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Everything posted by cramerhunts

  1. Well Lark I guess I have officaily been named one also because I just got my hardback a few days ago....I thought it was special and now I know for sure!
  2. cramerhunts


    30A Nov. Coues Wife got 30A Muley first hunt. Not perfect but better than nothing.
  3. cramerhunts

    arizona draw

    30A Nov. coues wife 30A muley first hunt
  4. Great Pictures thanks for sharing and good luck in the draw!
  5. cramerhunts

    Hunting Partners?

    Great Topic but one that still hits close to home. My true hunting partners are still my Dad and my wife. It also depends on what I am hunting.....if I am out with my bow for deer you would most likely find me alone but for everything else my Dad is my ultimate hunting partner. Now on to the story.....This last archery elk season my brother-in-law, his brother, my "friend", and myself all drew bull tags in unit 10. We had all hunted together for quite a few years on day trips and such and I felt comfortable with them. My dad is the one who runs our elk camp even though he hasn't had a tag in over 8 years and he said that it would be ok to take them, what a mistake. It seems that they just couldn't realize what a special thing it was to have such a tag. Even though my group had hunted well before it seems they just weren't cut out for it and wasted their tags by hunting for a weekend and going home. I felt really bad because my dad would have died for their tags but he never said a word until it was all over and then he told me it was something that he learned the hard way and now I have too. We are all still friends but I don't forsee any future trips together and that is why I am thankfull for my to partners that value their time outdoors as much as I do and it makes it that much more special that they are my dad and wife. My dad has some friends that we hunt with and one best friend that goes all the time but usually when there is more than two of us we go our seperate ways and meet up somewhere or back at the truck. I have learned that before I take any one on a quality hunt or to one of my honey holes I will go some where over a weekend to see how they truley act and how we truely would get along.
  6. cramerhunts

    coues collection

    Lark, where is his place?
  7. cramerhunts

    Paying the indians

    I work for a contracting company that specializes in drilling, takes up most of my time but I get to spend alot of it out doors. Bret that is great that you get to work the shifts that you do, before I went into management I would work ten days on and four off traveling and man do I miss that free time but at least I am home every nigtht now.
  8. cramerhunts

    archery elk

    E-mail the pics to Amanda and she can post them for you, you know we all love those pictures! Last year in 10 I did see more cows than in years past but the ratio was still probably 2:1 and the competition was great. I noticed that more bulls had a few cows and there wasn't any really big groups or herds.
  9. cramerhunts

    Land Access

    After poking around recently in some of my old hot spots I have noticed that it is getting extremely hard to access them. It seems like every where I go I end up at a locked gate. I have gone to the county seat and purchased maps that show forest and state land behind those locked gates but the signs clearly post it as "no trespassing". I have spoken to the local game wardens and they said that there was nothing that they could do until the Forest Service or county stepped in. I am getting the feeling that it is just going to get worse with no end in sight. Any body else finding the same thing? Any ideas?
  10. cramerhunts

    Your fav Rifle

    For just about everything I have and love a remmington 300 ultra mag short action with a bushnell elite scope. My wife's gun of choice is a ruger mark II 22.250 with a luepold vx-III. I still prefer to hunt with a bow when ever the chance presents itself.
  11. cramerhunts

    how many coues?

    I have taken four coues all between 80-90" and have helped with many others, and now I will have to see if I can hold out for the magical 100 + mark.
  12. cramerhunts

    Permit Aps Mailed Off

    Well they have been sent and like you all said now the wait begins, good luck to all. 30A December Coues 10 Archery Bull 32 Antelope and for the wife 30A October Muley 6A Rifle Bull 32 Antelope
  13. cramerhunts

    2003 Elk

    Great Bull and wonderfull mount. What did he score?
  14. That is a great story and a rare one sadly. We need more sportsment like that whoever he might be, may he be blessed with good results this year!
  15. cramerhunts

    found some nice elk sheds

    Great Find Amanda and thanks for posting them.
  16. cramerhunts

    any body been out fishin

    Creed, About 4-5 years ago I used to fish where the Frisco and Blue meet and would catch alot of 5-10lb. channels but haven't been back since. If you get up in that area let me know how you do. Usually best right after the waters clear up after the run-off ends.
  17. cramerhunts

    What's a trophy to you?

    Trophy is in the eyes of the beholder, and in my opinion has alot to due with the experience of the hunt. I have gone through the stages of anything with horns and now I personally hold out for just the right one.
  18. cramerhunts

    Another Coues hunt on TV!

    I recorded the show and watched it last night after work, I thought it was a decent show with what they actually got on film. It looked a little low budget but they harvested two pretty darn nice bucks. Any one else catch the show? I was trying to figure out where they were and couldn't place it, anybody have any ideas?
  19. cramerhunts

    Weekend Well Spent

    I spent the weekend shed hunting up in Northern Arizona and all though I didn't find any sheds I did find this bull that had died last year.
  20. cramerhunts

    Gun/ Burrito control ?

    Thanks for the story Keith, after all the bad news and sad news it is refreshing to hear one that is funny.
  21. cramerhunts

    minute men

    You bet I would do it, I am so tired of seeing the trash and filth left behind when the illegals cross through the lands that we hunt and camp in.
  22. cramerhunts

    trail cam pics

    Great pics, keep em coming!
  23. cramerhunts

    Weekend Well Spent

    Let's see if I did it right this time.
  24. cramerhunts

    Weekend Well Spent

    It was actually in unit 10 where I had an archery tag this last year and was pretty well hidden in the thick stuff. Here is a picture of the bull that I took.
  25. cramerhunts

    Coues Hunt on TV

    I was out shed hunting but recorded it and just finished watching it. I thought it was a pretty good show even though they didn't really film any big bucks, just being able to watch some coues on TV was worth it.