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Everything posted by cramerhunts

  1. cramerhunts

    A few NM Sheds from this spring.

    Great finds and pictures! That is a dang nice set for sure!
  2. cramerhunts

    Mexico 2016

    If I was going next year you'd be welcome to go with me but I have four out of state hunts that took priority. I'll shoot you a PM with some information for you.
  3. cramerhunts

    Happy Birthday WHT_MNTMAN

    Happy belated birthday Houston, hope you had a great one.
  4. cramerhunts

    2014 Auction Tag Buck Video!!!

    Absolutely amazing buck! I know the amount of hours Josh put into this buck and so happy the way it turned out. Truly hard work that paid off in a big way. Fantastic job and a big congratulations to the hunter on a buck dreams are made of. Awesome work on the video Andy, thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it.
  5. cramerhunts

    Spring Fishing

    Right on! Congratulations on all of the nice fish and even better memories I'm sure you made catching them.
  6. cramerhunts

    Paria Plateau

    Very, very nice Doug!
  7. cramerhunts

    Decent buck

    Looks like a pretty good buck. Happy birthday man!
  8. cramerhunts

    Good day

  9. cramerhunts

    Rifle Sling

    The claw is what I have on the majority of my rifles. Main reason being is if I'm packing it on my shoulder with a pack on it won't slide off the shoulder straps. I've been very happy with them.
  10. cramerhunts

    Beware of Sonoran Outfitters!

    just watched an episode of pulse factor tv... mulie hunting in mexico. aired 5/20/15 guess who their guide was?????????????????????????? yup... todd rice also on their page of outfitters. http://pulsefactortv.com/outfitter/ James Yeah it was filmed prior to him getting picked up. During the original court case I had written to Pulse Factor TV informing them of the type of person they were supporting with their show but never received a reply. Unlike Eberlestock who did some research and thanked me for the information and immediately got him to take their link off of his website. Pretty cool there are some businesses that still believe in character and ethics and sad how many don't.
  11. cramerhunts

    New generation on the way

    Very nice photos, love it!!
  12. cramerhunts

    Sonoran Outfitters

    That show was fiimed a few years ago.
  13. cramerhunts

    Todays Project…Horse Drawn Fresno Wheels

    That's sweet! Turned out awesome, nice job.
  14. cramerhunts

    Not bad for a 14 year old!

    That's awesome Tim! That boy's got some serious hops. Having one daughter in club ball and another in competition dance I know the amount of dedication it takes from not only the athletes but also the parents. Kudos to you buddy and way to go Kade!
  15. cramerhunts

    A few pics

    Nice pics of quite the variety.
  16. cramerhunts


    That's cool, thanks for sharing.
  17. cramerhunts

    Couple of this years shed hunting trips + First Dead Head

    Great finds and pictures for sure! Nice job.
  18. cramerhunts

    2015 January Archery Coues Deer

    Congratulations on a great buck! Too small.....no way! That's awesome that you were able to get it done on your own. I know what you mean about having someone to share it with but the sense of achievement when done solo is pretty sweet too.
  19. cramerhunts

    Jaycie Does it Again!

    When I found out that I drew a Gould's tag for 2015 I immediately knew that I would not be using it but instead signing it over to my 13 year old daughter. She told me last year after taking her first turkey (a Merriam's) that she thought it would be cool to try and get a Royal Slam so I figured we might as well get going on it. With her school and softball schedule we knew that she wouldn't have a lot of time to spend on the hunt but fortunately we know the area well and my father was able to do quite a bit of scouting to narrow it down for us. When I was able to spare a few minutes I sighted in the shotgun and patterned some good loads for her to use. As I checked her out of school I couldn't believe the time was finally here to get headed south. After the long drive we met up with my dad and we quickly got camp set up and did some looking around. We put a couple gobblers to bed that night and were ready for opening morning. We had an absolute blast working the birds and getting in close multiple times but with the hens and or the cover we just couldn't get a good clear shot on any of the big toms. This continued on through the next day until we were able to put it together around 4 in the afternoon on Saturday. We got into a group of five hens and a big mature gobbler was trailing them up. After they moved off through the tall grass and into the creek bottom we circled around and got in front of them. As they moved through openings my dad and I were about to jump out of our skin waiting for Jaycie to take her shot. Just as I turned to her to find out what she was waiting for the gun went off and her Gould's hunt was over. After high fives and hugs I asked what took her so long and all she said was she didn't want to miss. Unfortunately I did not get the kill shot on video as I left everything where we were first set up but I did get some of the strutting and gobbling. Jaycie's Gould's has an 11" beard and 3/4" spurs on each side and should make a beautiful mount! We dropped it of with Sven yesterday to work his magic for us. It was a great time spent with my dad and daughter with a lot of very vocal birds and beautiful weather. We now have a trip to Texas planned for 2016 to hopefully bag her Rio in her quest for the Slam. A quick video I put together.
  20. cramerhunts

    I hit the eject….. turkey fever

    Congratulations to her and awesome that she gets excited enough to make that mistake. Can't beat time in the woods with family, especially turkey hunting.
  21. cramerhunts

    2015 House Rock Buffalo Hunt

    Congratulations on what sounds like a hard earned trophy! Way to stick with it and get it done in a big way.
  22. cramerhunts


    DANG that is one stud of a buck! Congratulations to your dad! Off the top of my head I can't think of too many places I wouldn't go for a chance at a buck like that.
  23. cramerhunts


    Some sweet fish, congratulations to you both on a nice night out!
  24. cramerhunts

    Good Guy Buyer List

    You can add Pinedonkey, Lionhunter, and AZBow to the list all though I have yet to have a bad transaction with anyone here.