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Everything posted by palivs2hnt

  1. palivs2hnt

    Misty's Bull!

    Congrats on a sensational bull! +1 on the video!
  2. palivs2hnt

    First Bull for 15 year old

    Gotta love those Father/Son hunts and a huge contrats on a sensational Bull!
  3. palivs2hnt

    Trophy's Steakhouse - Queen Creek

    I have eaten there a couple of times. Good food and great people. My kids love the place!
  4. palivs2hnt

    351" bull

    Solid bull! Nice mass and good fourths~congrats!
  5. Going 3/4 is a huge accomplishment with the rut hitting so late! You guys are doing something right! Congrats.
  6. palivs2hnt

    Scott Adams?

    Those are all sensational bulls! Job well done!
  7. palivs2hnt

    Giant Bull Elk

    Holy crap that is awsome! What a bull!
  8. palivs2hnt

    AZ Archery Bull Down!

    Amazing 4th's! Sensational bull!
  9. palivs2hnt

    *2009 Bull Elk success*

    Great story and a sensational bull! Huge congrats!
  10. I would agree with the last statement ......"you'll never kill a monster if you shoot a dink". I find it toughest to pass on the smaller, yet still great bucks, in order to take a "Monster". Being patient is a huge factor in tagging a Monster buck. Great thread!
  11. palivs2hnt

    Guess the Score - Sept 09

    127 1/8
  12. I have had them for about 2 years. I love them. Great glass...a bit on the heavy side.
  13. palivs2hnt

    Unit 10 archery bull

    Congrats on a great first bull!
  14. palivs2hnt

    No buck, but a lion instead

    Speechless! Huge congrats!
  15. palivs2hnt

    First Muley - Jacked For Sure!!!

    Congrats on a sensational year thus far! Can't wait to see NM pictures...get it done!
  16. palivs2hnt

    2009 archery success

    Sounds like you have had a great fall archery thus far! Congrats!
  17. palivs2hnt

    Archery Buck

    Outstanding! I love the color on the deer. Congrats young man!
  18. Hey all archery gurus! I have an opportunity to purchase a Mission X3 bow in my draw length, set up with: fuse quiver, whisper biscuit, Tru-Glo 5 pin sight, peep site, stabilizer, Wrist strap and release for $450.00. My questions are two part: 1) Is this a decent price for this set up? 2) What do you think of the Mission series as far as quality is concerned. I understand that warranty is not transferable. Bow is in good condition. Thanks in advance!
  19. palivs2hnt

    Archery Antelope

    That is a sweet looking goat! Congrats and way to wait it out!
  20. palivs2hnt

    AZ Giant 128 4/8

    WOW! Congrats...I really enjoyed the video. Don't know if I would of been able to keep my composure and turn on the camera. Sensational!
  21. Way to get it done BML. I really enjoyed the story and definately the end result!
  22. palivs2hnt

    This little guy

    PM me and we'll get in touch prior to the hunt. Talk to you later.
  23. palivs2hnt

    This little guy

    I am sure I'll be helping out someone this winter. How 'bout you? you pull another tag? Yea...Kevin and I both drew again. Possibly see ya up there. Hang in there and tag that deer!
  24. palivs2hnt

    This little guy

    Keep at it Jeremy. I'm sure you'll be able to put a tag on him. You up there again this year for the Elk hunt? Justin
  25. palivs2hnt


    Fantastic buck! Congrats Clay!