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Everything posted by cramerhunts

  1. cramerhunts

    1st shed of the year!

    Sweet find, love cool character like split eye guards, extra points, and such.
  2. cramerhunts

    AZ Top Picks

    Got my votes in. Looking forward to another great issue!
  3. cramerhunts

    Happy Birthday ScottAdams

    Happy Birthday Scott, I hope you had a great day!
  4. cramerhunts

    Vortex custom Turrets

    I have the turrets from vortex along with the BDC reticle on the same scope just in 50mm. I love them both although in a hunting situation I have not found the need to use the reticle. The turrets are very accurate as long as you give them accurate information when ordering. I've had them for a couple years now and after setting the zero at 200 yards I haven't had to mess with it again, range dial and shoot.
  5. cramerhunts

    Josh's First Hunt

    Congratulations on a very nice pig! Way to get it done!
  6. cramerhunts

    Happy Birthday to Desertbull

    Happy birthday DB!
  7. cramerhunts

    Ashley's first Javelina

    Wohoo! Awesome job and a huge congrats to Ashley! Way to get it done and thanks for taking us along with you with your story and picutes.
  8. cramerhunts

    AES Banquet

    Just bought my raffle ticket package on line....smoking deal. Thanks for taking care of mailing the tickets out Kathi! Amanda, I'll drop a check in the mail to you on Monday. Thanks again to everybody, really looking forward to it.
  9. cramerhunts

    140 2/8" AZ Coues Buck!

    Sweet buck of a lifetime! Just can't get enough of looking at it!
  10. cramerhunts

    AES Banquet

    I'm really looking forward to it! Anyone know how we need to pay? I'm assuming we are getting a group table or two right?
  11. cramerhunts


    Happy Birthday Stacy! I hope you have a great day and everything goes your way. Here's to many more buddy!
  12. cramerhunts

    ADA statement

    I'm with ya Allen, I just finished signing up as well. It is nice that they made a stand for better or worse it is something to get behind.
  13. cramerhunts

    First Barbary!

    Congratultions on a great ram! Way to get it done in a big way.
  14. cramerhunts

    Cade's 111" Sonoran Coues buck

    Sweet video and great shot! Congratulations on a great buck Cade!
  15. cramerhunts

    ADA statement

    As always it was a pleasure seeing old friends and meeting new ones. I appreciate that the ADA gave us all time to voice our concerns and opinions and I am with the rest of you in the hopes that they listened and were able to make a decision. This is assuming they did make a decision and hopefully it will not be just to wait and see. I will be attending the banquet this weekend as well and I truly hope it won't be my last. I will continue to donate my time and money when I can but the out come of this will determine where those donations are given. And yet once again none of these discussions would be possible without this site and Amanda's dedication, THANK YOU!
  16. cramerhunts


    Happy Birthday Scott, I hope you have a great day and get a chance to enjoy a cold beverage in your honor!
  17. cramerhunts

    What do yall think this buck would score?

    Nice pictures. I would say he'd be in the mid 70's.
  18. cramerhunts


    Happy Birthday, I hope you have a great day and many more to come! Hopefully this year brings some more tags and great trophies for ya!
  19. cramerhunts

    Oak Creek Snow

    Beautiful pictures as always Doug! I'm with Brent on not thinning the herd at all.
  20. cramerhunts

    Like Father, Like Daughter

    Great buck, great smile, and congratulations to all!
  21. cramerhunts

    Jackson's Junior Buck

    Congratulations to Jackson on a great buck!
  22. cramerhunts

    Headed to NM

    Man I'm sorry to hear that but it looks like it was still a good time. I was really pulling for you as I have the same tag and haven't had a chance to get over there yet.
  23. cramerhunts

    Couple Happy Hunters

    Congrats to the hunters and Andy and team! Those are some great cats and awesome pictures!
  24. cramerhunts

    Called in a Bobcat

    Awesome job Orlin! Congrats man.
  25. cramerhunts

    Great Youth Javelina Hunt

    Great story and congrats to all! Just doesn't get any better than hunting with the kids.