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Everything posted by cramerhunts

  1. cramerhunts

    First Coues

    First...second....tenth... what ever that is a great buck! Congrats to your brother and thanks for posting the pictures for him. Phil
  2. cramerhunts

    trail cam pics

    To be honest not quite sure on the score but it is a heck of a buck and great pictures. Thanks for posting them for us to share. Phil
  3. Awesome buck Josh! Great to see all of your hard work pay off. Great pictures as well. Phil
  4. cramerhunts

    Finally got him!

    Great bucks and with smoke poles too! A huge congrats to you and your partner. What a b-day present. I am with Jim it looks like they are from the same gene pool. Phil
  5. cramerhunts

    Tent Scandal

    Well I guess you could say that I might be guilty of that since I have a camp that has been set since the 19th of October and my hunt doesn't start till next weekend. That being said either myself, my father, or my hunting partner has been there every weekend scouting, which I'm about to head out the door to do again. We don't have it set because we fear someone else getting that spot but instead because we spend so much time scouting and its quite a long drive from where we live. Phil
  6. cramerhunts

    my best & my dad's first

    Holy smokes what a couple of great bucks! Those things are pigs with a ton of charcter as well. I can't get over the mass and length of the eye guards on your buck! Your dads is a whopper as well with points where there just shouldn't be any. Unbelievable! Congrats. Phil
  7. Man what an awesome trophy wall! They all look great (even that floppy eared guy). Thanks for posting it for us Jim and once again congrats to Popps! Phil
  8. cramerhunts

    Mineral licks

    I couldn't agree more with what Desert Bull wrote. This has been my experience as well. Phil
  9. Congrats on a great buck! Look forward to seeing more pics and hearing the story. Phil
  10. cramerhunts

    First Post, First Coues Deer with a bow.

    Welcome to the site and what a great way to introduce yourself with a great archery buck. Feel free to post up all of those trail cam pics when you get a minute. Phil
  11. cramerhunts

    My 2007 "rifle hunt" buck

    Awesome buck and especially with a bow during a hot rifle hunt. Congrats on a great accomplishment and thanks for sharing it with us. Phil
  12. cramerhunts

    Guess the score.

    I think he's a little better than what you'd think all though we can't see the width I'm gonna put him at 103 gross and 95 net. I tried scoring him when you first posted the story and I was all over the place....it will be interesting for sure but don't leave us hanging to long. Phil
  13. cramerhunts

    first photo

    Thanks for posting the picture but at that angle all you can tell is that he looks like a pretty good buck! Keep trying and you'll get a better view and then post him up and we'll pick him apart for ya. Phil
  14. Awesome video of an awesome buck! Congrats again. Phil
  15. Awesome story and pics as always Jim. A huge congrats on an awesome buck! He sure does have a lot of character...what a beauty! Thanks for posting your hunt for us to relive! Phil
  16. cramerhunts

    Shorty Bags a Buck...

    Man what an awesome buck! Congrats. Great pictures as well. Let's here T-Bone's story and see some more pics...you better get him to sign in and post them up. Thanks for sharing your adventure with us. Phil
  17. cramerhunts

    First Post

    Welcome to the site Mr. Smith and good luck to you and Mrs. Smith on your upcoming hunt. Like everyone else said.....take a lot of pics and make sure and share your hunt with us regardless of the out come. Phil
  18. cramerhunts

    My hunt

    Congrats! Way to get out there and get er done even though you had a very limited amount of time. Phil
  19. cramerhunts

    frustration buck

    Congrats to you and your brother. Sometimes no matter how much work we have put into something it just doesn't work out. Way to stick with it and enjoy your hunt even though its not the buck you were after. Phil
  20. cramerhunts

    Not a coues but still a whitetail

    Awesome buck Stan! How about a little story to go with it? Phil
  21. cramerhunts

    2 Dandy bucks

    Awesome bucks and great pictures. Congrats to you and your dad. Phil
  22. cramerhunts

    A great coues buck

    When I took the mental tape to it I came up with 90-93. So I would say he's on the higher end of the range the author stated. I was thinking 95" gross so I feel better about my scoring ability. I didn't see the part about mid 90's....I guess I was too excited to get to the pictures. It looks like a score sheet in the bottom pic doesn't it? Regardless its a nice buck no matter what the figures are. Phil
  23. cramerhunts

    A great coues buck

    Great buck and great story. A very good write up. Is it just me or does anyone else think he looks a lot bigger then what the author states? Phil
  24. cramerhunts

    Taking Pops out to 36B

    Awesome buck. Man those are some great main beams with some awesome tine lenght as well. Good job on the pictures as well. Good luck in November and I'm with you...I hope the snakes stay in their holes. Phil
  25. cramerhunts

    Two tags filled

    Absolutely beautiful buck and your dad's is nice too! Congrats to both of you and how awesome to share it with your dad. Good wirte up! I'm like you keep the pics and stories coming. I can't wait for the ninth to roll around! Phil