not use them while hunting, so I can't give you any field experience with them. Bottom line with any broadhead is, if you hit the animal in the lungs, he will die, no matter what head.
  15. 123456

    Mathews Creed

    Yeah My thoughts match yours. I have never shot split limb, and I know mathews has publicly stated that they were inferior less than 5 years ago. However, i am one that believes sometimes you need to eat your words and be willing to change your opinion if the facts present themself. I'm Sure 5 years ago Mathews felt that they were inferior, but with todays' advance in technology, I am sure thats why the change of mind. As far as weight goes, I like a super light bow, because I have heavy accesories like Spott hogg and doinker stabilizer. When they get one back in stock, I am going to put my bow against it, and I am sure I will be walking out with a new bow. Used to be a BOWTECH NUT, but their customer service has driven me away. Seems that is starting to be the consensus of many of the archery shops as well.
  16. 123456

    Black Rifle Bug

    I am definetly intersted too. Anyone who has already built some have some recommendations on which parts kits to buy and which one's not too. Seems you can get quite a few rifles now already built for less than 900$. just curious if building you own has it's advantages.
  17. 123456

    Just a Thought!!!

    Brings me to a good point kids, DON'T SMOKE CRACK!!!
  18. 123456

    WTR: Quad Rental ?

    There is a guy in Apache junction that rents quads. New shop off of Idaho just south of university. For the life of me I can not think of his business name. Also I think All american rentals in Apache Junction might have a few to rent. Call Larry at All american rentals off of Apache Trail.
  19. 123456

    How to Transport an Elk Shoulder Mount?

    Crate it up and have it shipped. Look at costs difference between driving and renting vs. shipping.
  20. 123456

    Nice Bear

    holy shitballs!!!!!!
  21. LOL I have always wanted to try and get a big competition together and see which 2 man team can bring in 50 coots the quickest. Problem is, if you kill em' you gotta eat em'. Just can not bring myself to do it.
  22. 123456

    Where has CWT.com been??

    I had the site down for half a day last weekend. I have quest and this was the only site I couldnt get into. Kept getting" error 404 page not found" I believe.
  23. 123456


    Prices on encore and barrels?