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About Coues247

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  1. Coues247

    Data leak on G&F

    Sure it wasn't a phishing scam?
  2. Coues247

    Post where your Elk Hunting!!!

    Tag #s showing
  3. Coues247

    And the Card hits will begin

    Tag #s showing
  4. Coues247

    And the Card hits will begin

    Last year it was on Tuesday of the next week after charges started so that would be tomorrow if same timeline.
  5. Coues247

    Post where your Elk Hunting!!!

    Can't log in currently. Never seen that before.
  6. Coues247

    Free to good home 44amp ammo

    Thou protest too much. The fact you purposely wanted ammo for a gun you don't have pretty much proves his point. Also, study up on your lawyering. . You don't get to sue for defamation just because you don't like what someone says about you.
  7. Coues247

    Need Advice: Family Friendly AZ towns not in the valley

    It's sad that Payson is so expensive (and the schools aren't the best for kids) because that sounds like it would fit what you're looking for. Could possibly find something cheaper in star valley or a little ways out of town. Maybe look into cottonwood or camp Verde? Prescott is getting bigger and bigger and very expensive. I would avoid Globe (or Glob as my dad calls it). I don't know enough about south of Phoenix to have any thoughts there. A little further out from 2 hours you would have to look at Heber/Overgaard area but once again not the best schools and pretty small without much for convenience and that drive wouldn't be much shorter than driving from gila valley anyway.
  8. Coues247

    And the Card hits will begin

    Kaibab any elk but saying you drew early rifle bull sounds cooler.
  9. Coues247

    Landowner Tags

    I put in for several other states including California so does that mean I support the way California manages their wildlife and I would also like AZ to manage it the same way? I can participate in activities available in other states that they have already implemented without wanting the same in AZ. GTF outta here with ridiculous comparisons like that.
  10. Coues247

    Point Guard - Sharing Experience

    Unless it was a last second decision you could have gotten a duplicate tag and used that to return the tag. Only tech needed is a printer to print out the form.
  11. Coues247

    Who was in the wrong here?

  12. Coues247

    Landowner Tags

    Can't wait for a trophy oryx tag!
  13. Coues247

    Who was in the wrong here?

    Technically no one was in the "wrong". Officer is correct that he can walk around a campsite but looking in the tent would be off limits. Camper is also correct that he doesn't have to talk to them if he doesn't want to. Where I felt things went wrong was as soon as the guy told them he didn't want to talk to them and to leave him alone they should have left. (At some point it would become harassment since they have no real reason to be bothering the guy) Cops generally don't like hearing no though and you get what you saw here with them trying to show the camper they can do as they please and that they aren't leaving. You should still have some type of expectation of privacy even while camping and the police should respect that.
  14. Coues247

    Wheres our Point guy for elk?

    Remember 23 late tags went up from 150 to 210 so most likely bonus pass will include most, if not all people at 12 points this year.
  15. Coues247

    Wheres our Point guy for elk?

    Looking at their reports and deciphering them is ALMOST rocket science.