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Everything posted by cramerhunts

  1. cramerhunts


    You can e-mail them to me at pcramer@boartlongyear.com and I will post them for you.
  2. cramerhunts

    Shortpants and COOSEFAN's adventure

    Congrats on a great buck Jim. As usuall awesome story and pictures. Thanks once again for taking us along with you.
  3. cramerhunts

    Wide rack!

    That is a monster of a body on that buck and a heck of a spread. It almost looks like there is some muley in those genes. One way or another that is a great buck! Congrats. If you have any other pictures it would sure be nice to see them. Thanks for sharing.
  4. cramerhunts

    New Bowtech

    I have been shooting a bowtech Liberty VFT since 04 and love it. Would have a hard time changing to anything else but.....
  5. cramerhunts

    2006 Kodiak Alaska Trip

    Great story. Great pictures! Congrats on a great sounding trip and wonderful trophies. Thanks for sharing them with us.
  6. cramerhunts

    Opening Day Success

    Wow great buck! Congrats on a very unique trophy.
  7. cramerhunts

    heres a good one

    Holy smokes those are huge!
  8. cramerhunts

    Birthday Girl

    Happy b-day Amanda! I hope you have a great day and a great year. Good luck on the up coming hunts and thanks again for all you do. Phil
  9. cramerhunts

    drop away rests

    I shoot the quick tune 2000 drop away from NAP and have good luck with it but only because I have tuned my bow to it. The rest does not completely get out of the way of the fletchings and after a lot of shots I end up with wear on them. If I had to do it over again I would try another brand but I don't want to retune.
  10. Here are a few trail cam pictures from down south. Here is a nice muley that I found up north.
  11. cramerhunts

    Unit 10 archery bull

    Great Story, Great Bull, and great pictures. Congrats and way to go to stick it out.
  12. cramerhunts

    Trail Cam pics

    Great Pictures Ron thanks for sharing them with us.
  13. cramerhunts

    NM unit 34 Bull

    Congrats on another successful hunt. What a year already for Austin and I am sure for you too. Thanks for posting the pictures and story.
  14. cramerhunts

    My archery bull

    Way to go on a very nice bull...Congrats.
  15. cramerhunts


    What burn? I don't recall any burn in 30B so it must be a small or very localized burn.
  16. cramerhunts

    Are they done growing?

    Yeah I got the Nov. Hunt again. Hopefully will be camped in the same spot...did you or your family get any tags Creed?
  17. cramerhunts

    Are they done growing?

    The pictures I got off of my cameras this last weekend still showed velvet on all the bucks.
  18. cramerhunts

    My first archery anything....

    Congrats on a successful bow hunt.
  19. Man the picture of the lake brings back some good memories...I wish that it wouldn't have silted in. Good luck on your quest, I hope you find what you are looking for.
  20. Keven I was about 150 yards from the buck on both pictures. Good luck down in 29 this weekend, I was down last weekend and man was it green...watch out for the snakes.
  21. Beautiful buck, thanks for sharing the pictures and story with us.
  22. cramerhunts

    Monster Muley from Nev.

    Awesome buck no matter what anyone says! Who could actually not put the hammer down on a deer of that caliber even if you don't like non-typical antlers.
  23. Yeah that is the same buck about 10 minutes earlier.
  24. cramerhunts

    One down.......One to go!

    Awesome pictures and story as usuall thanks Jim. Good luck to your brother hopefully his strength on holding out pays off.
  25. cramerhunts

    last years goat

    Great job on a beautiful mount.