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Everything posted by Savageman2506

  1. Savageman2506

    Rim Lake Conditions

    dang, guess its time to replace my windshield ๐Ÿ˜‚
  2. Savageman2506

    Rim Lake Conditions

    there's still 18-24 inches of snow on the ground in many places. It will melt off quick if we keep this warm weather. Hopefully they'll open early
  3. Savageman2506

    Arizonaโ€™s Hunt 3096 Unit 3A

  4. Savageman2506

    Interested in Budget 20/28 guage

    I've got a Franchi 48AL in 20 gauge for sale. Haven't listed it on this forum yet but I'm getting rid of it because I prefer to wingshoot left-handed and a semi doesn't work well, throwing spent shells in my face. Weighs 5.6 lbs empty, about 6 loaded. Very light and fast aiming.
  5. Savageman2506

    Rim Lake Conditions

    Just drove down to Payson yesterday. Still 70-100% snow coverage above the rim in most places. Near Clint's well was starting to thaw out. Closer to Payson was melted off, but lots of forest roads still closed, and some had downed trees in trail. FS will be getting a slow start this year to opening, everything still muddy and washed out.
  6. Savageman2506

    Rivers are Running!! Fill them lakes up

    not too sure, I did see at least one large tank with a decent amount of water in it
  7. Savageman2506

    Cooler Size Question

    I don't think it matter much either way, although more ice wont hurt. The precooling comment is probably a good idea.
  8. Savageman2506

    Cooler Size Question

    use blocks of ice, not cubes, they'll last longer. Also, drain it whenever you stop for the night and again in the morning. That will keep your meat in the best shape. You'll probably have to restock on ice at least once
  9. Savageman2506

    Rivers are Running!! Fill them lakes up

    I'll have to bring my pole and verify
  10. Savageman2506

    Arizona Trail - Any Fanatics???

    I've found a couple decent spots in 7E but know nothing about 11M, other than the elk I see on my way to work sometimes lol
  11. it exists, but you'll pay a pretty penny ๐Ÿ˜‚ this is similar. Still expensive, especially for a 10/22, but a good option https://www.leupold.com/vx-freedom-3-9x50-illum-firedot-twilight-hunter-riflescope Vortex makes one too, if you're into broken optics lol https://www.amazon.com/Vortex-Optics-Crossfire-4-12x44-Riflescope/dp/B00794LJSM/ref=as_li_ss_tl?crid=10MRTSEFRY1SH&dchild=1&keywords=vortex%2Bcf2-31007&qid=1585340257&sprefix=Vortex%2BCF2-%2Caps%2C147&sr=8-1-spons&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEyWjhYSTNHQTk4STlZJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwMzExNzY5QkhCSzZQVUQzRVhIJmVuY3J5cHRlZEFkSWQ9QTAyNjE5MjIyMUdXV0ZOQjM2NjhEJndpZGdldE5hbWU9c3BfYXRmJmFjdGlvbj1jbGlja1JlZGlyZWN0JmRvTm90TG9nQ2xpY2s9dHJ1ZQ&th=1&linkCode=sl1&tag=scopereviews08-20&linkId=2edefd067fbdd0249faf6723e1b8aa8e&psc=1
  12. Savageman2506

    Cooler Size Question

    It depends on how the meat is packaged, but I'd say you'll be close. You can fit a good-sized cow elk in a 150 quart cooler but not much room for ice. It was quartered, so probably 150ish lbs of meat. You might want to bring an extra 60 quart or so just in case. It's definitely big enough for an entire deer. Another tip is to duct-tape the lid down expect for a small vent, so it holds in as much cold as possible. Don't want it air-tight or it'll pop itself. Dry ice also releases C02, so you'll want to be careful about that if it's in an enclosed space like a car.
  13. Savageman2506

    Rivers are Running!! Fill them lakes up

    Went to Lake Mary spillway today for a class project, Lower Mary is completely full, bank to bank, and more still flowing in. Good for recharging the aquifer around Flag. I wonder how long the water will hang around for. Lower Lake has a porous limestone bedrock.
  14. Savageman2506

    Arizona Trail - Any Fanatics???

    I probably ran into you at some point ๐Ÿ˜‚. I had a little buck walk right in front of me while I was literally taking a rest on (unbeknownst to me at the time) the AZT. Couldn't figure out why there were so many dang hikers. Finally looked at it on OnX and figured it out...
  15. Savageman2506

    Enlightened Equipment Enigma Quilt (price drop)

    pictures sell items, just sayin.
  16. Savageman2506

    Lees Ferry

    what time of year do you fish it? that might have some say in it as well, although I have no idea personally, haven't made my way up there yet.
  17. Savageman2506

    Rivers are Running!! Fill them lakes up

    Wow, that's a lot. We only got a light dusting in Flag.
  18. Savageman2506

    Manfrotto 290 xtra

    Dusty is a honest seller. I received the tripod today, and he was very quick to respond. Add him to the good guy list if he isnt already
  19. Savageman2506

    Manfrotto 290 xtra

    I'll take it. PM inbound
  20. Savageman2506

    Head on a Swivel

    they should definitely allow CCW permit-holding teachers to carry at school. Absolutely no reason why a card-carrying person cant or shouldn't be able to defend their classes from these nutjobs instead of waiting for the police to do it for them.
  21. Savageman2506

    Online hunters safety

    that's correct. I can only speak for the Ethically Hunting Arizona Course, but all you get is an email certifying you completed it and that you're awarded a lifetime bonus point. For juniors they still need to complete an in-person training day.
  22. Savageman2506

    Arizona mountain lion attacks person

    lion attacks seem to be on the rise all over the west. I just heard about an attack in Colorado where one attacked a man in his hot tub
  23. Savageman2506

    Christensen Arms 6.5 Creedmore

    They can't. But, if you admit you didn't they'll void the warranty. Just warning people
  24. Savageman2506

    Christensen Arms 6.5 Creedmore

    I'm in town at one of the apartments. College student life. Lol.
  25. Savageman2506

    **Price Drop** 2017 Nissan Versa S
