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Everything posted by cramerhunts

  1. cramerhunts

    Dream Mountain Goat Hunt!!

    Awesome write up, wonderful pictures, stud goat! Congratulations Houston! Very very cool man and I can relate to almost every word. Crazy how it hits home at times. Thanks for sharing.
  2. cramerhunts

    First 80"+ buck

    Very nice! Congratulations to you.
  3. cramerhunts

    A hunt i will never forget!

    Unforgettable, hunt of a lifetime, priceless father and son hunt! Congratulations on a couple huge bucks!
  4. cramerhunts

    KS Archery Success

    Congratulations on taking that toad! Freaking stud buck man.
  5. cramerhunts

    Wife's South Dakota and Kaibab bucks!

    Sweet! Congratulations to her on a nice buck!
  6. cramerhunts

    12A Muzzy Success

    Congratulations to you guys on a couple nice bucks!!
  7. cramerhunts

    Great hunt with my dad

    I was fortunate enough to be able to spend seven days with my dad chasing some Muley's around. We had a lot of fun and I pray that we'll have many more years to share these hunts together. Here is a quick video I put together.
  8. Bought new and used one time. Went back to a canvas bag. Like brand new still with tags. Asking $80. http://www.cabelas.com/product/Cabelas-Classic-deg-F-Sleeping-Bag/1570529.uts?productVariantId=3364350&srccode=cii_17588969&cpncode=39-105048602-2&WT.tsrc=CSE&WT.mc_id=GoogleProductAds&WT.z_mc_id1=03605249&rid=20
  9. cramerhunts

    Spring Draw

    My daughter pulled a youth turkey tag! That will make three turkey hunts for her in the spring of 16!
  10. cramerhunts

    Cabela's Classic -25 Sleeping Bag SOLD

    Awe come on you know what they say....what happens in camp stays in camp! Lol.
  11. cramerhunts

    Cabela's Classic -25 Sleeping Bag SOLD

    Bag is sold! Thanks Bubbacoues and it was nice meeting you. Good luck on your busy upcoming fall/winter.
  12. After finding out I drew my second choice for the Arizona rifle deer season I decided to spend some time chasing a specific or I should say a couple specific bucks with my bow. I've been after these bucks for the last couple years and they have always managed to give me the slip. I have done everything from spot and stalk to still hunting them. One thing I hadn't done was sitting in my blind with my bow in hopes one of them would come in. This was my first time hunting like this and I must say it is harder then I had ever dreamed it might be, my hats off to those of you that do hunt this way on a regular basis. I learned a lot, had a lot of fun, and passed some nice bucks. Needless to say my rifle tag is safe.
  13. cramerhunts

    Blessed with our first 2 coues bucks!

    Congratulations to you both on a couple of great bucks!
  14. cramerhunts

    Cabela's Classic -25 Sleeping Bag SOLD

    Goodyear but travel all over the valley.
  15. cramerhunts

    2 Big coues and 1 REALLY BIG COUES

    Lots of bone in those pictures! Congratulations to you all.
  16. cramerhunts

    1st muzzleloader elk.

    Great write up and awesome bull! Congratulations!
  17. cramerhunts

    Wife got it done.

    Great buck! Congratulations to her.
  18. cramerhunts

    Double Bucks down

    Right on, very nicely done. Congratulations to you both!
  19. cramerhunts

    Sams first mule deer

    Great job Sam! Congratulations to you on your buck!
  20. cramerhunts

    74 Years old and Getting it Done

    Congratulations to your uncle on a great buck! With you and Justin in the hills the big coues deer better hunker down and lay low!
  21. cramerhunts

    Mearn's Display

    Fantastic work on that piece! Turned out awesome!
  22. cramerhunts

    Diy double pedestal base for two of my biggest bucks

    Wow that turned out awesome! A couple of great bucks and a very nice tribute to them.
  23. cramerhunts

    My 2015 muley

    Congratulations on your buck and some good eating! Sounds like a good hunt and cool pictures. Enjoyed reading that memorial, very neat.
  24. cramerhunts

    Early central Az buck

    Congratulations on a brute of a buck! Nice shooting as well.
  25. Congratulations on a fantastic year! Some awesome critters you all took and most importantly it looks like you all had a lot of fun doing it.