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Everything posted by cramerhunts

  1. cramerhunts

    COUES 08

    Very good job on the write up of your hunt and great pictures. Congrats on a nice buck and don't give up on that goal for the 100 incher. The big ones are out there and I saw much of the same in the area that I hunted this past December. I saw two different bucks rutting hard but that was it! I saw a lot of does day in and day out without any bucks even close to them and I saw the biggest bucks either by themselves or running with another buck. I don't like all of the hunts and the number of tags in those hunts but I can't say that I've noticed a decline in the quality of bucks that I've seen....yet! Phil
  2. cramerhunts

    Allergic to Coues Deer????

    Wow Scott that is sure an awesome buck and I can see why you can't get him off your mind! Good luck on getting in there on him. What a toad of a muley as well. Great pictures, thanks for sharing them with us. Phil
  3. cramerhunts

    Small Desert carp

    Congrats on a neat buck! Its an awesome feeling to get it all on tape! Phil
  4. cramerhunts

    got a caoti

    Awesome job Troy! Keep up the good work and keep posting those pictures for us! Good luck on the coues! Phil
  5. cramerhunts

    08 AZ Coues.

    Ok well to start off alot of you knew that I drew one of the very hard to come by December Tags in SouthEastern Arizona. Well before I found out that I had drew that tag I had agreed to buy a Mexico tag that happended to be starting the same weekend as the Arizona hunt. So off to Mexico I went. My dad and hunting partner So I hunt went down and set up camp before the season and then hunted while I was in Mexico with some nice bucks spotted but no shots were fired. As soon as I got back from MX I spent a couple days at home with the family and then headed down to camp. My dad was able to join me for a couple of days and even though I spotted some nice bucks I again headed home for Christmas with my tag still safely in my pocket. Here is a nice big three by three. And I really wanted this buck that I called the "little big buck". He is a four by three plus eye guards and only about 7 inches wide! So I hunt headed down on Christmas day and then Rut and I met him the day after. My dad got to pop in to camp as well. We were greated with very strong winds and some socked in country to glass. That night was extremely cold and the weather cleared to give us a great day the next morning. Here is the cold camp! And here is the start of a beautiful day! The next couple of days were absolutely great with some very nice bucks being spotted and some great weather to be had. We had not seen hardly any signs of the rut all though I did see one very nice buck chasing a doe, the majority of the bucks were by themselves or had smaller bucks traveling with them. Here is a neat video of a 90ish type of buck licking a small two point that Rut was able to take. Licking I knew time was running out and started to get a little anxious. We knew that there were at least two bucks in the area that would break the 110" mark and it was just a matter of time until we had a chance at one of them. One evening after spending all day on the same little point I happen to spot a nice buck walking up a ridge about 700 yards away. I couldn't hold out any longer and the stalk was on. I crossed a couple of small draws and closed the distance to 320 yards. I got a good solid rest and let him have it. I was very relieved to see the buck drop after I had missed down in Mexico at a lot closer distance. I got a hold of Rut and So I hunt on the radio and asked them if they could pick me up on the nearest road that I could think of. I still had to get up the ridge to the deer and darkness was coming fast. I managed to get the deer taken care of and packed out to the road about the same time as they rolled up in the truck. I chose not to take the time for the field pictures as it was a late enough night as it was so these are all I could do. My buck is a 4x4 plus eyeguards and scores an even 101". The next day we happened to spot one of the big ones and So I hunt and I took off on a long winded stalk just to never see the buck or his smaller buddy again and that's pretty much how the hunt ended for us. I know that So I hunt will be back down this month with his bow and I can only hope to draw again next year. I can't thank my dad or hunting partners enough! It's always a pleasure to spend time with them in the woods. Phil
  6. cramerhunts

    Double Down on Pigs

    Congrats to you and your Pops Christian! Good luck on the bucks and keep that camera clicking! Love the photos and stories. Phil
  7. cramerhunts

    Neat Picture!

    Awesome pictue and one heck of a buck! Thanks for sharing that with us! Phil
  8. cramerhunts

    My 2009 Desert Archer Mule Deer

    What a stud in more ways then one! Congrats on such a beauty! Phil
  9. cramerhunts

    09 started off very good!

    Wow that is awesome! What a start to the new year! A huge congrats to you buddy on a great trip. I'm sure there will be plenty of friends to help out in 09 on some coues hunts. Nice buck and pig with the bow! Phil
  10. cramerhunts

    Broke in the new bow!

    Nicely done Jim. Phil
  11. cramerhunts

    My Lion Story

    That's one cool story shorty! Thanks for taking the time to write it down for us. Phil
  12. cramerhunts


    Awesome job on the write up and great buck! I felt like I was right there with ya. Congrats on a beautiful buck. Phil
  13. cramerhunts

    1st Archery DEER

    Congrats on a nice first archery buck! Better watch out now that the archery fever has started to take hold. Phil
  14. cramerhunts

    Fobbed Coues Deer

    Awesome buck! Congrats on a beauty. Great bow harvest and thanks for the info on the fobs. Phil
  15. cramerhunts

    08 AZ Coues.

    Thanks for the comments guys. Amanda since I didn't get any field pics I thought I could at least show off the shirt and sticker! Phil
  16. cramerhunts


    Sorry to hear about your misfortunes....nothing pisses me off more then scumbag theives! Someday they'll all get what they have coming to them! Phil
  17. cramerhunts

    Javelina Down

    Congrats Clay on a nice pig. Phil
  18. cramerhunts

    My New Years Day Mulie!

    Great buck! A huge congrats on that bad boy. Phil
  19. cramerhunts

    Gr8wht Jr Does it!

    Very nice buck! Congrats and good luck on the pig tag. Thanks for taking the time to post the pics, looking forward to hearing the story. Phil
  20. cramerhunts

    New Years Day Coues

    Very nice buck indeed! Congrats on a great buck. I am having a hard time judging bucks lately but he looks to be in the mid to high 90's so I'll say 95". Phil
  21. cramerhunts

    2008 Archery Coues hunt

    Hang in there guys, I'm sure all of your hard work will pay off! Awesome Lion Kill. Phil
  22. cramerhunts

    when do you mount yours?

    Very nice bucks for sure! I think that when to mount one is up to the individual and it changes for each person or each deer. I personally have a 110" typical on the wall so it will require something bigger then that or something unique before the next one gets done. Phil
  23. cramerhunts

    08 AZ Coues.

    Yep headed back down on the 15th of this month, even though I had my chance I didn't connect the first trip to Mexico. Thanks. Phil
  24. cramerhunts

    Cramerhunts where is the story

    Ok ok I got it done. My O8 December hunt Phil
  25. cramerhunts

    Matthewp45 scores a big San Carlos buck!

    Very awesome buck! Great character and what a toad to boot! Congrats Matt on a great deer. Phil