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Everything posted by cramerhunts

  1. cramerhunts

    Ruger Super Blackhawk SS .44 Mag

  2. cramerhunts

    Looking for advice on Vortex LR scopes

    I personally prefer MOA as that is what I have learned on. Since you are getting custom (load specific) turrets it really doesn't matter though except for your preference on the reticle or if you will be using it to range with as mentioned above.
  3. cramerhunts

    Prayers for Stanley

    Prayers sent to Stan and his family in this time of need. I can't even begin to try and guess how this must feel for you. As stated above, if there is anything we can do for you don't hesitate to let us know.
  4. cramerhunts

    el nino just keeps rollin' along-september 1-day wahoo !

    I'm going on H&M Landing's Invicta and yes we leave Sat PM and arrive back to dock Tues AM. A friend of mine booked it and got 20 of us together to go. Should be a blast.
  5. cramerhunts

    el nino just keeps rollin' along-september 1-day wahoo !

    I will be on the boat Saturday night for two full days! Can't wait to hit it and hopefully get in on the action that almost everybody is reporting.
  6. cramerhunts

    Ruger Super Blackhawk SS .44 Mag

  7. cramerhunts

    When To Quit Shooting Groups?

    That's some awesome shooting Brian!
  8. cramerhunts

    A little girl and "Buck Fever"

    Great Video! Can't get much cuter than that right there.
  9. cramerhunts

    Where do you store your tag before hunting season?

    The first thing I do when the tag comes in the mail is sign it or have my daughter or wife sign hers, that way we don't have to try and find a pen when it comes around to getting to use it. Next is they go back in the envelope and into a special drawer that only has tags and licenses in it. The tags go on the left in the order of which the hunt takes place and the licenses go on the right. Yeah I know it's a little over the top but I'm pretty annal about such things and I never have to worry about where the tag is.
  10. Great review on a very important part of the gear we use. I'm looking forward to trying these socks for sure.
  11. cramerhunts

    Ruger Super Blackhawk SS .44 Mag

    PM replied to.
  12. cramerhunts

    Archery bear back from the taxidermist

    Awesome mount for sure! love the pose and fantastic work.
  13. cramerhunts

    Archery elk season is just around the corner

    Way to get the blood flowing! Even though I don't have a tag I can't wait to get in the elk woods helping! Special time of year for sure.
  14. Congratulations on an awesome bear!
  15. cramerhunts

    Mountains of Colorado and Utah

    Awesome work as always Doug! Simply beautiful.
  16. cramerhunts

    A few Canyons

    I am not sure how I missed this post either but sure am happy you guys brought it back up. Absolutely breath taking photography Doug! Beautiful work.
  17. cramerhunts

    Finally got a bear!

    Congratulations on getting it done solo! Great story and recap, was a pleasure to read. Congrats again.
  18. Awesome video! Great job to you and the dogs! Better keep the lucky charm with ya.
  19. cramerhunts

    Call Me Crazy 30A!

    Brian, In 29 the Klumps have the very North end of the Chiricahuas and then to the West to just shy of Apache Pass. They also have quite a bit of land out in the flats as well. In 30A they have the majority of the Dos Cabezas from just West of Lions Park all the way around almost to where Chuck Brooks land is. Notice I didn't say what they own as that is opening up an entire different matter but this is where you'll run into them and the land they are controlling. I went to school with a number of the Klumps and also had numerous conversations while out hunting. hime, I've camped almost in the exact spot where your brother and his buddies did in that picture. It looks like they had a great hunt.
  20. cramerhunts

    Hearing Protection

    I shoot braked rifles so I make sure to have them around my neck at all times during a rifle hunt. I have not put them in before and don't want to experience that again. I have lost over 60% of hearing in my left ear from work and shooting my entire life. It's not worth it to me anymore to not use hearing protection. I also have made it a point since my daughter has started hunting for her to use them even though her rifle doesn't currently have a brake, besides I try to lead by example when possible.
  21. cramerhunts

    WTB Vortex Ranger 1000 rangefinder

    Not to hijack the thread but I've had my ranger since Vortex first came out and have been extremely happy with it. Good luck on getting one.
  22. cramerhunts

    Call Me Crazy 30A!

    Klumps are also very much in 30A. Access is indeed an issue but there are still some very good places to hunt if one is willing to put in the work and be willing to look in different areas. The Dos Cabezas are not the only place one should concentrate on. Good luck. I actually used to put in for that hunt as my second choice.
  23. These groups are NOT supporting the expansion of wolves in any way. They are supporting the State's position to regulate it and not have the Fed's shove it down our throats.
  24. cramerhunts

    Happy Birthday willhunt4coues

    Happy birthday Clay!
  25. cramerhunts

    Mady's Bull

    That is what dreams are made of right there! Congratulations to her on a truly awesome bull! Way to go dad for getting her out there and comfortable shooting. There is nothing better than time in the woods with your daughter and what a way to spend it!