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Everything posted by cramerhunts

  1. cramerhunts

    My 36b Coues Hunt (long)

    Great story, great hunt, great buck! It is sure a shame to find beautiful places trashed like that.
  2. cramerhunts

    Take your dog and shoot it

    I have to agree that there is really no trust in Pits.
  3. cramerhunts

    Tag Soup

    Well I just got back from 30A and it looks like tag soup for me on both the November rifle hunt and the archery hunt but that is what you get when you are holding out right? Did pass up a few smaller bucks and saw a couple of bigger ones that were just too far off. Hopefully I can get back out towards the end of Jan but will have to see if work will let me. I didn't see any sign of the rut going on for the coues but the muley bucks were definately in full swing. I did get this little guy to pose for some pics though.
  4. cramerhunts

    December Hunt

    Congratulations on your buck and great story! Thanks for sharing your story, you did a great job on letting us live it like we were there.
  5. cramerhunts

    Tag Soup

    One More.
  6. Hey happy birthday Josh! I hope you have found some time to sit your stand where you were getting the great pics of those great bucks.
  7. cramerhunts

    my dec 24a hunt

    Thanks for keeping us updated and hopefully you find that shooter buck without him pulling the vanishing act on you!
  8. cramerhunts

    what will he score?

    Given the fact that he is hard to see in the picture but with what you are saying I would guess him to go 90-94". If he is thin horned though it will take him down to just below 90". Good luck on getting the big one in Jan.
  9. cramerhunts

    36B Dec. Coues

    Now thats what it is all about! Great Job!
  10. cramerhunts

    35B Dec. Coues

    Congratulations on a great buck and good luck on the second one.
  11. cramerhunts

    Couple of pics.

    Well I got out for a couple of days to set up a couple of trail cameras down in 30A to try and get some pics of the big buck I have been after. I got the cameras set up and hope to have some pics by the first of the year. I saw several bucks that I guess to go around 80-90" but couldn't get them to hold still long enough to catch them on film. The bucks were all showing signs of rutting and giving the does a hard time. I did get up on this group of pigs and couldn't resist taking a few pics.
  12. cramerhunts

    Couple of pics.

    another one.
  13. cramerhunts

    Good Deer from Mexico

    What a great story! Congratulations on an awesome deer. Thank you for sharing your experience with us.
  14. cramerhunts

    Washington Blacktail

    Man that is a great buck! Did he get it with a bow or gun?
  15. cramerhunts

    youth hunt

    Beautiful buck! Congratulations on a very fine first deer hopefully it is the first of many.
  16. cramerhunts

    Dec. 29/30A hunt

    The Pedro's or actually the Pedregosa Mountains are at the south end of the Chiricahua Mountains just north of highway 80 and they run up to the Tex or Rucker Canyon road.
  17. cramerhunts

    Dec. 29/30A hunt

    Creed and Reynaldo, I too love to hunt these fine creatures and love both 29 and 30A. I will be back down in the Pedro's again after Christmas, camped in the same spot as I was during the Nov. rifle hunt. I will be archery hunting with a friend of mine and you guys are more than welcome to stop in and chew the fat. I drive an 04 f-250 super cap, white with a coueswhitetail.com sticker in the back window and my buddy drives a 93 chevy blazer, blue. We will be down there off and on starting the 20th and going through the end of Jan. Phil
  18. cramerhunts

    New Hunting Opportunity in Mexico!

    Alonso, Are your hunts going to be self-guided, partially self-guided, or fully guided? What will the ratio of hunters to guide be? Are your rifles equipped with good optics? What are the dates available for January? When is the hunter required to fly in and when would he fly out? Sorry for so many questions, its just that I am serriously thinking about this as an option. Phil
  19. cramerhunts

    New Hunting Opportunity in Mexico!

    Amanda, It says that they will prepare the deer for transportation back to the US, does that mean that you would have to take care of the paper work and actually bring the deer across yourself? Also do they help with any of the paper work or are you on your own? If I am reading this correctly it would cost $3,700 for the hunt plus $50 a day for rifle rent plus $50 for transportation to the airport, that is if you are sucessful and can't get more than 3 other people to go with you, is this correct.
  20. cramerhunts

    archery rut hunt

    Creed check the post about Cochise County, I responded there and posted a picture of a lion killed buck that I found. I didn't get one but had a great hunt.
  21. cramerhunts

    archery rut hunt

    I will be back in 30A where I spent the Nov. rifle hunt and Aug/Sept. bow hunt. I have been chasing a big buck also now for the last couple of years and as of the last day of the rifle hunt he was still alive and well.
  22. cramerhunts

    Hey Mike!!!!

    Happy Birthday Rembrant! May you have a great one! Good Luck in all you do!
  23. cramerhunts

    Cochise county hunts

    Creed, I spent 9 days down there kicking every rock in the southern part of 30A and even though I didn't tag one I had a great time. I was holding out for one of two bucks that I kept seeing in Aug./Sept. with no luck. I spoted them twice but at great distances and couldn't put a stock together. There was a lot of hunters in there but I didn't see a whole lot of success, one decent 3x3, a 2x3, and a spike. I did find a lion killed buck that would have made a decent trophy, it wasn't very old and all that was left was the skull and front shoulders, the GW said that alot of lion killed deer were being reported. I will be back down there with my bow in Late Dec. early Jan. I looked for you to stop by but I wasn't in camp to much. Phil
  24. cramerhunts

    feild dressing the deer

    I have camp set up at the second gate past where you enter the forest right before you climb out into half moon valley. I will be going down tomorrow and my dad will be there off and on as well.
  25. cramerhunts

    feild dressing the deer

    I went down into the Pedregrosa's this weekend to set up camp for my WT Nov hunt and there was a lot of mulie hunters in there but still managed to see a few does. I did not have a chance to get over into skeleton canyon area though. Creed where were you at? I drive an 04 f-250 with a coueswhitetail.com sticker on the back window and I will be there starting thurs for the whole season or until tagged out, if you are still hunting stop by and say hi.