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Everything posted by cramerhunts

  1. cramerhunts

    Rio Grande Finished

    Just picked up my daughter Jaycie's Rio Grande from last year. Sven did a great job on it, the exact pose we asked for. One more to have completed and her Royal Slam will all be mounted. (sorry the lighting was horrible when I snapped the pictures)
  2. cramerhunts

    Blasts from the past

    Love it!
  3. cramerhunts

    Arizona rams

    Great rams and pictures!
  4. cramerhunts

    2017 House Rock hunt success!

    Congratulations on the beast! A lot of great meat right there.
  5. cramerhunts

    Rio Grande Finished

    Thanks, it was an out of state hunt.
  6. cramerhunts

    Pronghorn double wall pedestal

    Awesome mount right there!
  7. cramerhunts

    Fishing Outfit Rant

    You are the man Brian. Hard days come and go but families and good friends (with the help from the man upstairs) are there to get us through.
  8. cramerhunts

    Lets see your best

    Best AZ Buck. Best MX Buck Best Bow Buck
  9. cramerhunts

    Most Memorable Coues

    A lot of great hunts and memories made but the most memorable had to be my daughter's second coues buck. Was text book; spot, stalk, wait him out, perfect shot, killer pack out, shared with some of the best people around.
  10. cramerhunts

    Fishing Outfit Rant

    It's definitely one of those situations that is hard to swallow all the way around. I understand their side just as much as yours but that does not make it any easier. There have been some great posts to this thread and I appreciate you putting it out there. I had a similar situation earlier this summer with quite a bit of money involved. My younger daughter was scheduled to travel to London with her school. I had paid the trip in full. Two days prior to take off the terror attacks happened and the trip was canceled. I of course was happy that the school had the student's safety as top priority however I was definitely not happy about losing $1,500 immediately and not being refunded the other $2,500 which they offered to me as a travel voucher valid for one year if booked through the school. I patiently explained that my daughter was entering her freshman year and would not be attending that school any longer so the voucher did me no good. It didn't matter, they said that they had already gone beyond their policy. Losing that amount of money was/is very hard to accept but I keep reminding myself that if she would of went on the trip and something happened no amount of money would or could make up for it. Not exactly the same as your situation but it was the tour company's policies that I agreed to when I signed her up and even though I believe they could of been more compassionate about it I still agreed to it going in. Long story short, I feel for you buddy and it sucks but I don't necessarily think the company is in the wrong with what they offered.
  11. cramerhunts

    Happy Birthday Bonecollector!

    Hope you have a great day and many more to come. May the steak be tender and flavorful and the drink be cold!
  12. cramerhunts

    12 Year Old's Skull Cleaning Business *New Pics 6/19/17*

    I can personally vouch for Draysen's work and what a pleasure it is to do business with him. We need more young men and women like this! He did this turkey skull for me and they are not easy by any means.
  13. cramerhunts

    Lots of bears!!

    Congratulations on a great bear! That video is awesome!
  14. cramerhunts

    Shed hunting

    Very nice.
  15. cramerhunts

    Rocky Point Fishing Pics

    Looks like a great time was had by all!
  16. cramerhunts

    2017 AZ Bear

    Congratulations on a great bear. Awesome.
  17. cramerhunts

    Happy Birthday Coach!!!

    Happy birthday Coach! Hope you have a great day.
  18. cramerhunts

    Nice "pick up" from Sonora Mexico

    Looks like a lot of mass on that bad boy. Nice pick up!
  19. cramerhunts

    Mexico Goulds

    Congratulations to Colton on a great gobbler!
  20. cramerhunts

    Royal & Single Season Slams Completed!

    After a great trip to Missouri and a last minute trip to Colorado I was able to complete my single season Grand Slam and my 15 year old daughter, Jaycie, was able to complete her Royal Slam. To say we have had an incredible spring is definitely an understatement. We both know we are beyond blessed. In Missouri we hunted with Honey Creek Outfitters owned by Kevin Harris out of Trenton. We had an uneventful flight and drive to get to our camp. We met our guide Lonnie Flowers and got settled in. He said he had some birds on lock down and laid out the game plan. We had some close calls the next morning but just didn't get a shot. Around 10 we were able to draw in a couple of Toms and made good on a double. Not only that but we found a lucky shed and one of the birds had a double beard and the other had some great spurs. Shortly after we met up with Kevin and took a trip to Hazel Creek Taxidermy. Later that day we met up with three time world champion caller Don Shipp and Media Productions Supervisor at Duck Commander Lyle Sinkey. We had a great fish and turkey fry with some very cool stories. It was decided then that we would split up in the morning with Jaycie hunting with Lonnie and I'd go with Don. To make a long story a little shorter Don and I worked two birds for over three hours and after multiple set ups and finally me sneaking around a ridge we were able to close the deal. This by far was one of the best turkey hunts I've ever been a part of. Amazing to hunt with Don and witness his skills in the turkey woods. Jaycie and Lonnie unfortunately had a slow morning. On the last day Lonnie, Jaycie and myself worked a huge gobbler for almost four hours without having him come into range. After which we checked one last farm and Lonnie called this Tom in all the way across a big open field. Was quite the show and one we will remember forever. Here is a video I put together of our hunt. This hunt allowed Jaycie to complete her Royal Slam. I am super proud of her and hope to catch up to her someday. After a quick week at work I hustled up to Colorado to try for my Merriam's. I got into Trinidad and got set up in my motel. Early the next morning I met up with David Fox, owner of Hitlist Outfitters. He said he'd been scouting a field for the last few weeks and had a good idea where to set up. Not long after the sun came up we had a number of hens and jakes all over us. I caught some movement off to my right and saw a gobbler sneaking in to see what all of the commotion was about. I had to let him walk on by as I was pinned down. A short while later we were able to call the Tom back in and I made good on my shot. Hunt the North was there filming the whole thing and I hope to get a copy soon. This completed my Single Season Grand Slam. Most definitely time for a little rest and a lot of work but I sure am going to miss hearing those gobbles echoing through the woods.
  21. cramerhunts

    Old Man Got His Goulds

    Congratulations to your pops on a great looking Tom. Sounds and looks like an awesome hunt.
  22. cramerhunts

    My 35 A hunt

    Congratulations on the nice bird Bob!
  23. cramerhunts

    2015 Mexico coues finally on the wall

    Looks great!
  24. cramerhunts

    Hunts For Heroes 4A Turkey Hunt

    Sorry about that, congratulations to Joe!