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Everything posted by cramerhunts

  1. cramerhunts

    Isaac's first coues shed!!

    Sweet! Bet that sure makes a dad proud! Great way to spend the day.
  2. Man thats a great looking buck there! Awesome. Thanks for sharing.
  3. cramerhunts

    Mule deer

    Good Pics and nice bucks. Thanks for sharing them with us.
  4. Those are great pictures Jim, really clear and vivid!
  5. Stan I won't be making it to any shoots for a while...too busy running around scouting and checking trail cams. It's a good time of year so I'm not complaining by any means. Should have some pictures before to long that are worth sharing.
  6. cramerhunts

    New Trail Pics

    Great pictures of a couple great looking bucks. Thanks for sharing the pics with us.
  7. Awesome job Amanda. Thanks for putting that toghether and sharing it with us. Makes we want to get out there right now.
  8. cramerhunts

    Trail cam pics

    Great pictures. Quite a lot of different critters visiting that spring. Thanks for sharing them with us.
  9. cramerhunts

    better on the wall?Pics

    Great mount on a wonderful buck, awesome! Thanks for sharing the pics with us.
  10. cramerhunts

    Auction Hunt

    Stan I commend you on your posts and the thought that has went into them, very well said. I also like the other avatar Josh....what's the story behind this one? Phil
  11. Stan that first pictures is great...I take it the scouting didn't go so well?
  12. cramerhunts

    nice buck

    I am with every body else to say around 105-110" when its all said and done...Great buck and really good pictures.
  13. cramerhunts

    For all you metal heads out there!

    That's fricken awesome. Great job, what a way to get pumped up for the upcoming seasons!
  14. cramerhunts

    eat your hearts out

    Great pics and I agree that first one will be a nice buck. Thanks for sharing them with us. Makes me want to head down and check my cams but I can't get away for another week.
  15. cramerhunts

    What Would You Change???

    Definately would like to see the management shift gears towards the quality and not quanity as all ready stated. I would also like to see the commision take more consideration in what the WM's have to say. None of this will happen with the current commissioners that are in place though.
  16. cramerhunts

    Do we have any Head Bangers??

    I'm kinda like youngbuck, I listen to everything depending upon the mood I'm in but the sirus is on octane quite a bit. I like Godsmack, Disturbed, Korn, and the rest but I also listen to country as well. So maybe not a true headbanger but you'll hear it coming out of the windows from time to time. Phil
  17. I voted no and I do have a tag that was drawn on-line. I received a letter, an e-mail, and also read it on this forum that you had to send in a certified check or money order....I think there has been plenty of opportunity to get the correct funds in the correct format into the gfd. I also was drawn for javelina that I sent in a paper application and personel check. Not hard to distinguish between the two. This isn't about being upset for not getting drawn or about making mistakes, it's about following the rules and guidelines which in this case was not hard to do.
  18. Doug I would like to donate some water bottles, knives, and hats again this year for prizes but I have lost your address, can you pm me it again?
  19. cramerhunts

    Got a Coose mount back!

    Great work on a beautiful mount. And hey Jim even though it might be one of your smaller bucks but it still is a great buck.
  20. cramerhunts

    July 2007 Guess the Score Contest

    117 and 1/8" Great Buck Doug and what an awesome collection!
  21. cramerhunts

    Want to buy ATV ramp

    Yep that's right. Just let me know when and where and we can hook up. I work off of 79th Ave and Olive and will be in town all week so just let me know. Today won't work though cause they're in my garage at home.
  22. cramerhunts

    Want to buy ATV ramp

    Hey DB I have the set that I bought from you a couple of years ago if you want to buy them back. I sold my quads so I guess I really don't need them anymore.
  23. Well I picked up my 06 mount from Weller's in Tucson and I can't be more happy with it. They not only did it in the estimated amount of time but they did a great job as well. Sorry the pictures are a little blurry but I took them with my phone as the wife had the digital.
  24. cramerhunts

    Got my 06 Mount Back.

    Thanks for the kind words. He went just shy of 110" with 109 5/8" gross.
  25. cramerhunts

    Horns Are Growing!!

    Great Pics and thanks for sharing them with us. You have to let us know how that first buck turns out.