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About jonscaife

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    where ever i throw my bag

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  1. jonscaife

    Are there any decent bucks left in unit 21?

    Honestly, maybe it’s not a strip or Kaibab tag but this is awesome tag! Rut activity will be starting to kick in in the northern part of the unit and 150”+ should not be a problem. Have fun!
  2. jonscaife

    Kaibab Camping

    Thanks guys!! Appreciate the help!
  3. jonscaife

    Kaibab Camping

    So I'm taking the family up to the north rim at the end of the month for a camping/scouting trip for my 12A East general hunt. Anyone with any experience have any recommendations for a place to camp? The wife would love to be in the aspens. Anyone want to shoot me an area or two? Thanks in advance!
  4. jonscaife

    Unit 10 Youth deer hunt

    Paradise ridge
  5. jonscaife

    12a East early, not gonna lie, I'm E-scouting

    Thanks! That buck is from unit that is considered average at best. So Im stoked to have a tag with a chance something even bigger.
  6. So I'm in a bit of a predicament. After 8 years in a row of drawing local units around my house, I decided I needed to commit to killing a mule deer with my bow. Problem is, if I have a rifle tag in my pocket, I tend to commit to it. My plan going into the draw was to put in for the 'Bab, not draw, start accumulating bonus points and hunt the OTC archery hunts around my house. Well, I ran into a little bit of a problem with my plan (a very good problem I might add), I drew my first choice, 12A East early. I'm a pretty experienced mule deer hunter but new to the 'Bab. I'm super excited for the hunt! Any words of advice from anyone that has experience up there? Any thoughts on where the deer tend to end up during the hunt (pines, pinyon/juniper, sage flats)? I know that can be weather dependent but does hunting pressure play a role in that too? Any thoughts or tips would be greatly appreciated. Honey holes are welcomed or just feel free to talk crap about my e-scouting. Feel free to DM me or text 928-925-4067 or whatever. Oh and here's a pic of my best mule deer to date just cause.
  7. Let me clarify a few things and get pretty detailed here for a second. Yes you can have an elk hunt every year (kind of) and here is how: 1:OTC elk tags. Pros:You can go down to the AZGFD office and pick up a tag. Cons:You will never ever even see an elk. 2:Late archery bull hunts Pros: Great draw odds. There's a few hunts that seem to hover in the 70-80% draw rate with a couple that are as high as 90%, so theoretically if you put those hunts as first and second choice you should draw a hunt every year. There are a fair amount of elk in these areas and some nice bulls have been taken on these hunts. Cons: These are tough hunts. Plan on either sitting water (BBBBBOOOOOOORRRRRRRIIIIIINNNGGGG!!!!!) or spot and stalk in some nasty country. These hunts have pretty low success rates, not because of lack of animals, but because they are hard to kill this time of year with a bow. 3: Late rifle cow hunts Pros: Good draw odds. There are a few hunts that hover between 40-60% draw odds, so once again, theoretically, if you put these hunts as first and second choice you have a pretty high possibility of pulling a tag every year. Cons: It's not a bull hunt. Also, weather can start to play a huge factor, I had some buddies a couple years back that got snowed in for a week on one of these hunts. These are also surprisingly difficult hunts. There's usually plenty of elk but they've been pretty pressured by this point and are real spooky. That being said, if you do your homework and hunt hard you have a good shot of coming home with a freezer full of meat. 4:Limited Opportunity Any Elk hunts Pros: Decent draw odds. These hunts are usually in the 30-40% range, so if used as first and second choice there is a good chance you pull the tag (you may not get a tag every year but probably more like every 2 out of 3 years). Some monster bulls have been taken out of these hunts. Also, it's an any elk tag, so if you see an elk you can shoot it, which is nice. Cons: Elk are few and far between on these hunts. Plan on hitting this hunt HARD if you want to stand a chance at getting an elk. If you want a high quality hunt in Arizona you'll have to wait a couple years. If you just want to get out there and have a good time with the possibility of getting some meat then it's possible to do it every year. I live in Chino (just north of Prescott) so if you have any questions about what units to apply for that are close by for elk or deer or whatever, feel free to pm me and I'll line you out.
  8. jonscaife

    Has anyone used ALPS backpack?

    I have the traverse. I think it's a fantastic design but I find it to be a little on the heavy side. That being said, I have hauled multiple deer and an elk out of the woods with it. It holds up well and feels great when loaded down. They have great customer support as well. I blew a zipper on a backpacking alps pack and the replaced the whole pack no questions asked.
  9. jonscaife

    what might this bull score?

    I believe this bull is being grossly underestimated. I'm saying 380. He is a solid 330/340 bull with just his frame, add up the trash and you got 370/380 bull there my friend.
  10. jonscaife

    Unit to apply for thoughts?

    jay scott put up a podcast where he goes over ever single unit and the pros/cons with each. Listen to that and you will know exactly what you want to do. in fact there is a post on this forum where he provides a link to the podcast.
  11. jonscaife

    Dear max point holders,........

    I personally would like the current bonus point system to be done away with. I say do away with the max point system and just run the whole thing like the 1&2 pass. I feel like the max point pass makes is feel that eventually we should be garenteed a tag and the reality with species like sheep that's probably just not possible.
  12. jonscaife

    Bighorn Sheep Units Breakdown

    Awesome breakdown fellas! I feel pretty darn squared away at what I'm gonna do now. Thnx again!
  13. jonscaife

    AZGFD portal

    7w early cow for the mrs. It's her first hunt ever. Should be a blast!
  14. jonscaife

    Card Hit - 2016 style

    Congrats on the tag! The results will be up on the website here within a couple days. The tags will be mailed out shortly there after.
  15. jonscaife

    G&F page....somethings happening!

    Worked fine for me.