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Everything posted by cramerhunts

  1. cramerhunts

    Thought on Permit Fees

    I would be all for it. I don't see a real reason why you would need to lower the app. fee since you are currently paying year after year anyway. The only hicup is what if you are just putting in for a bonus point? Just the app. fee with no change to your account maybe? Phil
  2. cramerhunts

    Lil fella

    That's a nice picture and a nice shed, thanks for sharing. What makes you think that the shed is from that buck though? Phil
  3. cramerhunts

    Covert II Elk Videos

    Those are awesome Scott. Look forward to when you get back and check them again, have a safe trip and hurry back to get us some more horn porn! Phil
  4. cramerhunts

    Lil better elk pics

    Very nice pictures and that one bull does look to be a dandy! Thanks for sharing them with us. Phil
  5. cramerhunts

    He's growing good!

    Absolutely Awesome! What a pig! Phil
  6. cramerhunts


    Happy birthday Casey, hope it treats you well! Phil
  7. cramerhunts

    Where Was Your Camera Stolen From

    I've had cameras stolen in two different regions plus one in Mexico, but I've had one stolen and another messed with in region 5 so that's where my vote went. Phil
  8. cramerhunts

    Happy 21st Younghunter

    Happy Birthday Christian! Phil
  9. cramerhunts

    couple of pics

    Awesome pictures Keven! Looks like they have plenty of feed to keep those antlers growing! Thanks for sharing. Phil
  10. cramerhunts

    50 Mile Scout hike

    Very, very cool! A huge kudos for you. I'm sure those memories will be with the boys for ever. Phil
  11. cramerhunts

    2 Lion Kills

    Incredible finds for sure! Congrats! Very cool bucks with great charater.....love those eyeguards. Phil
  12. cramerhunts

    Got my mount back!

    Beautiful mount and beautiufl buck(s)! I love seeing a great Coues mount, in my opinion there is nothing prettier. Congrats. Phil
  13. cramerhunts

    through the years

    Man that's awesome DB. Great growth already and he looks to be in fantastic shape! Phil
  14. cramerhunts

    matched set and single

    Great finds for sure, really neat character on the single. Congrats. I wear the wrap around leggins as well and so far they've worked good. I had one stike me in the shin last weekend and fortunatelly all it did was give me one heck of a scare. Phil
  15. cramerhunts

    Remeber this one?

    Very nice Casey and Scott! Good work guys on a sweet mount and buck. Phil
  16. cramerhunts

    Premonsoon photos from the Covert II

    Great pictures again Scott! That is one neat looking bull with those tops. Good deal on not losing the cam. Phil
  17. cramerhunts

    good days in the hills

    Very very cool! Those have to be some of the best arrowheads I've seen. Great glyphs as well! I would say it was a very good day. Phil
  18. cramerhunts

    Covert cam critter shots

    Awesome pictures Amanda. That one bull is very nice! Cool buck pic as well....neat pose. Phil
  19. cramerhunts


    Good deal.....now how about some pictures? Phil
  20. cramerhunts

    Can Someone Critique my Trail Cam Setup

    As far as the water it depends upon the amount of moisture you're getting. If its dry and not raining much then yes it can really help getting the lick going. You'll find that the deer will lick, chew the soil that the salt has leached into and not the actual salt. I've had to put the camera about five feet directly above the salt before to get rid of the false triggers and it doesn't seem to bother the deer. Here is a pic from that particular set up. Phil
  21. cramerhunts

    Can Someone Critique my Trail Cam Setup

    Kind of hard to tell the exact angle of the camera but I would have put the deercane in the middle of the two trees with the camera pointed straight down more. This would have given you a smaller field of view but really cut down on the false pictures. As it is it appears to me you will have the branches from the cedar and all of the ground cover in the back ground giving you fits. I think you did good by putting it in the general area that seems to be quite active just maybe a little more time in the site set up will give you better results. Also don't forget to keep the camera pointed north/south as much as possible. Phil
  22. cramerhunts

    ADA Banquet...

    I had a great time seeing old friends and meeting new ones! I finally pulled in a rifle as well....good food, good people, and good drinks all for a great cause. Finally got to meet Jim and Manny as well but unfortunately not till the end of the night. I was amazed at how cheap some of the really nice stuff went for but times are indeed tuff....just wish I could of taken advantage of some of them. It was a pleasure and looking forward to next year. Phil
  23. cramerhunts

    Any Archaeologists here?

    Very interesting stuff......almost as good as Lance's post except we really don't know how this one will turn out! Phil
  24. cramerhunts

    couple o' sheds

    Awesome! Phil
  25. cramerhunts

    Check out these pics

    Great pictures Clay! Got some good growth going on a couple of those bucks. Love the bobcat picture. Phil