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Everything posted by cramerhunts

  1. cramerhunts

    New Member

    Welcome. You've come to the right place for sure. Just don't try and e-scout and make sure and share all of the pictures you can as you'll see we love pictures. Phil
  2. cramerhunts

    Nice Buck

    Man what a whopper buck. Good luck on taking him and keep feeding us pics as you get them. Phil
  3. cramerhunts

    Trail Cam Pics

    Cool pics. Thanks for posting them for us. Phil
  4. cramerhunts

    Rocky Mnt. Bighorn Pictures

    Beautiful pics of some great looking country and rams. Good luck on your hunt and make sure and keep us posted...looks to me you're off to a great start. Phil
  5. cramerhunts

    Good Luck Charm!!!

    Great pics! You're right you are gonna be in trouble when she gets bigger. If you find sheds like that I would have her in the woods 24/7! Phil
  6. cramerhunts

    Early Pics.

    Well I finally got a few days off work so the wife and I loaded up the truck and headed south. We dropped the kids off at the grandparents and we were on our way. Every little draw had running water and the normally brown dry country was green and lush. We loaded up our packs and spent the day hiking and setting up trail cameras. We ended up seeing five different bucks throughout the day but I only could get pictures of these two little guys. All of the bucks seem to have alot of growing to do still. I only found one old chalk shed but I also only came across one rattlesnake which is pretty good for me. I have a lot of time to scout between now and December so hopefully the rains really help. Phil Here's my wife Tammy getting ready to head out. A couple of bucks. The old shed. And the rattler. Sorry for the bad picture but there just was too much brush and I wasn't getting any closer.
  7. cramerhunts

    Little Non-typ

    Yep could be pretty sweet in a few years if he keeps growing like that. Phil
  8. cramerhunts

    Bears in the pears!

    That is a cool color phase right there. Phil
  9. cramerhunts

    Pics of my mount

    You were right on the better late then never part! He did a beautiful job on the mount and form. Unique for a unique buck! I would be fondling them horns too....that's too cool. Thanks for posting the pics. Phil
  10. cramerhunts

    Hannah Montanna

    Are you kidding me.....I have a seven year old and a five year old....both girls...you were not the only duffus! Phil
  11. cramerhunts

    New Tshirt design

    I like it! It would be cool if you could use multiple bucks as well. Phil
  12. cramerhunts

    My Other Mexico Buck

    Great job Keven. Looks like you have the taxi work down! Beautiful buck. Phil
  13. cramerhunts

    New Tshirt design

    I agree Doug, I think the last design that Chef posted is the best so far. I like the green though. Phil
  14. cramerhunts

    Check out this buck

    I'm thinking there is a little more bone there so I'll say 108-114". Great looking buck. Phil
  15. cramerhunts

    Early Pics.

    Yep it is a lot of work in this area but its worth it because there are no roads and therefore no other people at least I have never seen any sign of anyone else in there. Speaking of southern areas which one will you be in this fall? Phil
  16. Man that sucks Stan, I just put four cameras up yesterday so I hate hearing about another cam gone. Phil
  17. cramerhunts

    Antelope Pic's

    I'm guessing older brother and younger brother. Anyway you slice it they're both great bucks. And by the way happy birthday, I hope you had a great one. Phil
  18. cramerhunts

    Time for a name change!

    I think azcouesandelk is probably the best but bobbyo had some pretty good ones. Phil
  19. cramerhunts

    Coues Deer Celebration 5!!!

    Great video Amanda. I really liked the start with the awesome sunrise/sunset pictures. My family always wants me to wait and watch it with them once they find out there's a new one ready but I had to sneak a peak and once I saw my girls in there I knew this one would be really special for them. Thanks for everything and especially another great video! Phil
  20. cramerhunts

    2007-08 Big Game Super Raffle Elk

    Completely awesome bull. Can't wait to hear the story. Congrats to the outfitters and the hunter. That's great Jim. Phil
  21. cramerhunts

    Few weekend sheds

    Good pile of bone for a weekend's efforts. Looks like you have a fresh coues shed there as a bonus. Sweet! Thanks for posting the pics. Phil
  22. cramerhunts

    scoutguard sg550

    Thanks for the update youngbuck. I am still interested in this camera but now am working on two more home brews but sooner or later the commercial cameras will become more cost effective and just as efficient. Phil
  23. cramerhunts


    Happy Birthday, I hope you have a great one. Phil
  24. cramerhunts


    Still can't believe it but my buddy and I got unit 29 December tags! Headed to put out trail cams on Monday. Phil
  25. cramerhunts

    roys first shed

    Cool find! Looks like a nice one too. Phil